• Lupin •

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A few days pass, rumours of Sirius Black being at Hogwarts had spread across the school like a wildfire on dead branches. Y/N had already updated Iga and Milo about what happened after they shamelessly disappeared and left her alone with Malfoy that night, but now they were sat in another long divination class. Y/N was barely paying attention as the Professor spoke. She poked the ball in front of her a few times and sighed, her eyes flicked upwards towards the clicking clock. Hermione stormed out of the room, sending the crystal ball before her rolling against the stairs following her. A quiet "Oooh." Left Malfoy's lips and she shook her head, putting her head down with ease. "Bored Lloyd?" His face turned slightly and she moved the hair covering her eyes to the side. "I hate Divination." She huffed, as the professor quickly raised her hands and tried to forget the scene that happened before them all, and soon enough Malfoy was tapping against Lloyd's shoulder to wake her. She blinked a few times and helped herself up and out of the classroom. 


Y/N slipped into a classroom while her friends were distracted and waited for a while. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned in shock. "Professor Lupin." She sighed with relief. Her eyes searched the room for another student, but it was completely empty. "Might I ask why you're in here Lloyd?" He ushered towards the door and she paused herself before making a move. "I need a change in scenery, I'm cooped up into my dorm room most of the time with my friends." Her head turned towards the door, the chatter of students wandering past continued. "Anything else?" His arms crossed behind his back. "And Malfoy. I always have to be near him." She scoffed. "Yet, it's painfully clear the boy has strong feelings for you?" His voice was clear, and calm. Her Y/E/C optics followed him as he paced before her. "Clearly. Which is exactly why I need space. Whenever I'm around him he's always being so.."

"Protective?" He stopped and turned his head over his shoulder, his entire body following after. "Exactly." Y/N sighed. "He should get over it, that's if you want him to." He nodded, signalling towards the door, the hall was rather silent now and Y/N blinked, without anything else she thanked Lupin and left the room. Her head turned to check both sides of the hallway and rushed through it, watching over her shoulder briefly to make sure nobody was following her. She turned all the different corners, getting further and further away from the common room. Y/N didn't stop walking, she ended up outside, sat on the grass with her wand in hand. Her wrist flicked in different ways as she perfected the pronunciation of spells she'd learned the past week and practiced little spells she'd picked up from her mother, releasing little sparkles of light like fireflies and petals flowing into the air to turn into momentary butterflies flowing along the wind. She heard a few footsteps along the grass and turned, watching Malfoy with the two hooligans and a very smug Pug following behind him. Pansy's head turned and she spotted Y/N, automatically blowing her location and Malfoy raised his hand, with a scoff she got up and followed. "What's got you out of the common room now." She walked in front of Pansy, who pulled a face and sulked in complete silence. "Wait and see." Malfoy chuckled. 

She followed the group around a long path, leading towards a large rock surrounded hill. Malfoy rushed behind one of the rocks and clapped his hands with a laugh. "Pass me those binoculars." He opened his hand as Crabbe handed over some black binoculars, he raised them to his eyes. "What are we doing here Malfoy." Y/N looked over the hill, seeing Hagrid's pumpkin patch. Buckbeak was tied up, Hagrid standing beside him throwing ferrets towards the Hippogriff to eat. One hand raised under his eye and Malfoy lowered the Binoculars as Hagrid headed back inside of his hut. "Did you see the big, fat blubbering oaf?" He laughed. "Oh, this is going to be rich." Y/N turned her head towards him with a glare and caught a smiling Pansy stood beside Crabbe and Goyle. She could only see the back of Draco's head as he turned to stand facing the group. "Did I tell you Father said I can keep the head?" He laughed again as a few bushes moved in the distance, he looked over and Y/N's head followed. "Ah! Come to see the show?" He turned towards the three walking out of the forest, Hermione strutted towards Malfoy and raised her wand against his face. "You foul.. loathsome, evil little cockroach!" She shouted out, eyes full of hatred and anger fixated onto Malfoy. "Hermione no!" Ron spoke up as Y/N raised her wand against the side of her face, she turned to look at him for a moment as he spoke again. "He's not worth it." His voice wavered and his head turned away and looked towards Harry. Hermione turned to face Draco again and lowered her wand, causing Y/N to lower hers also. She nodded, almost turning away before raising her right hand and striking him across the face before walking off. Malfoy fell backwards and held his cheek, stumbling to balance himself and began to run.

"That felt good." Hermione huffed and the three began to chuckle. "He deserved it too." Y/N nodded and they soon realise she hadn't left the hill yet. "Hopefully, he'll learn something from it. I highly doubt it though." She gave a light smile before wandering back down the path and leaving them without a chance to say a word. It was painful enough having to wander back down the long path, she watched from the distance as Malfoy and the others had slowed their running, Pansy was against his side rubbing his cheek and sucking up to his childish attitude. Pathetic.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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