• Lockhart •

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"Smile for the Camera!"
:YEAR 2:

A faint knock tapped her door as she pried open her eyes. "Lloyd." Shivers went down her spine, it was the same annoying voice of Malfoy yet a little deeper. "Malfoy?" She jumped up, grabbing a skirt and long sleeved top and changing as quickly as she could. "Hang on!" She muttered before fixing her skirt. He knocked again before entering and watching her fix her hair into a green ribbon. "At least your awake." He snapped before leaving her door open, walking over to the window next to Ombré. "How can I help you. Malfoy?" She watched him with eagle eyes, her E/C orbs fixed on him. "No need to panic, Lloyd. I'm just making sure you are ready." She put her robe on and looked up at Malfoy a little. It had been months since she last saw him. He was slightly taller, his hair was still in that gelled back style and he was a little skinnier, with chub around his cheeks. "I'm awake now, see?" She spun around slightly, spinning in a circle.

He lifted an eyebrow, looking back at her trying to catch her gaze. They had never had any type of eye contact. She always looked through people or over them, never face to face. "Calm down Lloyd." He lifted a letter from his robe. "Here's your Hogwarts letter." He passed it over. "Thanks Malfoy." Y/N kept her gaze at his shoulders. The letter sat perfectly in her small hands. Since the last few months and her passing birthday, she was only a little taller but not much. It was apparent she would remain short throughout her life. She had healthy skin and small amounts of her chub were vanishing.

Her finger unfolded the paper and she read what she needed. "I suppose a trip to Diagon Alley is needed." She murmured, without looking up. "My Father says he will take you with us." Draco smirked, his voice chimed every time he smirked. "Yes, of course." She nodded back at him before packing her things. "Then I suppose we shall me on our way." Y/N stood at her door with patience as he paced past her and down the stairs with her behind. "Ah, there she is. Y/N." Matthew looked up, he was dressed smartly and reached out to give her a hug. "I'm off to work, Mr. Malfoy is going to take you to collect your books." He handed over a bag of coins with a smile. "Don't forget to write to me. I won't be back in time to say goodbye."

"Of course. I promise." Y/N smiled as she put the bag into a pocket of her robe, beside her wand. "Now, shall we be off?" She looked up at Lucius and with that he nodded, tapping his cane to the floor as we left to enter the black carriage waiting outside the door. "Lloyd." Draco stood beside the carriage as his father entered first. "Up you go." He held out a hand to help Y/N into the carriage. She nodded and took the offer, she didn't need it but didn't want to be rude. If she pushed Malfoy's buttons, they would fall out and all hell would break lose during school. "Thank you, Malfoy."

"Draco make sure you sit beside Ms. Lloyd." Narcissa was already seated beside Lucius and smiling down at Y/N. Her eyes glazed her like diamonds in the dark carriages "I never got to introduce myself to you, dear." She smiled as Draco sat beside Y/N. "My names Narcissa, Narcissa Malfoy." She held out her hand and nodded. "Nice to meet you Narcissa." Y/N took her hand and shook it slightly before sitting back. "My name is Y/N Lloyd." Narcissa smiled even more. "Draco has told us all about you and your friend group." She nodded and Y/N felt a little embarrassed. She could tell Malfoy was as embarrassed as her, he tensed up a little at the words his mother spoke. "Oh, how wonderful." Y/N responded softly and looked to the side out of the carriage door window.

Soon I was walking down the streets with Narcissa, Lucius and Draco. If anyone saw us they would think something was happening between me and Malfoy, I wanted to vomit at the idea. Malfoy was annoying, and her time away from Hogwarts proved how peaceful everything was without the brat.

We found ourselves splitting up, Lucius and Draco walked up the stairs of the book shop and I stood at the back of the store. Watching as some author entered to talk about his new book. "Pity." She hummed, noticing Hermione and Harry walk past just moments before. Her finger traced along the book and she read the first line before putting it back down, a camera man pushed her forward as he tried to get past. "It can't be.. Harry Potter." His smile dropped before he realised I stood behind Harry. "And Miss Y/N Lloyd." He smiled, the camera man grabbed us both and pushed us forward, Lockhart took us by each side and smiled. "Make sure you smile, this is for the Daily Prophet." Harry's face stayed flat and in shock while I, knowing what to do, smiled a little to seem like I was enjoying it.

"Ladies and Gentlemen what an extraordinary moment this is. When young Harry and Y/N stepped into the shop this morning to purchase my Autobiography. Magical Me." Everyone in the crowd began to clap and I pulled forward out of the mans grip. I realised Draco was stood, leaning over the balcony above our heads and his face was nothing more than a scowl. He stared down at us and I was pulled back and my shoulder was rubbed by Lockhart as he continued to talk. A pile of books was given to both me and Harry before he let us go. I scurried forward and dropped the books beside Malfoy on the stairs "Enjoy that?"

"Shut up Malfoy. I wanted to Hex him." I hiss at him, kicking the pile of books softly. "How can somebody be so self absorbed." As I turn, I see Harry about to leave and Draco jumps down the stairs. "Bet you loved that, didn't you Potter." He spat, getting into Harry's face. "Famous Harry Potter, can't even go into a book shop without making the front page." He looked Harry up and down before a short Weasley girl stood in front of him. "Leave him alone." I scurried down the stairs and dragged Draco back a little by his elbow. "What are you doing Malfoy."

He ignored me, "Oh look Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend." He had a sarcastic smile planted on his face. Harry looked me up and down with a tut "I can say the same about you." He raised his eyebrows as I rushed forward, Malfoy grabbed my arm to pull me back. "I'm better than a Weasley at least." I spat in Harry's direction and glared down at the girl, who had been pulled back by Ron. Lucius tapped Draco's shoulder with his cane and pushed him to the side. He hadn't let go of my arm yet.

"Now Draco, play nicely." He put his cane by my stomach and pushed us backwards. Malfoy turned me and helped me out of the store. "What are you doing?" I was close to slapping that smirk off his stupid face. We waited patiently outside the store, I somehow wriggled Malfoy off my arm before Lucius came outside. "Come now, we got your books." He said calmly, walking back to the carriage as two piles of books followed. "You aren't funny Malfoy. Why would you do that, we could've got into major trouble." I looked at the face of a boy who didn't care.

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