• Warming Up •

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Draco watched Y/N with a defeated expression, brushing the snow from his coat away and following her along the path back. "You're actually a bitch." He muttered, her head turned with a light nod and she continued walking. Those words hurt, but she would never step down to Malfoy. The trees around all sparkled with the thick layers of snow adorning their branches and crystalized leaves. It wasn't too long of a walk, Malfoy and Lloyd walking in complete silence, he wasn't far behind Y/N and actually stayed in step with her. For once, he wasn't in the lead. Crabbe and Goyle were both playing along the snow, kicking it at one another and talking as they walked.


Soon enough, Y/N found herself back at Hogwarts. She sat in the common room with Iga and Milo with a velvety green blanket wrapped around her as they sat by the fireplace, warming up from the biting snow outside. "Where did you disappear to Y/N?" Milo cut into their talk about their day out in the village. Y/N froze, neither saying a word or looking up from a new quill in her hand. "You really had to ask?" Iga sliced the crackling silence like a knife with butter. "I.. saw Malfoy wandering off into the forest." She shrugged, meeting both of their eyes. Neither looked surprised. "So you... followed him." Milo smirked. "I mean, he saw me wandering and they waited for me. If I had turned back, I'd of looked a little weird." Y/N paused. "After all, we are in the same house, and our families being close friends mean I have to associate myself with him at Hogwarts too."

"But you wish he wasn't like this at Hogwarts." Milo added in, Iga wrapped herself more into the blanket around her. Y/N nodded. "I just don't understand how he can be so nice when we're home. Writing to each other and our families will try to arrange day trips so I do see him sometimes." She took a breather. "But, when he is here. He's completely different. I don't know anyone else like it. He's so cold at Hogwarts and I understand he's trying to impress his father.. but what is it worth if everyone is both afraid of you and dislikes you." Y/N shrugged. "Because he's trying to become his father. In the worst way possible." Iga chimed with a warm expression, the purr in her voice was soft and calming. Before any of them could say a word the large door clicked open and the sound of air being pushed against the walls rattled through the archway. Voices followed. The chattering grew louder as a sizeable group of Slytherin wandered in, Pansy following. The trio all watched in silence as they split off into the dorms. "That's new." Milo scoffed. "Pansington isn't stuck by Malfoy's side for once." She turned to look at Y/N, who's face was relaxed and with a smirk she shook her head. "I wonder how long it takes for her to realise that he literally, wants nothing to do with her."

"Good choice of words Lloyd." A familiar, deeper voice turns the corner after she spoke and her cheeks burnt lightly. Malfoy. "I'm speaking the truth." Y/N looked in his direction and muttered. "Where are your little... delinquents." Milo raised a finger and made a circular motion around the space of Malfoy. "What? Crabbe and Goyle. They're probably somewhere eating, I lost them a while back but it's no bother." He snapped back at first, finishing carefully. "I had a feeling I'd find you somewhere around here Lloyd." He smirked. "Why are you looking for me?" Y/N raised her hand before Milo or Iga could say anything and their mouths snapped shut. His eyes trailed down at her hand, scanning it before switching to the other and he approached slowly, leaning against the arm of the large chairs beside them. "Where is it." His voice was stern, and piercing. "That didn't answer my-"

"Where is it Y/N." He raised his head to look at her, Milo's lips curled a little and she rubbed them together to hold back a laugh and Iga turned her head to hold hers in. "Answer my question first." Her eyes darted towards him coldly. "I wasn't looking for you, particularly, I was just wandering back and you weren't anywhere around the halls so I had a feeling you'd be here. If you were in the dorms, Pansy would be out here." He held his gaze before raising his chin a little. "Now where is it." His hands gripped the arm of the chair more, his back was straight and his eyes held onto hers. "First, her name is Pug." Y/N raised from where she was sitting and slowly approached Malfoy, Milo and Iga nodded their heads in agreement and disappeared into their dorms. "Second, why does it matter to you?" His head lowered to level with Y/N's. He said nothing for a moment and she raised her eyebrows. "It doesn't matter why." He raised up, standing over her, her head tilted only slightly and focused on the messy tie around his neck. "So why are you so bothered about it, if it doesn't matter." Y/N took a step back as her forearm was grabbed, her palm opened to reveal the ring in her hand and a smirk stretched across her face. "Just wanted to see how worked up you got over a ring that you claim Narcissa got for me." He stared blankly down at her and his mouth parted as to say something, but nothing came out. He simply scooped the ring and slipped it back onto the same finger she had been wearing it on before and slipped away from her, heading into the dorm.

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