• Eternal Sleep •

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Her life was flowing past her, day after day somebody would visit to make sure her heart was still beating. Malfoy just came to talk about his problems or what was annoying him about the group or people. He opened up with the thought she wasn't listening, at first it was simple things like school work or Potions Class. It was Harry Potter and the Golden Trio as a whole, but then he came back from the Manor after a week and began complaining about his Father. The way he wanted his father to approve of him and everything he did wrong made him feel worthless.

On a unlucky day, Malfoy came and sat by her bed and was close to speaking as Wood opened the curtain. He stood up and scowled at Oliver. "What are you doing here Gryffindor." He looked Oliver up and down and his lip lifted a little in disgust. "I came to check on Lloyd. I visit Granger weekly and update her on the school or her friends when I can. Before and after I just check on Y/N to make sure she's still alive." He crosses his arms slightly and closed the flimsy green curtain, taking her hand and placing his thumb on her wrist. She saw him in the corner of her eye just looking down at her hand. Silence. He said nothing but felt her pulse under his thumb for a little while. Malfoy put his head down. "I was going to talk to her about Quidditch." He hissed. "I was just checking if her heart was still beating. You have fun." Wood looked up at him and let go, she didn't understand what was happening. Malfoy used her as a brick wall with a body to tell his problems and Wood spoke to her directly like a one way conversation.

The curtain shut and Wood left the Hospital Wing. "What is it with Gryffindor's caring so much about you?" Malfoy stared at the curtain before snapping his gaze down to her. The anger in his eyes was overflowing. He slapped her hand to the side and her arm fell. He realised a red mark lightly appearing on her wrist, he cupped the numb palm in his hands and stared at it form. "Sorry." He tutted. "It's not like you can feel it or hear anything we say to you." His head turned away slowly. "I just wish you were here. Pansy isn't as entertaining when there's nobody to shout at her. It's funny watching you get so wound up about her."

Malfoy let go of her hand and wandered towards the curtain. "Why do you get so wound up. She only clings to me like a leech yet you get so annoyed." His finger tapped his chin in thought. "Why do you get along with Gryffindor's. There's so many questions I could ask." His fingers danced along the curtain and it sent ripples of fabric and a slight nudge of the railing. "Yet I would get no answer. Obviously." Malfoy pulled the curtain open and looked at Y/N laying there with no sign of life apart from a faint heartbeat. He stood for a second before closing it again and wandering away.

She was once again left alone, crying on the inside with desperation to show her friends that she was there. To show Draco she was listening to him vent and wanted to give him advice. To show Oliver her interest in his news every so often. To tell Iga or Milo what the others had been telling her and how she felt about it, but she couldn't. The attacks had stopped and students began returning to the school.

Everyone else had already had their turn in being recovered. It finally came the day where a light, tasteless serum was dropped into her mouth. Slowly, instead of feeling nothing her body relaxed and felt like static. She could feel the cold air spreading across her skin and sending a shiver up her spine. She was sat up with some help and given clear water. "Are you okay, Dear?" Madam Pomfrey patted her back and smiled. "You're the last one to go. So I will let you take your time. Once you are ready, head to The Great Hall. I am sure your friends will want to know you are okay." She nodded and Y/N smiled a little. She was right.

If she didn't get to The Great Hall soon, her friends wouldn't know she was back. Taking in a sharp but long breath, she looked around the hospital ward. Now completely empty, the nurse left her side as she felt more of her body. Her arms lifted and her fingers stretched out before making a soft fist. Y/N smiled softly and got up, off the bed. She was weak in the knees and had to hold on until she was steady enough to begin walking. Her arm grazed the cover and she put one foot infront of the other. "Right.. left.. right.. left.." Y/N whispered to herself as she got to the door of the hospital ward. There were barely any students out in the halls, that made it easier.

With a breath she started walking down the halls throughout the school, getting closer to a glowing light coming from The Great Hall. A few steps to go and she stood at the door looking around at her friends.

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