• Slytherin •

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Soon after the feast, we were lead by a prefect student to show us the common room. I hadn't really payed any attention, he lead us through the corridor and said the password of the painting that stood in front of the room. He started to explain everything else but I only remember him explaining where the boys and the girls rooms were. I let Ombré out of his cage and sat him beside me as I wrote my first letter next to the window, having it slightly open to see across the Hogwarts ground.

Dear Mother & Father,

I arrived safely at Hogwarts. It's been great so far.
You'd be happy to know I am a Slytherin, with Mr. Malfoy's son. Draco Malfoy. I do miss you both so very dearly. It's rather late right now, so I will send Ombré with this letter early in the morning. That is his name by the way, I named him the night of my birthday party.

How is Father doing with work?
What is it like at home currently?

Love from your dearest daughter,
Y/N M/N Lloyd.

Y/N folded the letter and placed it into an empty envelope. Sealing it very tightly before setting it to the side. "Goodnight Ombré." She gave the Owl a small stroke with her fingers before closing the window and climbing into bed. Before she knew it, she woke up to the sound of Pansy snoring, it felt as if the beds were shaking. Luckily no other girls had awoken yet. If she knew a spell on how to fix somebodies nose, she'd do it to Pansy's. Y/N was already very annoyed with Pansy and Malfoy.

Not because she was jealous but because Pansy was to clingy and PDA for her own liking. She stuck to Malfoy like hot glue and would only leave his side if she had to. She got up, stroking Ombré slightly before passing the note. "To Lloyd Mansion." With that, the window was opened and the black bird chirped, flying off into the horizon towards the direction of her home.

She started getting changed into her uniform, putting on her robe and tying her hair into a green ribbon. Her first class was with Professor Mcgonnagall, and sadly Draco was in the same class. He was in quite a few of her classes apparently. With that in mind, she made her way out of the girls bedroom and through to the common room, only to her distaste; Draco was sat before her on a sofa, with Crabbe and Goyle. She tutted and tried to sneak past but Draco had already spotted her. "Going somewhere, Lloyd? Class isn't set to start yet."

"Does anything I do need to be any of your business, Malfoy." Y/N snapped back, standing in the middle of the room. "Come here." Draco stared, with a shake of her head she wandered over. Standing over him as he sat on the sofas. "Can I help you?" Y/N took a breath before tapping her foot.

"Do you know who I am?" Malfoy tutted. Looking her up and down, he obviously wasn't used to talking to Witches with more respect and power to him.

"No, Malfoy. Who are you again? I think you forget who you are actually talking to." She hissed at him, he seemed a little shocked with her reply but what could he do, hex her and get into trouble? "Very well, Lloyd." He smirked, standing up to look over he, which was practically impossible since they were near enough the same height.

"Now, I ask again. Malfoy. Can I help you?" Y/N stared into his chest, refusing to make any eye contact with this wretched boy. "Come to think of it , why should I be helping you?" She added, before turning and flicking him with the ends of her H/C hair. Before he could protest, she had already left the Common Room. Goyle and Crabbe were left in silence just as Draco was.

As she got halfway down the corridor she heard his annoying, squeaking voice trailing behind her. "Lloyd." He shouted, stomping his way behind her as she made her way to the first lesson. "Lloyd!" He got closer and grabbed her shoulder, whipping her around. She drew her wand and pointed it at his neck. "I won't repeat myself, Malfoy. Mind your business. I have places to be, just like you. Don't you have somebody else to bother?" She snapped, he stepped back a little and nodded. "Calm it down Lloyd, I was just heading to class." He joked and walked around Y/N to Professor McGonnagalls classroom.

At least half an hour into the lesson, the door swings open. Draco, positioned just in front of me, swung around to see who had entered. Two pairs of feed scurried through the isle before the annoying voice of Weasley broke the silence. "Whew, we made it." He rubbed his forehead as Harry fixed the position of his glasses. "Can you imagine the look on McGonnagall'a face if we were late. I lifted my head a little, smiling before beginning to write again. Draco, of course chuckled a little himself. The cat sat at the front of the desk jumped off, transforming into the Professor before our eyes. Ron looked astonished. "That was bloody brilliant." I shook my head, ignoring the rest of their conversation.

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