• The Great Hall •

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Y/N smiled over at the faces that turned to face her. "Y/N!" Two girls gasped and she ran over. She was taken into a tight embrace by Milo and Iga before a cold hand tapped her shoulder. She turned to face the sunken face of Malfoy and shook her head. Y/N took him into a tight hug and dug his face into the side of his robe with a friendly smile. "Thanks for visiting me Malfoy." She whispered and his fingers gripped her a little before letting go. "I don't know what you're talking about." He snapped and she smirked. "Well, if you didn't visit me who was talking to me about-" He gave her a glare and she smiled. "I'm going to make sure that Wood knows I'm okay."

With a sharp turn, Y/N left and wandered to the Gryffindor table with a smile. Oliver Wood rose to his feet and dragged Y/N close into a hold for a little before putting his hands on her shoulders and connecting their eyes. He smiled and nodded. "It's good to have you back Lloyd." His palms rubbed her shoulders with slight grip and made her feel more comfortable. "Thanks Wood. It's good to be back." She smiled up at him before he patted her shoulders and sat down. "I will see you later." He nodded and she wandered off, back to her own table before a hand grabbed her wrist. "Y/N, it's good to see you." She looked down to see Harry Potter smiling up at her and nodded. "Thanks Harry. If it wasn't for you and your gang I would probably still be there and afraid it would happen again." His hand left her wrist and the shared a smile before she continued walking to her table and took a seat beside Milo and Iga. Malfoy sat across from her with Crabbe and Goyle to his sides. Pansy crossed her arms and flared over as everyone glittered Y/N in their attention.

"I personally think we should be happy to be alive." She hissed and everyone glanced over with a cold stare. "Shut up Pugsy." Milo spat and her jaw dropped softly. "Y/N could have died and all you can think about is yourself, selfish." Iga replied and Y/N smirked. "Please, Pansy. Try a few months petrified and unable to move. Everyone around you telling you things and speaking to you without any possible way of responding." She paused and glanced at Draco. "Friends arguing around you about who should and should've be visiting." She dropped her eyes to her hands. "Telling tou their problems and venting out, you have no way of showing you care or that you are listening." Y/N looked back up at the silent group. "Them thinking you can't hear them at all."

There was a little pause before Draco cut it sharply like a hot knife. "I think it's good you are back, after all who am I going to annoy if you aren't." He lifted his chin and looked down at her. She shook her head at his sly reply. "Oh Malfoy, don't get cheeky with a Lloyd." She smirked and looked over at him, focusing on his robe. "I think it's great to have you back Y/N! You've missed so much, we did try to update you as much as possible." Milo smiled and Iga hugged into her side more. "I know. You guys gave me some enchanted flowers, I'm so grateful. You also taught Oliver Wood a spell or to, I admire it. Thank you." Y/N smiled at her friends with pride. Finally some of her friends were being kind to her Gryffindor friends, especially Wood. Malfoy glared at the girls and pushed his hands against the table to stand up. "I'll be in the common room getting ready to leave. You should all start packing soon."

"I'll come with you." Y/N lifted herself off the bench with a smile and let herself out of Iga and Milo's grasp. "I will see you guys in the dorm." She looked down and smiled as Malfoy grabbed her wrist and pulled her away. She ripped her arm from his grasp softly and walked beside him. "What is your problem Malfoy." She whispered as they got to the doors. "I could ask you the same. What exactly do you remember."

"Not a lot, I zoned out most times. All I remember is when you or Harry, Oliver, Milo or Iga would come to visit. Once Fred and George came but I think that was for Hermione and they were just curious." She shrugged before being slammed against the dungeon corridor walls. A arm stretching out by the left of her head and Draco towering somewhat over her. She jumped a little and gasped. "What the fuck Malfoy." Y/N hissed at him as he studied her face. She shot her eyes behind him before a hand grabbed her face. "Now you listen here you spoilt brat." He huffed. "Whatever I said to you when you were Petrified DOESN'T matter. Forget everything I said." He let go of her face and furrowed his brows. Leaving her on the wall and entering the Common Room.

Y/N stood, glued to the wall in shock and slid down very slowly. She blinked twice before taking a deep breath. "What- What did I do?" She curled her knees up under her chin and hid her face to think about the outburst of anger she had seen reflected on his face. A hand brushed against her head and held it close. Through a blur she focused on a surprise to her eyes. "Oliver? What are you doing down here?" Y/N relaxed a little and slipped onto her knees. "I saw Malfoy grab your wrist and rush you out of The Great Hall. I just wanted to make sure you are okay."

"Did you witness that?" Y/N blinked a little before looking into his eyes. "No, I just saw you sink down to the floor." He took her trembling hands in a cup and gulped. "Are you okay?"

"I should be fine.. I just witnessed Malfoy snap. I mean.. really snap. He got so defensive about the fact he thought I couldn't hear him when I was petrified.."

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