Ch. 47 A duel with Dartz part 1

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Suddenly the helicopter that everyone was still flying in was tipping over because it appeared that they were in some kind of tornado of some sorts. Seto just sat there not giving a crap, Yami kept his hand on the wall as he also seemed to not give a crap, both Sora and Tea held onto the soulless Joey so that they wouldn't let him fall, Kylie held onto Valon who was still soulless so she wouldn't let him fall as well, Tristan fell back while Mokuba fell on top of Lea. Mokuba quickly sat up as he realized that he was on top of Lea, and he chuckled while sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. Lea's only response was that she sat up and held onto him as tight as she could as she brought her head to his chest and shut her eyes tight. Mokuba stiffened at her touch, but he relaxed and wrapped his arms around her tightly and securely, reassuring her that he was there for her and he would never let her get hurt.

"We should have been at this headquarters by now." Seto told Roland firmly, as he called him through his coat.

"It's this weather, sir. We can't see a thing out there." Roland replied frantically, just before the gang soon ran to the pilot's area where both Roland and Fuguta were at as they were all tense by now. Yami and Seto were the only ones who seemed pretty calm.

"Just stay calm. I'm sure Dartz wants us to reach him." Yami reassured the gang, just before he turned to Sora and noticed how really tense she was. He then wrapped his arms around her and brought her to his chest so he could reassure her that he's got her and he won't let anybody harm her, and Sora hugged him back while snuggling in his chest as she tried her very hardest to relax.

Just then, Mokuba suddenly spotted something, "Hey, look! That must be the place!"

Lea seemed to be pretty shocked and tense at the sight of Dartz's lair!

"There's no turning back now." Yami stated firmly as he still held Sora close to him.

"Let's go." Seto agreed.

'I may be scared, but I can do this.' Lea thought as she exchanged a firm and determined look on her face.

'Dartz, this is the moment where you're gonna pay for everything you did!' Kylie thought to herself angrily.

The helicopter soon landed in front of the place, and while everyone was getting out of the helicoper, Sora noticed Kylie coming along so she turned to her and told her, "Kylie, I think you should stay."

"Why, Sora? I want to teach Dartz a lesson for everything he's done!" Kylie protested.

"I know, but I don't want Dartz to take your soul just like Alister and Valon's souls got taken." Sora replied firmly.

"So?! I'd be fine if he took my soul because I can't go through all this without Valon!"

"Kylie!" Sora suddenly shouted, which made Kylie shocked just before she felt Sora touching her shoulders and Sora's face suddenly softened.

"I think Valon would still want you to keep going. I know how hard it is for you to not be with him, but I think he would want you to get through all this. So you think you can do that for him?"

Kylie was looking at Sora not really knowing what to say for a few moments, but then she sighed and agreed, "Yes, I think so."

Then she looked up to face Sora and firmly told her, "But I'll be coming up to check on you guys sometime soon."

Sora smiled at the redhead's words, just before she saw Kylie smiling as well and said, "Good luck."

Sora nodded and moved her hands away from her shoulders before she left the copter where she saw the whole gang looking at Dartz's lair for a moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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