• Seeker •

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The trio got less than halfway towards the common room before Y/N was stopped. "Y/N Lloyd." She didn't recognise the face but she offered out her hand. "I'm the new Captain of the Quidditch team. Can I speak to you about your position?" She smiled. Y/N nodded. "Go on, I'll meet you in the common room." They walked to the side a little. "How would you like to be a Chaser? Instead of a Seeker." She smiled. "Where's the sudden change come from? Who would be our Seeker?" Y/N looked up at the girl and lifted a brow. "Malfoy. His father requests he join the team and offered to buy us all the newest brooms. I accepted of course. Your now a Chaser, I'll see you at practice tomorrow." The new Captain left the room without letting Y/N fit in a word. With that, she had no choice and made her way to the dorm room.

"How'd it go?" Milo asked as the common room door closed. "Malfoy is the new Seeker. I'm just a Chaser. It would've just been easier to kick me from the team. Now I have to play WITH that brat." Y/N slumped onto the green sofa and shook her head. "I think I'll head off to the dorm room, if I'm training tomorrow after class. I must be prepared." Y/N smiled, standing back up just as she heard Malfoy enter the Common Room. He stood near the front of the room, watching Y/N as she got ready to leave. "Lloyd, thanks for stepping down as Seeker." He smirked, leaning against the wall as Crabbe and Goyle passed him to go to the boys dorm. "I didn't step down, Malfoy." Y/N turned her head over her shoulder and glared in his direction. "I was told by the Captain I had to be a Chaser." She turned her head again and began walking up the stairs before his voice shouted out again. "Be lucky I asked that you stay on the team."

Y/N woke up and looked down at her feet in silence. She was the last one up for once, even after Pugsy. Milo came up the stairs with some breakfast for her and set it onto her bedside table. "Morning, we knew you wouldn't be up early. I know you've got a lot on your mind that you aren't telling us."

"How can you tell?" Y/N looked up at Milo and frowned. She had been trying so hard to hide her frustration with Malfoy and her annoyance over Pansy.
"It's what friends are there to spot. You became a little distant, sure you would still hang but you focus on letters more and skip dinner sometimes. What is bothering you?" She put a hand on Y/N's shoulder and gave it a soft, reassuring squeeze. "It's Malfoy and Pansy. Malfoy is just a total and utter prick in the first place who can only go places if he gets money or his father involved. I lost my place as Seeker for HIM. Ignorant twat." She paused as her words tumbled out in anger like thunder before continuing. "Then you have Pansy, I personally call her Pugsy. She's so ANNOYING, her bothering and clinging to Draco isn't a issue. I like winding him up about that but it's her snarky comments, constant attempt of standing over me and waking me up early with her loud grumble of a snore." She stopped and just looked at Milo who was sat in silence, unsure of what to say.

"Here we thought you were just going through a family issue. You did hide that pretty well, but I know how you can annoy Malfoy." She smiled. "Just wait until the time is right and I'll tell you." The two nodded in agreement before she proceeded. "About Pansy, I know what you mean. I honestly thought about suffocating her with a pillow the other day. She needs to fix that pug looking nose of hers." She smiled, causing the two to giggle a little and raised the spirit of the room.

"Thanks Milo." Y/N nodded and got up from her bed, getting her uniform on from behind a curtain. "It's what friends are for, now hurry if you can. Professor Sprout has a lesson with us today and personally, I don't want to miss it." She smiled as she stood up and walked to the door, waiting for Y/N to come out of the curtain.

"Morning everyone!" The professor wandered into the class, everyone was still chatting and so she took a place at the front and tapped her wand on a plant pot. "Good morning everyone!" Professor Sprout smiled around the room at everyone. "Good morning, Professor Sprout!" Everyone said in sync then fell into silence apart from the Professor.

"Welcome to Greenhouse three, second years." She lifted her wand with a smile and set it down to the side. "Now gather around everyone, today we are going to be repotting Mandrakes. Who can tell me the properties of a mandrake root?" Hermiones hand went up into the sky at full velocity, Y/N hid behind Malfoy and his little gang so she didn't pick on me. "Yes, Miss Granger?"

"Always asks the Mudblood." Malfoy chuckles, tapping his friends on the shoulder before noticing her watching eyes behind him. "What do you want Malfoy." She watched him turn a little without saying a word yet then he smirked and turned back. Yeah, that's what she thought to. If she ignored him and gave him sass, maybe he'd leave her alone for a while and focus on Pugsy Parkinsons. She rolled her eyes as he snickered with his friends about the teacher and shook her head, watching as he shoved his finger into the mouth of the root and getting it stuck. "Idiot."

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