• Serpensortia •

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Y/N rushed through the common room and into the girls dorm where she bumped into Milliana. "Woah! Calm down. What's the rush?" She held Y/N's shoulders as the short h/c haired, e/c eye'd caught her breath. Her cheeks were pale but rosy and flustered. "Malfoy-" She paused and was sat on her bed. "Malfoy doesn't like me talking to Oliver Wood. I don't see the issue!" Y/N blurred out with a hiss and crossed her arms. Ombré jumped over onto her bed beside her and rest his head on her hip. She smiled slightly as Milo was stood in silence and shock. "Wait! Explain what happened." She shook her head and sat beside the bird, stroking her fingers down his feathers softly as Y/N explained everything.

"Gather round!" Lockhart strutted down the duelling walk and looked at each student. "Gather round." He smiled down at Y/N who stared up at him with no reaction. Malfoy gripped to her arm to keep her in place and gave no option of joining any other groups. Milo pushed through the group and held onto Y/N softly, glaring at Malfoy. His hand tightened onto her arm and she flinched a little. "Malfoy let go. That hurts." She spat in his direction. "What, so you can run off to your little mud blood friends?" He smirked before holding on a little more, moving his hand down to her wrist so it didn't hurt as much. "I don't think so."

"Can you all hear me?" Lockhart had been speaking but she didn't really hear much of what she said. Her eyes pierced the jaw of Malfoy before turning to look at the teacher as he looked down at her. "Smooth." Milo smiled, patting her shoulder which made her smile a little. As hard as it was, and as desperate as Malfoy was to have eye contact she was doing well avoiding it. "Excellent." The teacher muttered and began to talk. Snape walked up onto the table and the two teachers bowed and stepped away. Snape turned and threw a spell at the egotistical teacher. "Expelliarmus!" Lockhart was thrown backwards and quickly dusted himself off.

He called Potter and Weasley to the stage, without moving a muscle Snape cut him off as Potter climbed up. "Weasley's wand causes devastation with the simplest spells. We'd be sending Potter to the Hospital Wing in a matchbox." He turned slightly. "Might I suggest, someone from my own house."
"Malfoy or Lloyd, perhaps." He switched around and Malfoy let go of Y/N's arm, jumping up onto the stage.

"Scared Potter?" Malfoy fixed his eyes to Harry's with a smirk. "You wish." The two fell silent and bowed. Both were being as cocky as the other but only one would come out victorious. Lockhart began to count down, as he got to 2 Malfoy shouted his spell, throwing Harry backwards. Potter got up and quickly threw a spell back at Malfoy who was sent twirling towards Snape who dragged him up.

"I said disarm only!" Announced Lockhart as Malfoy lifted his wand. "Serpentsortia!" A snake landed onto  the ground and hissed around. Lockhart sent it flying into the air, Y/N wasn't all to interested until Harry began to talk. "Back off." He hissed in a whisper to the snake and it only took her a few minutes to realise he was talking Parseltongue. The snake slithered and hissed directly in her face. Milo grabbed her arm as to pull her back but she shook her off. She wasn't scared of the snake. "Back off now." Harry whispered to it and she smiled at him slightly. The snake hissed, showing its fangs and Draco's face dropped a little. Harry repeated himself one more time and the snake turned to look at him as he shook his head slightly. Snape destroyed the snake while he had the chance and everyone was left in silence. "What are you playing at?" Milo questioned Harry as Malfoy jumped down and grabbed Y/N's arm and pulled her away. She didn't say a word.

"He was egging it on! Could you hear him." Malfoy spat as the little group made their way to the dungeons. "He wasn't egging it on." Y/N broke her silence and got free of his grasp once again. "What did you say?" Malfoy hissed, reaching out for her wrist again but failing. "I said he wasn't egging the snake on. He can speak Parselmouth, so can I. He was telling it to back off from me." The group walked beside them both in silence as Malfoy glared at her. "You can't tell anyone that you can speak Parseltongue, Y/N." Milo cut in before Malfoy had a chance to speak. "If anyone finds out, both you and Harry will be questioned. It's enough for the school to think he is the Heir of Slytherin. If they found out about you, it would erupt the school." Milo finally stopped to catch her breath.

"She's right you know." Goyle looked over, for once he spoke and didn't stay silent. "Your a Slytherin, it would be more believable if people thought you were the Heir." He added before falling deadly silent again. "Hold on." Y/N stopped walking. "Where's Pug face gone?" She looked around and Milo grabbed her arm. "Who cares, the longer she is gone. The better." The two girls giggled. Malfoy didn't say another word the rest of the way, he entered the password to the Common Room and they entered in silence. He didn't grab Y/N but he stopped her with his arm softly before she had chance to go to her dorm. "Can I talk to you. In private." He looked at the others and they nodded; leaving the room."

"What do you want Malfoy?" She stood by a window, looking out at the hills. "I want you to tell me why your acting like this."

"Like what?" Her eyes followed a bird fluttering around in the sky. "All bothered about Pansy being so affectionate towards me. Do you have a crush on me Lloyd." He was blunt and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Merlin, no." She turned and walked off to the sofa to sit down. "I just hate how annoying she is. She is constantly loud and doesn't ever shut up about you. If you like it then go ahead but don't act like she's not your girlfriend. She practically is at this point." She paused, glaring at the fireplace. "She always acts like she is anyways." He looked over at Y/N who sat with her eyes fixed on the fire place, his voice became softer and more taunting. "It's okay to admit it, Lloyd." His hand did a circle motion on her shoulder and she shrugged him off. "Malfoy, get your head out of your arse. I don't like you." She hissed. "Now I'm going to my dorm so if you don't mind." She stood up and turned her head slightly as she got to the door. "Stop being a prat."

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