• House Cup •

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After the two nights away, Y/N found herself back in Hogwarts. Sat by the window of her bed waiting for Ombré to arrive back through the window. "Y/N you should rest. He will be back." Milo put her hand on Y/N's shoulder. "I can't rest until I know Ombré is here, safe." Her eyes flickered up at the sound of wings beating and finally. The black bird had returned. It hopped through the window and dropped a letter into Y/N's lap. She clicked the window shut with a smile and carried her little lamp onto the bedside table. Milo walked around to the other side and sat with Y/N. "What does it say?" Her arm wrapped around her friend with curiosity.

"It's just a normal letter from my mother updating me on how my fathers work is going. They told me it was something important but I suppose his job is special right now. He's close to getting a promotion or pay rise." She smiled a little, tucking the letter into a draw. "That's great Y/N!" Milo smiled before standing up again "Now get some rest."

She smiled down at me, and I nodded. Turning my body and blowing out the candle beside me before drifting off. The school went past rather quickly and soon enough it was finally time to end the year. We found ourselves sat in the Great Hall, like always. Dumbledore read out the points.

"Slytherin wins the house cup!" A cheer erupted from the table. Iga and Milo shared. A hug with me as we jumped around but it was cut short before Dumbledore added points onto Gryffindor for the "recent events" which meant they took over. We all slumped at our benches in shock. I saw Malfoy's face drop and smirked a little.

"Lloyd!" I turn around to that annoying voice, like always. "Malfoy." A silence blooms the air before he lifts up his hand. "It's been a great year." He did his stupid little smile and I take his hand to shake. "Your such a parasite." I mutter with a smile. "We best be off then. The boats leave soon." I drop his hand and turn, but before I can move his hand grabs my shoulder. "We are coming with you." That stupid, sarcastic tone in his voice. Pugsy, Crabbe and Goyle come from the common room and rush over to Draco's side. "Of course."

"See I told you she wasn't that cold hearted, Pansy." Y/N lifted her eyebrows slightly with a scoff. "Pugsy only thinks I'm mean or cold hearted because she knows I'm right." She tuts before turning and seeing Milo and Iga. Her hand lifts to beckon them over. "Are you guys not coming?"

"The boats are about to leave!" Added Milo. "We are coming now." Y/N smiles, rushing over to her friends. Malfoy and his squabble rush behind her. "Are they getting the boat with us?" Milo lifts one eyebrow and looks over at the four. Beginning to walk to the docks. "Sadly, yes." She whispers to Milo before getting into a boat. Malfoy rushes in, almost toppling into the murky water below. "Watch it Malfoy." Spits Pansy as she climbs into a different boat with Crabbe and Goyle. "Let's just get home." She mutters.

The boat ride was long, yet silent and peaceful. For once Malfoy didn't open his loud, annoying hatch. It felt good to not hear his high pitch voice for once, but she needed to enjoy every second before he began speaking again. "Here we are." Hagrids voice arose from the boat at the front. Milo got out first, then Iga, Y/N and Malfoy followed behind. "Come on Y/N. Before all the compartments are taken!" Milo waved from the door, rushing in. She nodded and followed.

The sliding door clicked shut as the three talked about everything that had happened this year. "Professor Quirrel lost his job, I can't believe he was carrying THAT on his head. Who would have thought." Milo lifted her eyebrow at "THAT" and pushed out her top lip in a pout. "He is such a parasite"

"I agree Milo." Y/N continued. "To think, Potter and his gang were all against Snape. He was trying to protect Potter." She chuckled. "Imagine that, trying to protect people but you get written as the bad guy."

"I suppose that's just what Quirrel wanted." Iga nodded. "If the suspicions were on Snape, nobody would have guessed it was him.. and his hidden face." She added with a tut. "Now what are you guys doing in the break?"

"No idea, probably going to be doing my 'royal duties' at home. By that I mean following my parents every order." Y/N shrugged at her friends who giggled. The door slid open again and the three musketeers and their lord sat beside us. Pansy filled in the space beside Milo and Y/N while the three boys slid beside Iga. Her face curled as Crabbe sat beside her. "What do you want?" She tutted, moving to the side a little.

"We came to sit with our friends." Pansy smiled, without realising Ms. Lloyd was beside her. "Isn't that right, Draco."

"I think you'd find, we aren't friends. Pugsy." I spat at her, she turned slightly pale and looked me up and down before jumping up out of her seat. Malfoy smirked and got up, swapping seats. "I shouldn't have spoken." I tut, rolling my eyes as Pugsy pouts over at a laughing Malfoy.

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