• Magic Awaits •

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"Wake up! Y/N" A sweet, yet calming voice echoed through the halls of a once beloved home. Y/N lifted her head off the silk and fluffy pillow. Her eyes opened slightly, blinking a few times before becoming used to the shimmering light peaking between her curtains.

"Y/N M/N Lloyd!" The voice, still faint yet loud. Belonged to your mother, her heels clicked along the hallway in a excited rush. "Sweetheart?" Her shoes got closer, and closer. "I'm up." Y/N mouthed, before sitting on her bed. She waited as a hand knocked at her door. "Come in." Y/N smiled as her mother entered the room. Camilla stood in a tucked shirt, a flowing skirt and her favourite 2 inch heels.

"Good morning darling." She approaches slowly, kissing your forehead before sitting at the side of your bed with a wide smile. "Happy Birthday my Princess." You look up, your father is stood in the doorway. A smile stretched across his healthy yet pale cheeks. Matthew Lloyd, a respected gentleman amongst other Wizards. "Did I get my letter?" She looks them both up and down, searching for the letter. "You did." Your father and mother smile, hugging into each others side as the letter is presented before you. "That means.." Y/N smiled, tracing her finger along the folded lines and examining the wax Hogwarts stamp. "I'm going to Hogwarts!" Y/N exclaimed with pride, jumping up to give her parents a hug. "Quickly, get changed. We shall celebrate your birthday before you depart tomorrow morning."

Y/N nods, putting the letter down onto her bedside table and kisses both her parents before they leave the room. As the door clicked shut, a draw was opened. Y/N lifted out a small comb and brushed through her long, H/C hair. Once finished, Y/N turns towards her large, white enchanting wardrobe and opens the mirrored doors, picking out a black pleated skirt and white off-the-shoulder long sleeved top to tuck in. Slipping on some small heeled white shoes, Y/N slips through the door and down the spiral staircase.

The chandelier above her head reflected the sunlight coming from small windows at the top of the roof, the diamonds dangling down shimmered and brought light to nearly every corner of the upstairs corridor. As they danced around, it sounded as if they were singing. Y/N was used to this by now, as her heels clicked down each step and the harmony above her got further and further away, almost like a breeze of music to her ears.

Y/N reached out her hand, pushing open the large black door towards the 'living room' which almost certainly resembled a ball room more. There were sofas place close to the back of the room, with the rest of the floor polished and left empty for the parties that were held for special occasions. "Darling! Breakfast will be ready very shortly." Camilla turned at the sound of the door sliding open.  Her hazel eyes met Y/N's E/C orbs.

Y/N smiled, her heels glazed the floor barely as she trotted over to her mother. Watching as her father lifted up his coat with a smile. "Were are we going today?" Y/N lifts her head as a plate of breakfast is placed before her on the large dining table, she sits. "Today, as it is your birthday. We are going to Diagon Alley, you can get your wand and whatever else!" He smiles, putting his coat on. "Then, your mother will go pick you out a dress. We have seen you eyeing it up for a while, and only the best is given to my Princess." His gentle, yet rough hand cups Y/N's cheek. His glowing green eyes stare down into hers with a smile. "We will hold you the biggest ball with many other important families before you depart in the morning."

"That sounds great!" Y/N smiles, looking up at her father as she finishes her plate of food. "I shall get ready to leave." Y/N got to her feet and wandered along the ball room floor with a twirl, her parents watching her with amazement. "Is she going to be okay Matthew?" Camilla watched, her hand holding onto her husbands arm, the other linked with it. "She should be fine, she's a bright young witch who will come in handy when the time comes." He nodded.

"When are you going to tell her?" She looked up at him, the love and care had left her eyes and was replaced with worry for her daughter. "She deserves to know."

"When she is old enough to know, and when he is ready." Matthew nodded, cupping her cheek softly. "There is no need to worry my darling. She has no choice. She is my punishment." He wiped a tear from Camilla's warm, rosy cheek before planting a kiss there. "Now we must be off." He paused. "Goblin!"

Two small feet scurried in from the Kitchen. "Yes Master Lloyd?" The dark, gravely voice looked up. "Summon us a unicorn and cart, we are going out for a while. If any of my friends show up early, please make them feel welcome." He tucked his wand into his back pocket and smiled, walking his wife down to the same door they watched their only child walk out of.

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