• Another Year •

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"It's been a while.."
:YEAR 3:

Y/N chewed her lip and gums. She had spent her summer with her parents. A pile of written letters sat beside her on her desk. A colourful rainbow of white and black envelopes with different stamps and ribbons tied around. Her fingers were pained a pastel green, her index was transparent with shiny butterflies enchanted onto them. They pressed onto the pile and lifted half of the envelopes into her palm. With two slow strides she sat onto the end of her bed. At the top of the split pile was a white envelope, a pink stripe across the corner and a shiny ribbon tied around it in a bow. Setting the pile aside she pulled off the ribbon and a piece of well-folded parchment sat inside with a photo. "Milo.." With a smile she read the written words and examined a photo of Milo and Y/N at Hogwarts. Y/N clipped the photo onto her wall where fairy lights glittered the walls.

A few photos adorned her wall, only of her parents and friends. Her favourite memories. After a while of looking through letters she looked down at a black envelope. A big black wax stamp enclosed it with a big 'M'. She snarled a little down at the envelope. With a deep inhale she opened the letter. "Malfoy." Her fingers slipped under the fold and in front of her sat a well-written letter. Neat, posh writing from a steady hand.


I understand you will not get any of these letters until your return from your Summer Holidays. I do wish to speak with you when we return to Hogwarts. It is important. I don't wish to tell you over parchment.

I do not expect a letter back, I know you are away at the time this letter will arrive. I do hope this reaches you well.

Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.

I sent a few gifts from my adventures with the few letters I have written. I hope they got to you safely.

She lifted her head and caught sight of carefully wrapped gifts. Shaking her head she studied each of them. "Malfoy's.." She unwrapped each very slowly and carefully. A ring sat in a black box with green diamond twinkling in the centre. She lifted her top lip at it and rolled her eyes. "I'm not wearing this." She slipped it into her suitcase with a sigh. "I'll just give it back. It's a beautiful ring but ahh give it to me?"

"Y/N!" Her mother shouted from down below and she rubbed her eyes. "Coming!" Her hand clipped around the handle and pushed open the door. She galloped down the stairs to her Mother standing at the bottom. Her hand reached out with a piece of parchment sitting in her grasp. "Here! Here. I have your permission slip signed." Her smile warmed her face up like a fireplace on a cold day. "My permission slip?" Y/N answered taking the parchment from her mother. "Yes, you get to go to Hogsmead with Hogwarts this year!" Her mother held the widest smile. Y/N nodded and smiled a little at her mother.

"Now remember, when you depart to Hogwarts tomorrow. Be aware of Sirius Black." Her mother's hand cupped her cheek softly and Y/N nodded. "And if I encounter him?" She looked into her mother's eyes with curiosity. "You either run or die." Her hand slipped off her daughters cheek and her voice sounded cold. "Now, pack your things for tomorrow and come down for some food." The icy voice had melted and was replaced with the soft and calm motherly voice that Y/N was used to. "Oh and don't forget to pack your new clothing for Hogsmead." She added before wandering to the Kitchen Door. "Mother.." Y/N stopped her in her tracks and she turned slowly.

"Yes dear?" Camilla eyed her daughter carefully before turning to face her. "What about Voldemort? It has been 13 years since Harry Potter first stopped him." She paused. "Is he going to return?" Camilla had a relaxed face. "You have no need to worry about him. When the time comes we will know what to do. Right now, our only worry is Black." She nodded and left into the Kitchen without giving Y/N a chance to speak.

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