• Detention •

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I did as I promised to Malfoy and met him around the back of Hagrids that night. "You are utterly insane. I swear you are obsessed with these three." I whisper as he approaches from the darkness. "Shows how much you care about me, doesn't it Lloyd." Oh how I hate this boy.

She rolled her eyes at Malfoy as he walked past, standing high on his top toes and spotting Potter sat with the mud blood and Weasley. "Come look at this." He whispered, I stood beside him looking through the small glass windows. Or what I could make of them, even though we were similar in height, Malfoy was still much taller.

Hagrid grabbed something from a cauldron over the fire and we watched a Dragon hatch from inside of it. He then spotted us and Draco grabbed my arm, running. The first teacher we saw was McGonnagall, I begged him not to say anything but he dragged me with him.

"What are you two doing up at this hour?" She hissed, keeping a little quiet. "Professor. Ron, Harry and Hermione are with Hagrid, they will be coming this way very soon!" She looked in disbelief before taking us with her into a classroom to wait. Soon enough, the door at the hall creaked open and we heard the trio talking of us. The professor walked out with a little lantern in her hand. Draco dragged me out and stood beside him. He gave them a little smile and I rolled my eyes and frowned. He was enjoying this just a little to much.

We all stood together, the trio on one side and me and Draco alone on the other while the professor scolded us for being up so late. "All five of you will join each other in detention tomorrow." Draco smirked a little before dropping. "Excuse me Professor, I think I heard you wrong. You said five?"

"Oh you heard me right Malfoy, as pure as your intentions were. You were also up past curfew." She tutted with a smile. I giggled a little, Draco hitting my shoulder with a nudge to hush me but I wasn't his minion. It just made me giggle a little more before shutting up. "We shall be on our way to bed then Professor. Come now Malfoy."

"Wait, no." Malfoy tried to protest against the Professor but I had already dragged him away by his wrist. We had to hurry, otherwise Filtch and his wretched cat would find us wandering the hallway. We entered the password and sat in the Common Room. "You are a idiot, you know." I didn't look up from the fireplace as it crackled. Removing the green ribbon from my hair.

"What do you mean, Lloyd." He looked up, curious. "Well you see." Y/N have a fake smile. "You never thought about the consequences. Of course we would get Detention too. I almost didn't come for that exact reason. Now I have to spend tomorrow night with you and that god awful trio." I spat, it took Malfoy by surprise and he smirked. "I see you dislike Harry Potter."

"Oh no, Harry is fine. I dislike the know it all mud blood brad, Hermione Granger." She pauses. "The Weasley is also so very annoying, the hair isn't an issue it's just his attitude. And his voice. It's so.." With a small pause she looked at Malfoy. "Pre-pubescent and high pitched. Like yours." She giggled, smirking at him. "I don't blame you for it, after all. You are only 11. You have time to grow." She nods before looking at the large clock on the wall.

"Malfoy, it's pretty late. I suggest we head off to bed. We have Detention tomorrow and then we can finally leave this annoying school and go home for Christmas." Malfoy looked bewildered. "What I mean to say is, goodnight Malfoy."

"Goodnight Lloyd." He muttered before getting up from the sofa and pausing "Don't forget the Christmas Party too." He looked over before heading into the boys dorm. Y/N heard his shoes tap the stairs. They got fainter until a door clicked shut. She followed the stairs to her own dorm. She couldn't wait to be rid of not only Harry Potter and his circus but also Malfoy. The only time she would have to see him is at Christmas, when the party is held.
Y/N awoke early, like always, to the sound of Pugsy snoring as loud as possible. She realised Milo and Iga were already awake and rolled her eyes at them. They each got changed into their uniforms and walked into the Common Room. "Shouldn't you be heading to class Malfoy?" Today he sat alone, but shortly Crabbe and Goyle appeared from the dorm. He looked up and shook his head "Shouldn't you?" Y/N shrugged her shoulders and nodded. "That's exactly where I'm heading." With that, the three girls left the Common Room.

"I can't believe I have to spend Detention with you." I mutter towards Draco, he rolls his eyes sarcastically "Oh shut it Lloyd. You know you love me."

"I'd rather choke, Malfoy." He scoffed at her words before they were escorted towards Hagrids hut. Y/N didn't really pay that much attention but the forest was mentioned and soon enough we were stood by a puddle of Unicorn blood. "Hermione, Ron you come with me. Y/N, Malfoy and Harry. You go that way."

"Fine, but we get Fang." Tutted Malfoy. "He's a coward but of course. Off you go." Hagrid responded. "He can't be much more of a coward than you, now can he Malfoy." I smirk, saying it in a sarcastic tone. I hardly pay any attention to anything if it involves Draco, so most of the conversation that happened blurred past as I watched the dark and dreary forest around us, soon I bumped into Harry's back but didn't realise what was going on before Draco screamed and grabbed my wrist. "Wait where are we going! You can't leave Harry there!" I screamed before bumping into Hagrid. "He left Harry!"

The five of us and Fang all rushed back but found Harry with a centaur who soon bounded off. I rubbed my eyes with confusion. But Hagrid pulled us all away as soon as he could. That was it. Detention was over?

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