Ch. 31 From enemies to friends

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Back in Paradius, Kylie was sitting on the couch as she appeared to be watching TV and eating chocolate. She was watching Peter Pan but what was triggering her the most as she watched it was when she would see how jealous Tinkerbell would get when Peter and Wendy would get closer together, and it reminded Kylie of how jealous she would get when seeing Valon and Mai together. Kylie did want Valon to be happy, but it did still hurt her to see him with somebody else since Kylie had grown feelings for him ever since she joined the DOMA after she spent 5 years living by herself without anyone to take care of her ever since she saw her parents get murdered as a 13 year old. She was like a wild animal who had just gotten rescued and grown attached to her rescuer, and the idea of having to be separated from him just broke her heart severely.

Kylie then turned off the TV and sighed because this was just too much for her right now, then she went into thought when all of a sudden...

"Hey." Came a familiar female voice all of a sudden, and Kylie knew that voice was coming from Mai so she let out a sigh.

"Hey." She greeted the blonde girl back softly, just before Mai sat on the couch next to Kylie as she told her "I just wanted to ask you something."

What Mai said got Kylie's heart to thump because she knew that Mai was going to ask her a question that she hoped wouldn't have to do with Valon.

"Why do you get so nervous around me? I mean, Rafael and Alister don't seem to like me and Valon's the only one who's friendly to me, so why is it that you're nervous whenever I appear?" Mai asked Kylie seriously, which got Kylie to freeze nervously because she wasn't sure how to answer that question. But then she figured if she told Mai that she was jealous of her because Valon seemed to like her, it would help her get that huge pain off of her chest.

So she let out a sigh and confessed, "To be honest, Mai... It's because I'm jealous of you."

Mai was surprised when Kylie just told her that she was jealous of her, then she asked Kylie, "Jealous? Why would you be jealous of me? I mean, I don't really consider myself a good Duelist all that much after what happened right before Valon found me and had me join the DOMA..."

"It's not because of that, it's because..." Kylie started to say, but then she pressed her lips together in hesitation because she was unsure if she should tell Mai that she has feelings for Valon. What if Mai returned Valon's feelings? That was what Kylie was afraid of. But she did want to get that huge pain off her chest so she might as well tell her.

"It's because I like Valon." Kylie admitted softly, which got Mai even more surprised.

"Ever since I joined the DOMA, Valon was the first person to make me feel safe after I've always spent 5 years living by myself with no one to take care of me ever since I saw my parents get assassinated when I was just 13 years old." Kylie explained, and what she said made Mai's heart hurt because she felt sorry for Kylie for everything she went through.

"And because of that, I fell in love with Valon, and the fact that he might seem to like you as well as seeing him with somebody else just breaks my heart because after he's been there for me ever since Day 1, I just don't know who else to turn to. I mean, Rafael's like my big brother and Alister's a dickhead because he doesn't seem to like me that much." Kylie continued on, just before she let out a sigh.

"I know I should be happy for Valon, but it does really hurt since I feel like a wild animal attached to her rescuer and the idea of being separated from him makes me heartbroken."

Mai looked at Kylie sadly for a few moments, until she suddenly smiled softly and put her hand on Kylie's shoulder. Kylie was surprised when she felt Mai touching her shoulder, then she turned to face Mai who was smiling at her and told her, "Well, if it makes you feel better, Kylie... I don't share the same feelings for Valon."

Kylie was surprised when Mai told her that and asked, "Really?!"

"Yeah. I mean, he's a cool guy and all, but he's not my type." Mai nodded, and Kylie felt even more surprised because she was now filling with hope and she exclaimed "Wow!"

"Plus, I have my eye on another guy. You wanna know who it is?"

"Who?" Kylie asked curiously, just before Mai moved closer to Kylie so she could whisper in her ear who she had the hots for.

"It's a certain guy with a Brooklyn accent." She whispered, which got Kylie's eyes to widen and she exclaimed "Wheeler?!"

Mai nodded but then she sighed sadly and said, "But I don't know if he likes me back, especially since he sees me like this."

After hearing what Mai said, Kylie looked at her sadly and tried to think of what to say to make her feel better, before Mai sighed again and said "Well, I love him."

Kylie felt a lot of sympathy for Mai, and she even felt guilty for how she felt bitter towards her because Valon seemed to like her.

"You love that Aussie guy, huh?" Mai asked Kylie, to which Kylie nodded and answered "I do, and I'm sorry for how I've always acted towards you because of him."

"It's okay, hon. Plus, you and Valon make a cute couple together." Mai smiled reassuringly, which got Kylie to blush and she smiled softly saying "Thank you."

Suddenly Kylie felt Mai hugging her from the side, which got her surprised because she didn't expect for her to hug her even after she felt jealous of her, but it did feel good to be hugged by her... especially since she was a female since Kylie had been given compassion by guys first, but now Kylie also got it from another female whom she had been jealous of due to her feelings for Valon but it turned out that she had feelings for somebody else.

"Get him. He's the right guy for you." Mai encouraged softly, which got Kylie to smile softly and she hugged Mai back.

"Thank you, I will. I could also say the same for you and Wheeler."

Mai blushed a little after hearing what Kylie said, which got Kylie to giggle softly when she noticed her blushing. Soon both Mai and Kylie broke apart from each other as Mai told the auburn-haired girl, "Think I better leave you be so that you can rest."

Then she ruffled her hair as she stood up from the couch, which got Kylie to blush and giggle a little while she replied with, "Thanks, Mai."

Mai smiled with her eyes closed in reply before she left the room, and Kylie had a dazed smile as her thoughts now went to Valon. Since Mai really didn't share the same feelings for Valon and only had feelings for Joey Wheeler, Kylie hoped that Valon would notice her and she would win his heart someday. She just hoped...

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