Ch. 36 Alister's second meeting with his girl

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Meanwhile, both Yami and Sora were climbing out of the valley which was the same place that the train had crashed. Yami was the first person to climb up before he looked down to face Sora and held out his hand for her while instructing her "Take my hand.", and Sora did as he told her before Yami helped her up and as soon as she was up, both Yami and Sora discovered that they were back at the train tracks where the train crashed.

"We're back where we left off." Yami stated, which got Sora to smile and she said, "Nice, now all we have to do is follow those train tacks."

"That's right. If all goes well, they should lead us straight to Tristan, Joey, Tea and Lea, assuming they haven't wandered off." Yami observed as he was looking at the train tracks.

"They'd better be there. I know Tea and Lea would be there for sure, but both Joey and Tristan would be known to wander off, and they better not. We just have to do what we set out to do, figure out where that Dartz asshole is located at so we can set free everyone he captured." Sora stated firmly, to which Yami nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I only wish it were that easy."

"Me too, Yami. Me too."


Meanwhile in Paradius, Dartz had called his biker gang to a meeting and Mai was there as well.

"Just leave Joey Wheeler to me." Mai announced firmly.

"You'll do nothing until Master Dartz gives you an assignment!" Rafael growled.

"What is this, third grade? I decide who I'm gonna duel for myself, I don't wait for the homework assignment!" Mai shot back.

"Why don't you show a little respect?" Rafael fired back.

"Come on, Raf! As if little Miss Loudmouth knows respect." Alister scoffed while smirking.

"Alister! Shut the fuck up!!!" Kylie snapped defensively, she was getting tired of Alister disrespecting women like that

"What'd ya call me?!" Mai demanded as she was offended by the insult Alister gave her.

"Relax!" Rafael scoffed.

"Look, I was doing perfectly fine with my previous duel against Lea until Johnny Stumpman over there stepped in!" Mai snapped back while she glanced at Valon and was still angry about how he saved her during her and Lea's duel, and Kylie couldn't help but lower her head sadly because the memories of how Valon saved Mai and held her in his arms really hurt her so much. Even though Kylie and Mai became friends and Mai confirmed that she doesn't like Valon in that way, the memories did still hurt Kylie because of her fear about Valon possibly not returning her feelings.

"If it wasn't for you, I would have won!" Mai snapped at Valon, and Valon was angry while standing up from the table and snapped back at Mai, "Yeah, well, I'm glad I stopped the duel!"

Kylie was shocked after hearing what Valon said, and Mai scoffed while asking, "Oh, and why is that?"

"Because Lea's a goddamn child, that's why!"

"Valon, having Mai duel that little girl for a test was your idea in the first place!" Alister pointed out.

"Because I wanted to see if Lea was strong enough as a Duelist for her age, but after seeing how that duel went, I don't want to take her soul anymore because she's too fragile to have it taken from her! Besides, the only one I'm after is Wheeler anyway!" Valon snapped back, just before he turned to Mai. "Didn't you know that, Mai?!"

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