• Polyjuice •

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On rare occasion, Y/N would stay at Hogwarts on a holiday. She sat with Malfoy and the two boys. Both Iga and Milo had gone home for the 2 weeks away for Christmas. She was lucky enough for Pansy to have gone too. For once in a long time she felt alone, the boys were blabbering about whatever while she sat in complete silence. Malfoy tried getting her to talk with them a few times but she shook her head and avoided it each time. Crabbe and Goyle left the table first with a handful of cakes while Malfoy dragged her up with him. She stood by a corner of the Slytherin Common Room waiting for him to come back, Crabbe and Goyle had gone missing somehow and hadn't come back yet.

He walked in and slumped down on a sofa, the two henchmen stood there awkwardly and she watched them closely. "Well sit down." He looked at the two of them and patted the back of the sofa as he continued blabbering on. He insulted the Weasley's which caused Crabbe to crack his knuckles. He claimed to have stomach ache. Y/N leaned against the wall and spectated their body movements and attitude. Goyle seemed to snap at Malfoy before saying Harry Potter was the worst person to come to Hogwarts. Something wasn't right about these two.

Malfoy sat on a desk and looked at the two as they spoke of the heir of Slytherin. He pocketed a little green gift wrapped with a ribbon. He mentioned Hermione and Crabbe jumped up, the two brainless guys muttered to each other before she noticed them changing slightly and running before she could figure it out.

"Hey! Where are you going." Malfoy jumped up and watched as they left the common room. "Malfoy.." She cut the silence quickly like a sharp knife. "I don't think that was Crabbe and Goyle.."

"What do you mean Lloyd." He snapped his head towards her and gave a snarky expression. "I think somebody might have used the poly juice potion to become your little henchmen." She looked over in his direction, staring at the desk before looking through the door again when two stumbling henchmen made their way back in. "What happened to you two!"

"We are a cupcake in the hallway and fell asleep.. we woke up in the broom closet." Goyle muttered, rubbing his big head and Malfoy glanced over at Y/N. "You might be right Lloyd. The only people who would do something like that is.." He paused and clenched his hand into a tight fist. "Potter." He spat.

The next few days were passing slowly, and Y/N hadn't seen Harmonie in a while. "I heard she made a poly juice potion and put car hairs in it." Pansy muttered with a giggle. Everyone had returned from their holidays and she now had to deal with Parkinson. "Yes, we get it Pugsy. You've said a million times." Y/N spat as she looked around at the door. "If it wasn't for her curiosity and trying to find out if Draco was the Heir of Slytherin she wouldn't be coughing up hairballs." The table fell silent and all eyes fell onto Y/N. "Y/N." Milo tapped her shoulder and she lifted her head with realisation. "Wait- I didn't mean to-" Pansy's eyebrows furrowed in anger and she glared at Y/N. "You aren't allowed to call him that, Lloyd!" She spat out as Malfoy put his hand on the table. "Calm down Y/N. I wasn't going to tell you off anyways." He smirked before she nodded and stood up. "Yeah- I'm going for a walk now anyways. I'll see you guys in the Common Room."

"Be careful." Iga reached out her hand. She didn't talk much as she was always hanging out with new friends she had met during classes. "I will. Don't worry." She nodded and walked along random hallways until she heard a hissing noise. "Harry?" She looked around in the dim lit halls and searched, even scanned each corner to them. The familiar hissing got louder and closer, causing her fight or flight to kick in and she began to run. Her heels slammed against the floors and she skidded along. In a desperation to catch her breath she hid behind a corner and slipped off her shoes. The hissing had become faint but she heard somebody talking to the snake. "Hunt her down." A girls voice hissed out, a very recognisable voice.. Ginny Weasley?

She became distracted and realised the hissing and movement had quickly gotten closer to her. "Shit!" She muttered, throwing her shoes to the side before shooting down the hallway once again. Something slithered behind her and disappeared into the darkness. Y/N opened the door of an empty classroom and locked it behind her. "Get her." Ginny's voice had drawn closer and it seemed as though she was stood just outside the door already.

A hiss replied and Y/N felt a shiver run up and down her entire body, causing her to shake a little. With a gulp she stepped back, knocking a potion bottle filled with water to the ground, cracking against the floor and spilling all across the ground. She turned and stared down at the water, her heart rushing before something appeared from the darkness and two big yellow eyes stared back at her through the water. Her body fell stiff and only a small shriek left her body for a second before she collapsed to the floor, her body felt numb.

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