• Chaser •

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Quidditch, again. This time Y/N wasn't the Seeker. She watched Malfoy hover in the middle of the pitch next to Harry before looking down as Wood got up from the sand. His broom had been split in half and he was helped off the stadium ground.

"Lloyd!" A voice snapped her into reality and she gripped her broom, swerving as she dived to avoid being thrown into the air. She struggled with her broom a little before gaining control and turning sharply to join in the chase. "Be careful next time, Lloyd." She flew quite close to the side of a team mate, she stayed silent and nodded with a slight smile before concentrating again. The ball like item was passed to her and she swerved around a Gryffindor before passing it back before it was hurled through a hoop. "Concentrate yourself Y/N, before you get hurt." The same voice caught her attention again before zooming away.

She looked around clueless, desperation in her eyes as she tried to find somewhere to either hide or join in. She looked around a little before she caught the eye of Lucius Malfoy and he smirked up at her. She froze, how did he see her from over there? Had he been watching her all this time. She held his gaze a while before she was knocked from her broom and began falling down, faster and faster to the sand below. She shut her eyes and let out a loud scream before a arm grabbed her waist and swept her up. "Don't worry Lloyd, I've got you." She found herself sat on the end of a Gryffindor broom. "Wood?" She smiled looking at him as he arm linked around his bicep. "How did you get back up here? I thought you fell down."

"I rushed to get a new broom. I wasn't injured." He smiled before landing beside her dropped broom. "Thank you." They both shared a nod to each other as she jumped off. Her hands brushed down her Quidditch uniform and dusted off. "Augh!" She looked up and saw Draco rolling in the air before landing on his back. "Malfoy!" She leaned over on her brush and rushed over. "What happened?" Y/N dropped the broom to her side and helped Malfoy sit as Harry Potter had caught the Snitch. "Come on, let's get you checked out." She helped him up to his feet and left the roaring stadium.

"Ugh." Malfoy groaned, laying in the bed of the Hospital. Y/N shook her head and sat beside him as he held his stomach. Pansy fanning herself over him and pampering him with all to much attention. "Oh Mr. Malfoy stop making such a fuss, you can go." The nurse strutted through past each bed until she got to Harry. Y/N rolled her eyes, seeing Pansy over Malfoy's face she walked over to the Gryffindor's. "Is he going to be okay?" She raised her hand and put it on the end of his bed. They looked a little surprised to see a Slytherin. "What is it to you?" Hermione looked her up and down before falling quiet again. "Shut it Hermione, I think she is just worried." Oliver Wood looked down at Y/N with a smile. "With everything going on around here, I would be worried too." The two shared a smile and Hermione shook her head. "I don't want Malfoy's Minions around us." She muttered.

"If you want to keep your wand, I'd keep quiet." Y/N switched her focus to the fuzzy haired girl and glared. "After all, with these attacks. Mud bloods aren't safe." Wood put a hand on Y/N's arm and shook his head. "Come on." He smiled and the two left the Hospital.

"I understand your hatred for the Gryffindor's but some of us can tolerate you Slytherin's." He looked down slightly while they walked straight down the hallway. "I know." Y/N nodded. "I just dislike Hermione and he act, she seems all to confident for somebody with non magic folk." She shrugged her shoulders and stopped at the end of the hall. "You best get to your dorm room as quickly as you can. It would be a shame for you to get hurt." Wood smiled and put his hand on her shoulder before walking off to the direction of his common room.

"Yeah.." She turned slightly and watched him walk away, he looked over his shoulder once with a worried expression before continuing down the hall. Y/N bit her tongue and began to walk, she stopped immediately as Draco stood in her way. "Move out of the way Malfoy." She pushed him to the side and tried walking away, a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the side. "Making friends with Gryffindor's are you?" He hissed in her ear, his cold, mint breath sending shivers down her spine. "No, I'm just mutual with them. They'd make better friends than most of the people in Slytherin either way." She ripped her arm from his grasp and hit the wall a little. "What is it to you anyways! Don't you have a girlfriend to see to." She looked over to the side as Pansy trotted over.

"She's not my girlfriend." He hesitated as she slipped from his grasp. Y/N stepped back and out of his reach as Pansy got closer. "Yeah, doesn't seem like that." She snickered, turning and running to the common room as quick as she possibly could. Her heels trotting along the school hallway as she got to the Dungeon.

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