• Dementors at Hogwarts •

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As Y/N stepped through the doors of The Great Hall she bit the gum behind her bottom lip very softly, trying to hide her smirk. Her head turned slightly to the side and looked at Pansy who was still wand less and sulking. She sat in the middle of another group who took her in while Y/N sat opposite from Malfoy, beside Milo and Iga while his friends surrounded them. A choir finished singing at the front of the hall as they entered. The moment they finished and vanished around the corners, Dumbledore stepped up behind a golden podium and started giving a speech. First he introduced Professor Remus Lupin, her fathers friend. She knew of Lupin's secret and scoffed as he continued to speak of Dementors protecting Hogwarts and Hagrid becoming an official teacher. After the speech, Draco span around on his bench and leaned over. "Pottah! Pottah!" He hissed. "Is it true you fainted? I mean you actually fainted?" He joked, laughing about it as Harry whisked around and when they finally turned back towards the table. Milo caught the look on her face and turned to her.

"Lloyd, Lloyd." She mimicked with a salty expression. "Is it true you fainted. I mean you ACTUALLY fainted?" Y/N laughed a little and pushed Milo slightly. The two girls erupted into giggles and laughter before getting up from the table and leaving towards the Dungeons. "Lloyd." Malfoy stopped them before they could go. "Where are you going." He looked her up and down with a scowl. "Back to the Girls Dormitory, where I don't have to listen to you." She snapped back. Turning with a cold smile and making her way out. Milo and Iga stuck to her side with chatter about their Summer and asking how Y/N's holiday was. She shrugged off as many questions as she could before they found their beds and sat on the end of hers, facing the window. Iga moved over to the side and sat on a chair by the side of the window and smiled.

"So what was that about on the carriage today?" She smiled, flicking her wand in a circle and throwing shimmers in the air. "Oh.. that was nothing." Y/N chuckled. "Nothing looked particularly love struck." Milo cut in with a giggle. "I swear. I just looked Malfoy in the eyes.." Y/N sounded so confident until the end of her sentence and Milo stood up as she flopped down onto her back. "I've never seen his eyes so clear before." She sighed and the two shared a look. "Explain what they look like. Iga leaned over with curiosity. "Okay.. they are such a icy blue. Almost grey, they are so.. so bright and piercing." She stared up while speaking before sitting up slowly. "He has really.. really beautiful eyes." She cowered a little and the girls smiled. "And what about him?"

"What do you mean?" Y/N looked at Milo who was now sat on her dresser. "I mean, what did you see that had changed with him." She rested her arms on her legs softly and smiled. "Well, he's definitely gotten taller.. and stronger?" She blinked a little before continuing. "His hair looks softer and he's lost a little weight on his cheeks." She prodded her own cheeks and smiled. "So basically what you're saying is.. Malfoy is attractive?" Milo cut in and Y/N fumbled with the ring on her finger. "Maybe? He is still the most annoying Slytherin boy, I know but he is rather nice to look at." She looked at the little green ring and smiled, Iga reached out her hand and lifted her finger. "He gave you this ring I'm guessing?" She shared a smile with Y/N. The only reply she could give was a little nod. "Yes. He has been sending me written letters and gifts all Summer break." She sighed and the three turned as they heard a loud chatter of people entering the dorm. "Come on. Let's get changed then go see your lover boy." Milo jumped off the dresser and wandered to her own bed. Y/N nodded reluctantly and changed into a slightly oversized green sweatshirt with a dark spaghetti strap crop underneath. She slipped on some black shorts and fixed her Y/H/C hair into a "neat" and perfect messy bun.

Milo span her around after she changed and grabbed her wrist before she could protest, pulling her out of the dorms. "What are you doing?" She stumbled to keep up pace with her so quickly but managed. "Taking you with me before you back out, I know I would. Especially if I liked him." She giggled and pushed Y/N in the middle. Iga left the door first and she stumbled out behind her. The common room was fairly empty, the rest of the girls had just begun going into the dorms including Pug face and all but Malfoy's group of boys had left into their dorm. Y/N gulped a little and stood beside her friends. Malfoy slowly turned around while sitting on the sofa, one arm stretched across the back with nobody sat there and looked back at her. She rubbed her arm and poured a little before Milo guided the group to sit on the empty sofa.

As Y/N went to sit, Milo slipped a pillow under her and she jumped up. She shook her head and glanced at Malfoy. "Are you kidding me?" She hissed and wandered over. "Mind it I sit?" She looked down at him with her arms crossed and he nodded, shrugging a little. "Go ahead. But I'm not moving." He smirked and the boys snickered as she sat down on the edge of the chair. She looked up at the side and saw Milo and Iga's small smiles. "Why so tense Lloyd?" Goyle chuckled and she threw a cold stare. "Why not come sit with me if you are so uncomfortable?" He reached over the table and she grimaced, falling backwards and shifting towards Malfoy's arm. He watched carefully and shook his head. "Leave her alone Goyle."

"I would rather choke on poly juice potion than sit with you Goyle." Y/N added with annoyance. "That.." Goyle opened his mouth slightly and closed it before leaving to the dorms in silence. She watched him leave slowly and the other boys left with him, leaving Malfoy and the girls alone. Milo and Iga moved to the sofa they surrounded and smiled. "You two are awfully cheerful. What has you in such a good mood." Malfoy leaned forward and whisked his arm past Y/N. She looked to her friends with a warning expression and they nodded. "It's just amazing to be back at Hogwarts. We heard about everything Y/N had done and everyone is safe now. It's so nice to see everyone again." Milo cut in before Iga could say anything stupid.

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