Ch. 23 Fate of the Pharaoh: Yugi vs Rafael

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Meanwhile, Duke was just driving his car on the way to where Yami was located at with Sora, Joey and Tristan all riding along.

"Buckle up, guys." Duke instructed them, just before there was a bump on the road.

"Who needs roads when you got one of these bad boys?" Joey grinned.

"Yeah, so step on it so we can find Yugi!" Tristan agreed excitedly.

'I just hope both Yami and Yugi are okay.' Sora thought to herself nervously.

"10-4, hang on, fellas." Duke grinned, just before he drove his car more faster which got Joey, Tristan and Sora to all hold on as tight as they could so they wouldn't fall off the car and they had panicked looks on their faces.

"Mommy!" Joey cried out, just before both he and Tristan suddenly flew off the car!

"Are you three still in one piece?" Duke asked the trio as he hoped that they were still in the car.

"I am, but I don't think Joey and Tristan are..." Sora replied while sweatdropping, which got Duke frustrated just as he turned his car around and stopped it so he could take out his binoculars and see where Joey and Tristan were at.

"I told them to buckle up!" Duke grumbled in irritation.

"Well, in case you haven't noticed, Duke, your car has no seatbelts." Sora deadpanned, just before both she and Duke saw both Joey and Tristan running towards them as they looked traumatized after what had just happened.

So as soon as both Joey and Tristan had gotten back inside the car, Sora gave them both an annoyed look while snapping at them, "Can't you two just hold on tight like I did?!"

"We were nervous, okay?!" Both Joey and Tristan snapped back, which only made Sora roll her eyes just before Duke kept driving his car. As the car kept driving, the sun had finally come up and Tristan was looking at the map to see if they were going the right direction.

"This map's all wrong, guys! I've looked at every inch and there's no bridge!" He exclaimed in frustration, which got Sora annoyed and Joey snarled with "Why don't you try looking ahead?!"

Then suddenly, Sora noticed the bridge in front of her and the guys and that was when they realized that they were driving on the bridge!!!

"I don't think this bride was meant for large automobiles!" Joey pointed out fearfully.

"Gee, what gave that away?" Tristan asked sarcastically.

"That's because we're on a bridge, dumbass!" Sora said sharply, while Joey looked behind and saw that they truly were on the bridge!

"Step on it, Duke!" Joey urged Duke frantically, and the bridge appeared to be collapsing completely!

"Faster! We'll never make it!" Sora urged while panicking even more, and Duke drove his car as fast as he could until they finally got to the edge safe and sound before they could even fall along with the bridge. With that, the gang all sighed in relief before Joey turned to Duke and sarcastically told him "Real smooth."

"Don't make me turn this car around!" Duke warned.

"And don't make me use my powers, Duke!" Sora threatened, which got Duke a little nervous but he sighed as he kept driving the car. The car kept driving for as long as they could, until the gang suddenly spotted a green light!

"Do you guys see what I see?" Joey exclaimed.

"Is that light what I think it is?!" Tristan also exclaimed.

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