• Divination •

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Malfoy looked both of them up with a scowl before nodding. He shuffled back and sat against the back of the chair again before Iga chipped in. "Why do you seem so smug then, Malfoy?" She tilted her head and raised her eyebrows in curiosity. Y/N sat in silence, changing her glance from her friends to the boy beside her. She crossed her arms and listened carefully. For a little while they debated and had light conversation before Malfoy turned his head towards her and raised his eyebrows. "You are strangely silent. I never thought I'd see THE Y/N Lloyd so mute." He spoke so sarcastically and carefully before lifting his chin in her direction. "I'm just spectating whatever is going on here. Yet, I believe it's getting quite late." Y/N began to stand when a hand locked her stomach and pushed her back. She looked up at Iga and Milo who were now standing over her. "We are going to the dorm. Have fun." They smiled before scurrying away, leaving Y/N alone in the Common Room with Malfoy.

A single eyebrow lifted and she shook her head "I suggest you head to your dorm. It's late and we have classes tomorrow." She looked over at him, reverting back to ignoring his attempts of eye contact and began standing as he watched. "Not so fast." He muttered with a small yawn. "I understand your attitude but you change up so fast. One day you are fine with me and the next, colder than Potter's parents in their grave." He stood up, taking a few steps closer to Y/N which caused her to gulp. She stepped back a little only for him to mirror her steps before her back was against the smooth wall of The Common Room. His words were carefully picked like grapes and apples, ripe like pure wine and he carried them out so calmly and slowly. "I don't know what you mean Malfoy." She raised an eyebrow and tried slipping away, his arm cut her off and held itself beside her head, hand spread out and holding the cold wall. "Calm yourself. What is your problem Draco!" Y/N raised her voice a little before taking a breath. "Why does your attitude switch so much Y/N."

"I don't know, I think you are reading into my actions WAY to much Malfoy." She took a moment to pause and think about her situation. Without realising she had locked eyes with Draco, staring deep into his eyes once again. "I'm not reading into anything, I'm not the one who noticed it." He lifted a hand and cupped her chin to lift her head up a little. "Pansy pointed it out to me. She seems a little threatened by you." He shrugged and backed off. His eyes trailed away and gazed around the room. "No idea why, it seems she thinks I'd even give her a chance." He lifted an arm and scratched the back of his head as he made his way to his dorm. "Goodnight anyways." His head turned a little as his arm dropped and he gazed over at Y/N left against the wall in silence. "Goodnight Malfoy.." She muttered and he nodded.

She rubbed her eyes and looked down at small tea cups as the Divination class continued as normal. Shaking her head she leaned back in her seat and rest her head down for a nap for a few seconds before a cold voice awoke her. "Didn't get much sleep last night Y/N?" Her eyes shot open to meet Malfoy's staring down at her. He was so annoying and arrogant, and his face always sat with a stupid little smirk on it. She turned her head and saw Pansy with her arms crossed. She was sat in-between her and Draco. This didn't bother Y/N much though, she could tell Malfoy wanted nothing to do with the pug. "Do you mind? I can smell your panting breath from down here." She raised an eyebrow at Pansy and she opened her mouth in shock before turning away and chattering with others from the Slytherin house. "Now what was that?" Malfoy scoffed and Y/N shrugged. "She looked at me. I don't like when she looks at me." She replied before laying her head down to rest again.

A tap on her shoulder awoke her once again, and to her surprise.. it was Malfoy again. He offered his hand to help stand the sleeping beauty. "Class is over. You sleep so quietly, nobody even realised." He remarked with a smile and Y/N was pulled to her feet and shook her head. "I mean.. thanks for covering me." She raised her eyebrows and stretched a little. "What class is next?"

"You mean to tell me you forgot?" Malfoy questioned.

"Forgot what?" Y/N looked at him with curiosity and he just smiled, grabbing her wrist and walking her out of the empty classroom of little teacups and teapots. "Malfoy what are you doing." She wriggled her arm with no luck of escaping his grip. The cold ring on his finger was digging into her arm almost like a knife. "Your hurting my arm.." She sighed and he lightened his grip a little at the comment.

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