• Sorting Hat •

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The train soon came to a smooth halt, everyone left their compartments and followed the huge crowd out. A large man stood at the end of the train with a lantern. "Come on now, hurry up." His voice was low and his arms waved everyone to follow him. "Right then, this way to the boats. Come on then." He led us to a dock, where we were put into small boats, five in a wooden boat at a time. One would hold the lantern. And that was it, we followed the water to the huge castle before us. Before we knew it, we had arrived at the castle and were told to follow the stairs up.

As we got there, a witch stood in all her glory. With a prideful smile on her face she clapped her hands together "Welcome to Hogwarts." She looked through the crowd of people and held up her head. "Now, in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates, but before you take your seats. You must be sorted into your houses." She took a small pause, Y/N and Pansy shared a look before she began again. "They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin." Draco lifted up his head and looked over his shoulder at us. A big smirk on his face as him and his minions nodded their heads. "Now while you are here. Your house will be like your family, your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule breaking and you will lose points." She paused, scanning the crowd. "At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup."

"Trevor!" A boy at the front shouted, interrupting her long and boring speech to grab something off the floor. She glared down at him before he stood back up and got into the crowd again. Some children around giggled at it. He apologised to her before she began to turn to the doors behind her. "The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily." With that, she trotted off. Within the silence, Draco leaned to the side and did that stupid smile. "It's true then. What they were saying on the train." He stood up straight and tilted his head a little. "Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." People around started whispering his name to each other. Harry stood there, looking at Malfoy blankly.

"This is Crabbe , and Goyle." He started walking towards the boys at the front. "And I'm Malfoy." He reaches out his hand, offering it to Harry. "Draco, Malfoy." The redhead beside Harry chuckled at his name and with a quick switch, Malfoy turned his head to him. "Think my names funny do you? No need to ask yours." He looked him up and down. "Red hair and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley." He looked back over at Potter. "You'll soon find out some Wizarding families are better than others Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort." He offered his hand to Harry again. "I can help you there."

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks." Potter replied back. Taking Malfoy by surprise and Y/N chuckled a little. The witch from before came back and patted Draco on the back, he shifted to the side, next to us again. "We are ready for you now. Follow me." She turned and lead us through a huge hall, four tables lined up with students sat on the each side. We walked in twos, sadly I got stuck beside Draco. She stopped us all at the front, letting Professor Dumbledore speak first. Y/N dazed out a little, only hearing a few things before they started reading out names.

"Hermione Granger." Mcgonagall started to read out names. A wavy hair girl stepped forward. I overheard Draco at the side of me whisper "Mudblood." She must be muggle born, but there was no need for him to be so hateful towards her yet. "Gryffindor!" She stood up with a smile and made her way over to a cheering table.

Next up was Draco, "Draco Malfoy" spoke the Professor. The hat barely touched his head as it shouted "Slytherin!" And he stood back up, trotting over to the table cheering for him. "Pansy Parkinson." The pug face girl I had seen before stood up. "Oh I know.. Slytherin!" She stood up and ran towards Draco, sitting beside him. "Ronald Weasley." The redhead boy sat down nervously, the hat was placed down and sprung to life "Hah! Another Weasley. I know just what to do with you. Gryffindor!" It shouted out and the boy ran towards the same table as the girl just before.

It felt like the sorting hat took forever, but soon it was Harry Potter. He sat down and all the teachers behind Mcgonagall sat up-right. "Hmm, difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage I see. Not a bad mind either, there's talent. Oh yes. A thirst to prove yourself, but where to put you." I dazed off a little, it took a while before the brown hat finally perked up. "Gryffindor!" I looked over and Draco put his hands over his head, it was clear he wanted the famous Harry Potter in his house. He had tried becoming friends with him earlier on.

"Y/N Lloyd." The Professor called out, children started chattering in shock. "Y/N Lloyd? She's here?" A boy said as I wandered past. Rolling my eyes. The hat was placed on my neatly done hair. "Ah, Y/N Lloyd. Humble's last descendant." The hat muttered, brushing its fabric mouth together. "There's only one place to put you." It stopped for a pause, I glanced up to see Malfoys eyes eager and praying. Oh no, he's going to get exactly what he wants. "Slytherin!" He jumped up with Pansy and cheered as Y/N made her way over to the table. "Pureblood children follow their destiny. Isn't that right Lloyd." He looked at Y/N as she shook her head. "Give it up Malfoy, the hat barely touched your head."

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