• Christmas •

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We made our way back over to the castle. Heading straight to bed without a word spoken to one another.
Milo tapped my shoulder as I awoke. "Seeker!" She muttered. "Wake up."

"I'm awake Milo." I sat up. "What is it?" I yawn, covering my mouth as I get up and change into my uniform. Listening to Milo tell me about the night before while I was in Detention with Draco and the trio. "Then Pugsy came upstairs and told us to shut up. She tried being all high and mighty so we did as you said and stood against her." I smiled at Iga and Milo. "That's great guys. I need to start packing my things. It's Christmas tomorrow but I'll be back in two nights." The two smiled, coming for a long hug before letting me pack.

"I can't wait to hear all about the Christmas Party your family is holding. Who do you think you will be dancing with?" Milo smiled with curiosity. "Now that's a silly question, because I can bet on the stars it will be Malfoy." Y/N shook her head, getting the last things in her case. "You've only danced with him once so far, right? How bad can twice hurt."

"Twice hurts when you know it will become three times, then four." She giggles looking at her friends. "I promise to write to you both. I must me on my way." They embrace each other for one last hug which lasted longer than the last. "I'll miss hanging out with you guys." Y/N smiles as she picks up her trunk and Ombré's cage.

Using a spell she learned in class, she helped herself carry her things down the stairs towards the Common Room. She found Malfoy already waiting and packed. "Aw, waiting for me I see." She joked looking at him. "Come now, before we are late for the first train."

"Why must we get the first train again?" Malfoy grabbed his things and followed behind. "We need to get the first train because the faster I'm out of this wicked school, the better." She pauses. "Hopefully you feel the same."

She climbs out of the wooden boat, once again and pulls herself to the dock. She sees her luggage being put inside the train already and then finds herself in a empty Compartment of the train. That was, until Malfoy found her. "There you are, Lloyd. I wasn't going to sit with some filthy mud blood or random Ravenclaw, now was I?" His voice full of sarcasm.

"I can agree with the Mud blood, although she is beginning to calm down on being a know it all. She's some what tolerable now. Yet, I wouldn't become friends with the witch." With that the train began to whistle and shoot along the track. "I can bet our parents are waiting together."

"Agreed, my parents keep mentioning yours in letters." Y/N looks over at Draco with a surprised face. "Your parents write to you?" She looked at his face blankly. "I receive the letters through the window, my owl doesn't deliver them with everyone else's owls. He just flies straight through the window again.

Y/N dazed off, only remembering getting off the train and getting into a carriage. Nothing overly important happened. But now she was home, and before her stood a icy blue gown covered in gems. "I guess this is the dress mother picked out for me for tonight's Party at Malfoy Manor." Her fingers lifted up a layer of the sheer material with a smile.

-Before they left for the party, the pixies helped walk Y/N and her mother out of the house

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Before they left for the party, the pixies helped walk Y/N and her mother out of the house. To make sure their dresses did not touch the ground in any way. "I must say, you picked out a wonderful dress this time." Y/N looked at her mother and smiled. Camilla was thrilled as the sat in the carriage. The Manor was not to far away from home and soon enough, we were parked outside the door. "Wow." The manor was big and dark, mainly just black and silver. Yet we heard chatter inside the doors and Lucius welcomed us at the entrance. "Draco is in the other room, do find him if you can." He kissed my hand as he pointed in, nodding I walked through crowds of people before entering what seemed to be the ball room.

My eyes set to searching, until I finally spotted the blonde boy staring back at me. He made his way over just as I did to him. "Malfoy." I nodded with a bow. "Lloyd." He offered his hand sarcastically and we began to dance slowly.

"You know I hate dancing with you, Malfoy. I only do it because I can tolerate you." Y/N shrugged as he spun her around in a circle. "Now you know that isn't true. You secretly love me." He smirked. "Now don't make me smack you, Malfoy. We aren't even on a first name basis. If that means I love you, go ahead. I would rather be a toad." He laughed, thinking it was a joke. "You are funny sometimes Lloyd. I must say."

She shook her head with a smile before they twirled a little more. A few songs pass and they are sat in the garden. "What do you think of the party?" A light glow lit up what could be called a face of the young Malfoy as he stared out at his garden. "It's okay. Very busy and just live." Y/N pauses for a moment. "But every party is lively and busy I suppose. There's nothing you can do about that."

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