• Flying Lesson •

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Everyone stood in a line, to my left was Harry Potter, opposite me was Draco. He had boasted for a while that he was a great flyer already. Y/N rolled her eyes at this. As Madam Hooch spoke, we followed what she was saying. I lifted my hand over the broom and shouted "Up." First Harry got his, then Draco got his and then I caught mine. Ron was hit in the face.

We were told to kick off from the ground very softly. Y/N rolled her eyes at this, doing it instantly. The only person that seemed to have any issue was Neville, who was flown straight forward and got stuck on a statue before falling down twice and breaking his wrist. My eyes were fixed on the shining Rememberall that he had dropped while flying.

Draco caught what I was staring at and grabbed it, turning to his friends after the teacher had left. Of course, Harry Potter stepped forward to retrieve it. "Give it here Malfoy." He said sternly, Draco laughed a reply and started gliding away on his broom. He wasn't lying, he was quite experienced when it came to flying on his broom. Especially for a 11 year old.
Harry mounted his broom before Draco looked down at me. "Lloyd, care to help?" I sighed. Stepping up with him and sitting behind Potter while rolling my eyes. "Give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom!" Harry practically demanded.

"Is that so?" Malfoy smirked, as Harry came a little close. Draco span around his broom before throwing it to me. "Have it your way then." He looked at Harry who turned." Lloyd. Go!" He shouted watching me as I caught the little ball. Harry came straight forward, diving down I watched him, struggling a little. "He's got no chance." I whipped the broom around, chasing Harry without him realising for a while, gliding to a stop outside of the Professors window as he realised, he came shooting forward as I threw the ball further away in the opposite direction and moved very quickly, I hear no smash so he must have either stopped himself quickly or hit the wall.I landed and Malfoy raised his hand to high-five me. I rolled my eyes and did so. Looking over Harry was gliding back with it in his hand. "Pathetic."

"Harry Potter! Y/N Lloyd. Follow me." Shouted Professor McGonnagall. We shared a look before dropping the brooms in our hands and following.
"Ooh! Draco, how do you feel. She's getting expelled." Draco looked in defeat at Pansy, ripping her off his arm as he rushed to the front of the group to watch. "Her parents would kill me." He said to cover his face if sudden sadness. She took Harry away and then let him leave before taking me to another class, introducing me to Slytherin's Quidditch leader. I was introduced as a possible Seeker.

I made my way back, Draco beckoned me towards the table. "What did she say?" Malfoy smirked, watching me sit. "She took me to the Slytherin Quidditch leader. I may be the new Seeker. I suppose she did the same for Harry." I sat, Pansy looked angry at me. I suppose she was hoping I'd get expelled. "Aw what's wrong Pugsy? Did you think I'd get kicked out of the school?" Her face settled with an angry look. "I don't look like a pug!" She lifted her when to her face and scoffed. "I think you'd find otherwise, go look harder in the mirror." I stare back, no emotion on my face. "Y/N how dare you." She stands up. Expecting me to back down. Looking over at me from the other side of the table, I kept my head forward and stare right through her. "Do you know who you are talking to! I can get you expelled!" She slammed her fist into the table softly.

Draco looked at her, knowing what was about to go down. Y/N stood up, looking down at Pansy from the similar height that they were at. "I think you forget Pugsy." I step back a little, pulling a strand of hair behind my ear. "My family has more power than both yours and Malfoy's put together. I'm aware of your fathers promotion, it would be a shame for him to lose it because of his rat of a daughter. Now wouldn't it?" She looked over in slight shock. Her mouth closed and she sat back down. Malfoy laughed a little. "Yeah, know your place before you get yourself or your family into trouble you brat." I pick up my things and leave. Bowing just before departing.

It soon reached around the time to sit in the great hall for our feast. I sat beside Malfoy and Milo, she had found me. Finally. Pugsy sat on the opposite with Crabbe and Goyle, crossing her arms and keeping her head down. "Y/N, I hear your the new Seeker." Milo smiled, her dirty blonde curly hair sat on her shoulders, what seems to have been a fringe was pushed back and sat under a green headband. She took a bite of her food. "I suppose I am." Y/N nodded with a smile and Draco leaned over the table to talk to the others. "I must introduce you to somebody." Milo began, but before she could finish. A teacher ran down the isle of the great hall, announcing that a troll was in the dungeon before collapsing. Draco panicked, grabbing my shoulder and before Dumbledore hushed the entire hall tried dragging me up. I ripped his hand off my robe and dusted my shoulder. "Calm down you absolute toad."

We all stood calmly and were escorted to the dorm common room. Milo sat beside me, as I wrote a letter to my parents.

Dear Mother & Father,

I do hope Ombré gets this to you safely. I know that the weather has become very cold and winter is approaching. I should be home soon for Christmas.

School has been great, as good as ever.
I am now the Slytherin Seeker in Quidditch.
I have stood my ground with anyone that tried to backchat or stand over me in any possible way. That would include Parkinson's young child.
She seems very clingy over Draco and I snapped at her the other day as she tried to stand over me, I know father will be proud to know this.

Please tell him I'm happy he had time to write back to me, I know he is very busy with his duties at work. Making time for me has to be the best thing about him sometimes. Even if it means 30 minutes to sit and talk. A 5 minute letter means the world. Thank you both so much.

A troll was let into the school tonight, I haven't heard anything of it since. I don't bother myself with Mr. Malfoys son, Draco. I must go, I made a few new friends. One of them likes to go by Milo. I hope you can meet her one day, and she's a pure blood Slytherin too. I wouldn't lower myself to anyone else.

Your darling,
Y/N M/N Lloyd xx

The letter was slowly placed into an envelope as Milo walked back into the room, another girl by her side. "This is Iga. She's Polish born but still a pure blood Slytherin." Y/N smiled at the brown hair girl with glasses. "Hi. I'm Y/N Lloyd." I gave my hand out to her and she took it. "I know, Milo wouldn't stop talking about you." She giggled.

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