• Jelly Tot •

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The train skidded to a halt. Malfoy helped Y/N up by the arm while Milo and Iga struggled. Her legs felt like jelly. "Come on Lloyd. Pick yourself up." As everyone else left the carriage she felt a tight grip on her arm again. A soft, warm hand. It wasn't a harsh grip. She kept looking down at the floor. A slight blur before a hand cuffed with rings lifted her face towards the door. "It would be great if we could start moving." His harsh tone violated the air before supporting her out of the train. "Thank you Malfoy." She began feeling her legs a little and could see straight. Snapping her arm from his touch she nodded. "I'll be fine from here." A slight gaze up at him again and she scanned how much taller he was. His face was slightly more shaped and his hair fell perfect over his head. He nodded without a word and walked away. "Crabbe! Goyle. Let's go." He clicked his fingers and walked into the direction of the docks. Pansy jumped to her feet, gave Y/N a dirty look and rushed off to follow Malfoy.

"Are you okay?" Iga held onto Y/N's arm and she nodded. "Come on. Before the carriages leave." The three began to walk before they stopped at a line of gorgeous black carriages. As they waited, droplets of water began to trickle down and Y/N groaned. A little umbrella sort of bubble covered her head. She looked to the side where Hagrid had covered the stupids from the rain. "Quickly! Hurry inside." His soft voice boomed over the chittering students and Y/N found herself being dragged into a carriage. She hadn't payed much attention to where she sat. Yet, like always before her sat a fully suited boy with blonde hair. She shook her head. His legs sat rested in a 'man-spread' as he gazed in her direction coldly. Her legs were centred in the middle of his, glued together and her hands holding onto her knees. Y/N stared out the window for a while.

Two cold eyes pierced her cheek before she looked over. Pansy was sat on the opposite side of the Carriage, crossing her arms while the others were talking. She glared into Y/N's direction and she held back a giggle. "Why are you laughing?" Malfoy raised an eyebrow and she snapped her eyes into his for the first time since they had met. She took in the cold grey/blue eyes and her heart skipped a beat. Now she realised why everyone in Slytherin tried so hard with Malfoy, his eyes held a source of power she had never experienced within someone's before. Her mouth gaped open and he furrowed his brows. "Well?" He leaned forward a little, locking Y/N's eyes into his with a small smirk on his face. She licked her bottom lip slowly before smiling. "I'm just laughing at your little girlfriend." She blinked twice, gazing into his eyes. His hands sat on her knees, his fingers intertwined with each other and trapping her there. "You mean Pansy?" He scoffed.

"Pansy isn't my girlfriend." He looked her up and down before sitting back and pulling away from Y/N. She sat a little flustered now staring at the wall of the carriage. "What was that?" Milo whispered into her ear and she looked over as her friends giggled with a smile. Pansy looked furious. Her face was practically cracking with anger. "Calm down Pug, nobody asked for you to be here." She left Milo and Iga with no answer and Malfoy lifted his head up to her once again before looking to the side at Pansy. "I think you should know your place, Lloyd. Malfoy doesn't like people like YOU." Pansy stuttered out with burning anger. Y/N smirked and lifted her wand from her robe. "I'd watch your words Pug." Malfoy snapped, holding out his arm and flicking her wand from her grasp. "Someone would think you're jealous of me not liking you." He added with a sarcastic laugh.

"So who do you like?" Y/N picked up her wand and drew Malfoy into another lock of eye contact. Her face picked up into a smirk and Malfoy's face curdled. He lifted his chin a little and gave her a moment of silence. "Nobody. Not that you would know of anyways." He snapped. She smiled and shook her head. "So you admit that you DO like someone?" He looked down at her hands. The green ring glittered on her fingers, perched like a trophy. "What is it to you? Any of you?" He gazed around the carriage to a now saddened Pansy, holding tears in her eyes. "Curious, I suppose." Milo nodded and turned to face Pansy. "You, out of all people, didn't really think Malfoy would date you? Right?" She looked the girl up and down as Pansy poured her lips and her voice wobbled. "He would probably give me more of a chance than.. her." She lifted her wand up to Y/N's throat and a silence flooded the carriage. Y/N looked down at the wand. "Go on. Hex me." She taunted while leaning forward, pressing the wand against her own throat. Pansy quivered slightly before Goyle dragged down her arm and took the wand from her hand.

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