• Mrs Norris •

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The feast ended and Y/N was last out of the door from her house. She had sat alone for the remainder of the night, playing with the left over food on her plate. As she left she felt a arm grab her and pull her around a corner and push her against a wall slightly. She tutted expecting it to be Malfoy but a finger that was held up to her mouth was Ginny Weasley. "I need your help." She looked up at Y/N with pure panic in her eyes and squeezing her arm. "Why not ask your brothers. I'm sure they can help you, Ginny." She pushed through the Weasley's grip and walked towards her common room "Wait! Don't go down there!" She heard Ginny shout but ignored her, when she bumped into a big group she pushed through to the front and found Draco "What happened?"

"Potter killed Mrs Norris." The blonde boy smirked and glanced back over at The Boy who Lived, who was stood with Mr Filtch's hand grabbing his robe in anger. We were pushed to the side and immediately sent away to our common room, Malfoy grabbed Y/N by the wrist and dragged her away and into the common room. "Let go of me." She struggled under his grip.

"What has gotten into you, Lloyd." He threw her down onto one of the sofas and she stumbled backwards. "Why are you so cold to everyone, including all of us. We are in the same house as you." He stood over her in a stance and scowled down. She was a little shaken up and kept her eyes off Malfoy. "I don't know what you mean, Malfoy." She hissed back at him.

"That! That is exactly what I mean." He leaned over, a hand holding the back of the chair as he hovered over her. His voice was cold and piercing and a hand slowly crept to her face, she grabbed the hand and pulled it off her. "Don't touch me, Malfoy." She looked down before sliding under the gap of his arm and standing up with her back towards him.

"For your information." Y/N fixed her tie and turned slightly, looking only at the crackling fire. "Pansy is acting like a Hufflepuff with all of her clingy and cringe PDA. Sort out your girlfriend." She smirked before turning. "Goodnight Malfoy." She added as she walked to the girls dorms.

"She isn't my girlfriend." He stood straight and looked over his shoulder at Y/N with a scowl. "Yeah, say that in a week when you two are suddenly dating." She scoffed then left the room.

"Night.. Lloyd." He muttered before storming into the boys dorm.

She awoke early, like usual and got out of the room as fasts as she could. During the past week, Pansy's snoring had become worse and adding to the horror, she would even dream about Malfoy and say his name or somebody else's name while she slept. Y/N knew this all to well as she would lay awake, writing letters to her friends / family or just play around with holograms to make herself fall asleep. As if she were watching a movie of star dust.

"Y/N." She turned and for once it wasn't the annoying blonde brat. "Milo." The two smiled as their arms linked and they made their way out of the common room. Draco sat in his usual place and watched the two while Crabbe and Goyle muttered to themselves. He had every Slytherin girl wrapped around his pinkie finger, but Y/N was slightly different.

She didn't let him control her and he obviously did not scare her. He needed to up his game if he was going to be respected.

Y/N found herself in Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall. This time, a companion was sat in front of each student. Y/N reached over and stroked Ombré very carefully. The owl turned his head and watched her before turning back to the front as the Professor spoke.

She demonstrated a spell that would turn the animal into a water goblet then Ron was chosen to copy. His rat , Scabbers, turned into a water goblet but still had fur and a rat tail. The class began to giggle and Ron looked at his wand, which obviously needed replacing.

Hermione lifted her hand and the giggles cut off as she asked about The Chamber of Secrets. Y/N put her head on the desk and dozed off, ignoring most of what Professor McGonagall said about it. All she knew was the Heir of Slytherin was at Hogwarts, somewhere.

After the lesson, Y/N made her way out and towards the Quidditch changing rooms to get ready for the game they now had against Gryffindor. She got halfway before the Captain of the other team ran after her. "Y/N!"

"Wood. What do you need?" She stopped and asked softly, her eyes naturally rested on his and she smiled a little. "I just wanted to wish you luck. I know you lost your Seeker position to Malfoy." His hand reached over and squeezed her shoulder and they shared a smile while looking into each others eye. She then noticed Malfoy in the corner of hers watching her in anger. "I need to get ready for the match, so I'll see you on the pitch." She nodded and he agreed.

"So do I,  team isn't a team without its Captain. Right?" His smile lifted and he showed his dazzling teeth. "Your right, good luck to you guys too."

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