• Eat Slugs •

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I gripped hold of a new broom, the new Nimbus 2001's which Mr Malfoy had supplied the entire with after paying for Malfoy to become the Seeker. I looked down at the ground most of the time until the Mudblood and Weasley approached from the side. Draco grabbed my wrist and pulled me forward as he stepped up against Ron. Harry looked over at me and reached out, I flinched a little and apologised. "I'm fine, don't worry." I nodded and he smiled a little before Ron's wand backfired a hex. Harry's entire team rushed forward and Ron was taken away. We were escorted onto the pitch and took to our brooms. "Lloyd, I want you to play as the opposite teams Seeker. I know you've done it before." The Captain shouted out at her and she centred herself opposite Malfoy.

"Make sure your ready, girls are better than boys at most things Malfoy." She chimed sarcastically and he raised his eyebrow. "Girls are only good at one thing." He paused. "Riding a different kind of broom."

"That is disgusting Malfoy." She pouted and shook her head. "You actually make me want to die." Y/N tutted before they released the Snitch. "Go!" They signalled and the two zoomed to follow the little golden ball. Lloyd had her eyes fixed onto the Snitch and Malfoy circled around her as she leaned forward a little more. He came beside her and tapped her side a little. "Sorry, this might be a little rough."

"Good luck then." She smiled before diving down as she tried to slam into her side, following the Snitch. "Keep your eyes on the Snitch, not me." Y/N shouted up as he skidded his broom to a halt and followed her.

Soon training had finished and she had beaten Malfoy in the chase a few times. "I suppose I would do great on Gryffindor." She smiled, rushing off and leaving her broom with Flint as she saw Milo and Iga waving at her. "Are you ready to go?" They shared a look and started to walk. "Wait, Lloyd." She sighed, could he give her a break? "Yes Malfoy?" She turned very slowly before he made that stupid smirk spread across his face. "You did well today. A great Chaser, of course." He looked her up and down before going back to the rest of the team.

"Okay, what was that?" Y/N turned slowly but neither girls could find an answer. "Maybe he is just feeling nice today?" Iga shrugged before they began walking again. "I don't know but I just want to get out of this stupid outfit."

"Agreed, it looks uncomfortable. You've been wearing it during training too. So I feel bad for you."

"You should. It's so stupid and it just isn't needed." The three continued through the halls after Y/N changed back into her robes and went to the great hall for the feast.

"Harry Potter isn't here." Milo looked over at the table and saw Hermione and Ron's confused faces. Asking each other if they had seen him. "To bad." Y/N replied with a shrug.

"Wow, you really feel nothing for any of the boys here? Not even Malfoy?" She joked as he sat down. His eyes caught Milo's and Iga's but Y/N was still avoiding making any eye contact with him, her head remained low and she sighed. "I feel nothing nothing on the outside, you are correct. The inside, on the other side is confused and screaming to be figured out." Y/N said sarcastically.

"You could start by looking Malfoy in the eyes maybe." Milo shrugged her shoulders before plating her food. "It's just a suggestion."

"No chance, if I do that. You never know what could happen. I have to dance with that boy at family parties. Do you know how awkward it would be to have eye contact during that. I've been avoiding his eyes since the first year." Y/N whispered and Milo blinked twice. "You've danced?" She smiled.

"You've been avoiding it that long?" Iga added with a shocked expression. "How? His eyes are so.."

The two of them shared a look before saying it together "Blue!" They giggled as he turned his head back at the trio. Y/N seemed unamused and was becoming colder and colder during her time at Hogwarts. She used to be so open and would talk to the entire group but ever since Pansy started to become clingy and annoying, she started to build a sudden wall and he had no idea why. "What are you girls giggling about now?" His eyebrow raised and Milo looked back at him. "We are talking about how CUTE you and Pansy are, you two make the power couple." She smiled as his face turned sour. "We aren't going out." He barked back. "She just doesn't let go of me and has some weird, creepy obsession with me." He turned and shuffled away from her slightly, sitting closer to the trio. Pansy turned her head and realised "Oh no you-"

"Pugsy, if you even TRY to drag him back beside you. I will hex you so far you will need months of therapy." Y/N lifted her wand and lifted her gaze to meet Pansy's eyes. "Leave him alone." It was like watching a flame in her eyes as he hand gripped the end of her wand, ready to go. "Cool off Y/N, she's just got a crush." Milo put her hand over Y/N's and slipped the wand from her hold. "I know but she needs to keep it private. Nobody wants to see and you can certainly see that Malfoy hates it."

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