• Diagon Alley •

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The unicorn came to a halt, the door opened with a click and Y/N watched as her parents stepped out of the carriage. "Are you coming dear?" Y/N heard your mothers voice from outside the door and smiled, lifting herself up and stepping out. "Come back within two hours. I may summon you early but it gives us enough time to collect everything." Matthew stopped, looking down at his daughter with a proud smile. His hand rested on Y/N's shoulder as he nodded. "For my darling, Y/N." He handed the goblin sat at the front two golden coins and with that, the Unicorn trotted away.

"Well, I'll be off. I must fetch you your new dress for tonight's party." Y/N's mother stated, kissing her daughter softly on the head before sharing a peck with her husband. "I will see you both when I can." With that, Camilla turned and walked down the streets. She vanished into the crowd of people.

"Where do we go first my dear."  Matthew lifted his hand from his daughters shoulder, instead taking her hand to ensure she wouldn't get lost. Although they had visited Diagon Alley multiple times, today was busy, with people rushing around to get new wands and owls.

Y/N opened the letter she had hidden within her clothes. "Well, it says here I need a wand" She handed the letter up to her father and he smiled. "A wand it is. Onwards." He chucked quietly. Leading his daughter into a dark, store full of cobwebs and boxes of wands. "Greetings." He shut the door as the bell above it chimed. "Ah! Mr. Lloyd. My pleasure to see you again, how is it I can help you?" A tall, bright eyed man with fluffy white hair turned. "Ah, the young Mistress Lloyd. I've been waiting for this since I heard of your birth." He smiled, reaching out his hand. "My name is Ollivander, Garrick Ollivander. I suppose you are looking for your wand."

"That is correct, my name is Y/N Lloyd. Yet you probably already know that." She smiled, stepping forward towards the counter before her. Ollivander smiled, turning around and inspecting the boxes of wands behind him. "Let us see now." He lifted up a box and dusted it off. Lifting off the lid and handing it to her. "Ivy with the feather of a griffin." He smiled, handing the small wooden wand down to Y/N. She gripped the handle and gave it a whirl, it sparked and smashed an already broken clock. She gritted her teeth as she placed the wand back on the counter. "Maybe not that one." She smiled, looking up at Garrick.

"Yes, most definitely not." He boxed the wand and placed it to the side, selecting a new wand from the side of the room. "Now I wonder if this could be the wand." He examined the wooden structure of the wand and dusted off the box to read the golden words at the top. Nodding and seeing Matthews eyes glisten he passed the wand down. "Are you sure?" Y/N blinked before taking the wand wearily. "Now give it a wave." He smiled.

Y/N flicked the wand in a circle, a glowing light circled around her like glittering pixie dust and disappeared. "Magnificent." Her father exclaimed and smiled. "You are going to be a powerful witch, my daughter."

"How so?" Y/N looked at her wand, the wrapped wood, it's curvy exterior and bending look. "That, my dear is a Willow wand, with a Phoenix feather." Ollivander took a place behind the counter again. "It was created by no other than your ancestor."

"No way." Y/N traced her fingers along the wooden wand. "Why is it so special then?" She glances up at her father.

"I will tell you on the way back." He smiled, shaking Ollivander's hand goodbye. He opened the door back to the busy streets and followed his young daughter out. "Now, we get you a owl." He lead the way, walking through the street towards a big shop that had owls sat out in cages and on perches. "After you." He opened the door, allowing Y/N to trot past. "Oh daddy, these owls are beautiful." She chimed, stroking a grey owl that flew over from behind the counter. It nuzzled into her finger and chirped. "Yes dear. Now look around, do you see any that you like?" Mr. Lloyd walked forward to the counter to greet the shop owner, they began to converse as Y/N wandered around the shop before her glance landed on a pure black owl at the very back of the shop. It stared back at her, it's bright glowing eyes shimmered. "Daddy, I like this one." Y/N looked over at her father, before reconnecting their eye contact. "Ah, beautiful." Matthew smiled at his daughter. "We shall take him with us." He places golden coins on the counter and smiled. Saying his goodbyes before picking up the cage the owl sat in. "How well trained is he?"

"Oh, he is rather new. He's very clever and it's obvious who chose who." The shop keeper smiled. "He is perfect for a little witch like Y/N here." With a smile, Y/N shrugged. That didn't answer his question but the shopkeeper was right. She didn't choose the owl, the owl chose her.

"Ah, we best be going. I hadn't realised the time. It seems the carriage is here early. Your mother must be waiting for us." He smiled, carrying the bird for his daughter. "Hello." A cold, voice stopped Matthew just as he reached the carriage. "Ah. Hello old friend." He lifted the cage up and sat it inside the carriage, beside Camilla. "In you go Y/N, I will be there in just a moment." He stepped to the side, a tall man with shoulder length blonde hair watched as she lifted herself into the cart. The door was clicked shut and for around 15 minutes, they sat alone in the carriage waiting to go home.

Matthew finally opened the door again and shouted to the Goblin at the front to take them home, a lock clicked into place and the Unicorn began to move.

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