• Sirius Black •

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Authors Note:
Hello! I'm so so sorry for the long awaited update on this.
I just recently started a new college course, except it doesn't require a lot of coursework.
This means I will be working on finishing this fic as fast as I can,
 these next few months for you guys!

Also thank you so much for hitting 35.2k reads!
That is so surreal to me<3

"Does it hurt terribly Draco?" Pansy's voice echoed through her head. She rest her head in her hands, palms settling on her eyes and giving them a very light rub. Draco's voice cut in very quickly, extending his wrapped arm as if it were a trophy "It comes and goes." He started, Y/N's eyes rolled and she rubbed her brow in embarrassment. "Still.." Draco looked over and made eye contact with Y/N, whom was clearly not interested in his sympathy grab. "I consider myself lucky, according to Madam Pomfrey, another minute or two and I could have lost my arm." His gaze switched back to Pansy lazily, disappointed that he didn't have Lloyd's attention, who was now beginning to leave the table just as quickly as she had sat down.

"He's been sighted!" A Gryffindor exclaimed, she slowly made her way over, listening to their conversation. She caught sight of the paper in Seamus's hand and smirked. 'Sirius Black.." The table turned at her voice and she tilted her head. "They're right you know." She looked over at Harry, making eye contact. "He could be anywhere. We don't know his next move, but with the direction he's going. Look's like he is coming for Hogwarts." She turned her head to the door, where she noticed Malfoy looking around for her, noticing her stood by the Gryffindors, he scowled. Malfoy left the left the hall in once swift, and quick move. "I hold my own guess as to why, or who.. he could be coming for." She looked back over at Harry, who's eyes were filled with confusion and fear. Y/N turned again to leave after that, raising her hand slightly before leaving the table and for the rest of the students to continue their chatter.


Y/N shrugged her shoulders, rubbing her forehead as she listened to Lupin speak at the front of the class. She stood behind Draco, as usual and shook her head. She did her best to keep her gaze from him. "This class is ridiculous" He muttered, turning his head a little. Y/N saw him in the corner of her view, he moved back and while the rest of the group concentrated on Lupin's teaching, he rest his head upon her shoulder. "Why must you ignore me so much?" He whispered. "I don't know what you mean Malfoy, I pay as much attention to you as I do to my studies." Y/N chewed her gum, she could feel the warmth of him creeping through the fabric of her cloak. "You pay more attention to Pan-" She raised her hand. "Pug." He scoffed. "Okay, well you pay more attention to her than you do to me." His spare hand grabbed her wrist softly, spinning her. Her eyes still managed to avoid his just like they did before. "But why? You always seem so annoyed with me, yet.." His hand picked up her chin, in an attempt to lock her eyes but failed. "You are so kind to me when nobody is around." 

"That is because.." She stuttered, turning her head to the floor while taking in a breath. "I.." His eyebrows raised in confusion. "I hate you." She shook her head with a soft voice, brushing past his shoulder as his face lifted into his famous smirk. He looked around at the rest of the group before following. She could hear him behind her and slowed her walk. The halls were practically empty. "Lloyd you don't make this easy for me." He cupped her waist and pushed her into the wall. Y/N shrugged, putting up little fight knowing she could easily slip away. "That's the fun part about it." Her gaze settled, her heart began to pound as she rested her eyes softly into his. One hand lifted and brushed his hair slightly, making it a little neater and slid past his chin very softly. He blinked a little as she pouted back at him. "Don't mess with me." His cold voice was somewhat calmer, suddenly softer. "Oh, don't worry." She smiled, slipping past him. "I won't." She picked up a pace once again, heading towards the Slytherin Commonroom. Her cheeks flushed and her face was warm. She slammed the door shut behind her and met the eyes of her two best friends. "What?"

"I just.. I think I just flirted with Malfoy? I'm not sure." She settled between the two. Iga looked stunned. " Tell us everything, explain what happened!" Y/N raised her head a little, studying the room as she explained everything to Milo and Iga. "Wow, we didn't think you would ever have it in you." Milo giggled. "Shut up.." Y/N shook her head with a soft smile. "I don't know what came over me, I still can't believe.. I did that." She paused. "His face was.. so stunned. His voice when he spoke, it just.. wasn't cold." Y/N searched both their faces for a sort of answer, where Iga's was clueless.. Milo's lighted up. "Oh my god.." She stood up with a wide smile. "He likes you."

"No.." Y/N shook her head immediately at the idea. "Yes! He absolutely does!" She raised her arms and laughed. "What makes you so sure?" Y/N raised one brow and leaned backwards onto the chair, Iga tilted her head. "Everything?" She shook her head. "He's always looked at you, seeing if you care or if you're giving him the attention that Pansy gives him. I've never seen a boy so.." Iga took a pause, searching for words in her head before Milo carried it on. "Hellbent over a girl." She put her hands together. "We all see it, and its painfully obvious that you like him too." It was almost like a weight was lifted from Y/N's shoulders, although she couldn't admit it. It was true. He wasn't just a family friend anymore, she had spent so much time with him or communicating with him over summer and in the past years. It was hard for her not to begin liking him. "Okay, but you guys cannot say.. anything!"

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