• Hogsmead Village •

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Two weeks had passed, conversation between Y/N had remained the same. Somehow, their interaction in the hall had brought Malfoy closer to her, he began to trust her more. "Remember!" Y/N raised her head as McGonagall circled everyone, her arm extended a little as she scooped her permission form from her hand. Harry rushed over to her side, pulling her into a conversation that lasted a few minutes. "I don't know why he tries." Pansy rolled her eyes. In the two weeks, she'd stepped away from Malfoy as much, it seemed like she had finally got the hint that he wasn't interested. "Maybe because he wants to join his friends.." Y/N looked over at the other Gryffindors before beginning. "Just like everyone else can." She gave Pansy a cold glare, causing her to shut up and step back, hiding herself into a group of girls and joining in their conversation. "You should calm down the attitude Lloyd." Malfoy's hand softly patted Y/N's head. She brushed her tongue along her teeth in annoyance. "What do you want now Malfoy." She rested her eyes upon his, her voice wasn't sharp. It was as warm as dry ice. He smirked and shook his head, tearing his eyes away from hers as he began to follow the groups, heading towards the village. Y/N shook her head, given no answer. She followed shortly after him.

Hogsmead was a busy place, full of different shops and places to sit and eat. It was no place for a 13 year old to venture alone. Why Hogwarts thought it was a good idea to let them all visit such a place, was more than Y/N's mind could take on. She watched as excited children buried themselves into crowds around windows and spent their time going inside the shops. A soft hand dragged her away from the busy street, Malfoy's of course. He took her away from everyone, to a hilltop in silence. He rested himself upon the bank and she copied. "Why have you brought me here?" She laid her cloak down onto the grass, giving her something to sit on. "I just thought, a true change of scenery would be nice for you." He shrugged. "I know you've visited this village just as much as I have." As much as Y/N hated to admit it, he was right. They both visited Hogsmead with their families, sometimes together. Sometimes it was their parents own private business. "I suppose.." She looked over towards the village, the view was surprisingly calming. "The village is something so new for so many of the students here. I don't see the fuss of it." She shook her head with a small smile. "We were the same when we were much younger."

He looked down at the village also, students ran from store to store. They filled their hands with sweets and books, toys too. "Yeah, but it became old very quickly." She gave a small smile and looked down at her shoes. "Now.. why are you being like this Y/N." His voice was soft, calming. The sentence made her heart jump. "W-what do you mean?" She stuttered with her words, looking over at him. Their eyes met, he was already gazing at her for an answer. "You know exactly how I mean Lloyd." He used her maiden name again, leaning backwards on his arms. "I have to be Malfoy." She exhaled, turning her body to sit in his direction. "I can't like you as more than a family friend, but I can't hate you like I hate the other houses. Yet I have to be peaceful with all." Her words poured out like ice melting on fire. "I can't have many close friends, my fathers business, like your own, with.. you know.." She raised her head a little, he nodded. "It must remain secret, and whatever he has your father doing may not be the same as my own. I'm not even sure what my father is doing anymore. He refuses to tell me."

"I know." He cut into her sentence before she could say any more. "I mean, I guess you answered my question." Malfoy sighed, what was he hoping the answer to be? "Yet, we best get going. The group will begin heading back to Hogwarts soon and I don't want to be either the last ones in the crowd or end up being left behind as a whole." He began standing, offering his hand to Y/N. She took it, lifting her cloak up with her and returning to the village with it back over her shoulders again.


Y/N was sat again in the great hall with the rest of Slytherin. Milo and Iga shared their adventures with her about Hogsmead, and soon realised that Y/N had disappeared, curiosity lit their eyes up. "Where'd you end up?" Milo smirked, her eyes glanced at Draco and Y/N shook her head. "It wasn't like that. He just wanted to know why.." Milo spoke through her. "Why you've been acting like such a complete bitch towards him?" She raised her eyebrows softly. "Yeah.. I guess you could say it like that." Y/N smirked and shook her head. "Well what did you tell him?" Iga smiled, her voice settled well into the chattering in the background. "Just told him it was to do with out families.." She nodded. "Businesses." Her eyebrows raised and both girls nodded. Draco looked over at them for a moment, meeting the back of Y/N's head before looking down at the table and then going back to talking to the few males he accepted into his circle.

"So you didn't just admit to liking him." Iga whispered, the girls held back laughter at the sudden comment. "Of course I didn't." Y/N tilted her head and smirked. "How awkward would that conversation be." She played with the ring on her finger, the green shimmered in the light above. "I don't know how I'd ever speak to him ever again if I did that." Milo shook her head. "Yet, you still wear the ring that 'his mother' got you." Her fingers raised, making bunny ears. "You really think, Malfoy, of all boys would pick such a feminine ring like this?" Y/N gave her a look, which only made Milo more confident with her words. "Yeah, I really do, it's the way he watches you and always checks if you are still wearing it." Milo smiled, Y/N wasn't sure how to answer and closed her mouth as quickly as it crept open. "I think Milo has a point, if it was truly his mother who picked that for you, he would not be so interested in how often you wear it."

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