Ch. 9 Waking the Dragons

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A/N on the cover image: What Sora's dragon I made up looks like, and I'm calling it Scale of Smaug. Actually, the name was suggested by MasaMakiIkovic when I was trying to think of a name for the dragon since Lea's dragon Tails of Kronos was so easy to name back when I was writing Tea's Little Sister. Thanks, DMG, for the help! You're the best, little sister!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Back in Paradius, Rafael, Alister, Valon and Kylie were all standing in front of Dartz so they could tell him about how they did on their first mission.

"We located the pharaoh, Master. Unfortunately, we weren't able to capture his soul." Rafael reported.

"I didn't expect you to defeat him this soon, we've just begun." Dartz replied casually.

"But you know me, Master. I never come back empty-handed." Rafael grinned while he was walking towards Dartz so he could show him the box that contained the three Egyptian God cards.

"Excellent, the Egyptian Gods." Dartz grinned as he took the cards from out of the box in satisfaction.

"At long last, I've waited an eternity to hold their power in my hands." Dartz said, just before the Egyptian Gods cards began glowing.

"I finally possess the supreme force necessary to awaken the great beast." Dartz continued, before he turned around and placed the Egyptian God cards inside of each stone snakes' mouths while he kept speaking.

"Soon we shall rid the Earth of mankind, and rebuild civilization as it once was. Serpents of the Orichalcos, please hear my call. I offer thee the Gods of Egypt! Use their divine might to unlock the sacred chamber of the Great Beast, awaken him from his ancient slumber by accepting my offering!"

With that, the cards were glowing even more and Dartz who had both of his arms up was laughing triumphantly just as the energy of the cards were being transferred into the sky.

"The time has arrived, my friends. Finally, after 10,000 years, the Great Leviathan shall rise again!" Dartz shouted with power. to which Kylie bit her lip as she hoped that what Dartz was doing wouldn't cause too much damage to the world.


Sora was just in her room back in the Kaiba Manor, and she appeared to be sitting on her bed and thinking about the stuff that Arthur was telling both her and Yugi back at the museum. She appeared to be wearing her regular clothes, which consisted of the colorful short-sleeve romper that she got from the mall when she and Tea went shopping together, and she was wearing light blue socks. She also had her hair in a high ponytail with a yellow hair scrunchy as well.

Just then, her Millennium Crown was shining, which surprised her as she heard the same female voice calling to her for help, "Sora, we need you!"

With that, Sora opened her eyes and discovered that she had just been transported into some kind of castle and she was standing right next to the statues of five dragons that were made of crystal!

"Dragons?" She asked herself curiously while she was looking at the dragons in awe.

"You're here!" Came the female voice, which caught Sora's attention and she turned around to see that Dark Magician Girl was behind her, and she appeared to be happy that Sora found her.

"I knew you'd find me."

"Dark Magician Girl?!" Sora exclaimed, as she was obviously surprised that the Dark Magician Girl was speaking to her.

Then she began asking the Dark Magician Girl, "So tell me, why were you calling me out for help?"

"Sora, both of our worlds are in danger, and without your help, we will all cease to exist." Dark Magician Girl replied firmly, which made Sora shocked and she asked "But how?"

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