Ch. 28 Yami vs Weevil part 1

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So after Yami accepted Weevil's challenge, Weevil held up his cards while he told Yami tauntingly, "I've improved since our last duel, but you'll see that for yourself soon enough!"

"You can't do this!" Sora warned Yami.

"Get back in the train, Sora." Yami instructed his girlfriend firmly, which got her surprised and she asked "But why?"

"It's too dangerous up here, and there's no telling what Weevil will do." Yami answered firmly, to which Sora shook her head and said "Then I'm not getting back in the train."

"Sora..." Yami breathed out as he was surprised at Sora's defiance.

"I've got powers, so if anything bad comes, I can protect you with them." Sora reminded, which got Yami surprised but he was still worried for her safety.

"I won't keep you in suspense any longer." Weevil taunted, just before he laughed and began drawing his card.

"It's my move, and I think I'll play the Seal of Orichalcos."

What he said made Yami snarl because he knew how very dangerous the magic card was, "Weevil, don't be a fool!"

"What seems to be the problem? You've played this card before, haven't you? If I'm not mistaken, this is what you used to lock little Yugi away." Weevil taunted smoothly, and what he said stung Yami.

Weevil laughed when he saw Yami's face and shouted proudly, "Now it's my turn! I need to experience this card's power first hand, and when you lose, you'll join your little friend."

Sora was shocked at everything Weevil said, then she warned him, "Weevil! If you activate that card, then you're also putting yourself in danger!"

"Thanks for the advice, Sora! But who asked?!" Weevil taunted, and just before Sora would snap back at him, Weevil activated the Seal of Orichalcos card and it appeared on the field. As that happened, Sora went flying back much to Yami watching in horror & worry and Sora was just barely catching onto the roof of the car behind before she slid back even farther.

"SORA!!!" Yami shouted in horror for his girlfriend, just before it appeared that Sora had caught onto a seam in the roof but Yami was still worried and asked her "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!"

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Sora replied back, which got Yami relived as he said "Good". Then he turned around to face Weevil who was laughing in satisfaction about how much power he had thanks to the Orichalcos and he glared at him furiously.

Soon Weevil stopped laughing and the Orichaclos appeared on his forehead while he announced, "All right, now I'm ready to duel! Since I challenged you, I'll start things off! And I'll play my good friend Pheromone Wasp!"

Then Pheromone Wasp appeared on the field, and Weevil explained about it, "It's not strong now, but the power of the Seal of Orichalcos gives it a 500 point boost! Next I'll place two cards facedown and end my turn."

"Very well, my move!" Yami agreed sharply while he drew his card, and after that, he looked to see which card he drew before he put it in the hand that was holding his cards and chose his first monster before he began playing it on the field.

"I summon Obnoxious Celtic Guardian!" He announced just as Celtic Guardian appeared on the field.

"A stronger monster than yours!" Yami declared sharply, which got Sora really worried.

'He better not attack, Weevil has two facedown cards!' She thought, just before she called out to Yami to warn him, "Hold on! Don't do it!"

"Celtic Guardian, crush his Pheromone Wasp now!" Yami commanded his Celtic Guardian, just before he went to attack, but then...

"I don't think so, you just activated my trap! A handy little card called Mimisus!" Weevil taunted proudly, which got Yami shocked just as Weevil's trap card activated!

"Yep, it allows me to trade in my insect monster for another one, so I get to choose which monster your Obnoxious Celtic Guardian attacks! And now, my Pheromone Wasp, return to my hand!"

So Weevil's Pheromone Wasp disappeared and his Parasite Caterpillar appeared while Weevil announced, "And now my Parasite Caterpillar will take its place!"

"Not that! It has the power to affect my monster!" Yami protested, just before Celtic Guardian slashed Weevil's Parasite Caterpillar with his sword and Weevil laughed triumphantly.

"You're absolutely right, your guardian's been infected!"

With what Weevil said, Celtic Guardian looked like it was getting weak, which got Yami angry as he snarled with, "No!"

"You're only half the Duelist I remember, is that cause you lost your other half?!" Weevil taunted, just before he laughed.

"Weevil! Just leave him the fuck alone!" Sora snapped as she angrily held up her fist because she hated how Weevil was taunting her boyfriend about Yugi's soul being taken by the Seal of Orichalcos.

Weevil ignored the Kaiba girl and began summoning back his Pheromone Wasp, "This next insect should look familiar, it's Pheromone Wasp!"

With that, the Wasp's attack points went all the way up to 1300.

Yami was nervous and thought to himself, 'My only monster has been infected by his Parasite Caterpillar, that means it's no longer able to defend my life points!'

"Go, my Pheromone Wasp!" Weevil commanded his wasp, just before he flew towards Yami and attacked him directly which got his life points to go down to 2700.

"You alright?!" Sora shouted out worriedly.

"That's not all! Attacking you directly just activated his special ability, which means my wasp allows me to summon any insect monster in my deck directly to the field, and I know just who I'm going to choose!" Weevil explained to Yami tauntingly, which got Yami to glare at him.

"I summon a leech known as Leghul!" Weevil shouted as he summoned his Leghul to the field and its attack points went up to 800, which got Yami nervous.

"Then I'll activate the magic card Insect Barrier!" Weevil added as he activated his magic card to the field, and he laughed before he explained about it. "This barrier provides the perfect protection against many insect monsters you try and attack with!"

Yami was shocked, and Sora was confused that she asked Yami, "What the hell is he talking about? You don't have insect monsters in your deck!"

"That's not true! Take a closer look at the field, Sora! Your Celtic Guardian's been contaminated by my parasite, which makes him part insect!" Weevil pointed out tauntingly, which made both Yami and Sora shocked as they shouted "No!" together.

"He's slowly transforming into a new creature known as Poison Butterfly, and even though it has 2700 attack points, you can't hurt me thanks to my Insect Barrier. And since it can't attack or defend, it's virtually useless!" Weevil explained tauntingly, just before he let out a laugh.

'Weevil is a much stronger Duelist than I remember, now that he's infused with the power of the Orichalcos. He seems unstoppable, but I refuse to let him stand in the way of rescuing Yugi.' Yami thought to himself intently, just before he drew his card.

"All right, my move!" He announced sharply, to which Sora bit her lip as she hoped that Yami would go through with this move even after everything Weevil said. But she couldn't lose faith in him, so all she could think was, 'Good luck, Yami. You can do it.'

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