• Howler •

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Y/N made her way to the great hall, she spotted her friends sat at the Slytherin table but also caught eye contact of Harry Potter, he watched her eagerly and she just glanced back at him for a second before ignoring him completely. "Did you hear! Draco is a-" Y/N slammed her hand down onto the table and stared at Pansy. "Yes, Pugsy. We all know he's the Seeker now. It really isn't that special. He wasn't the first Slytherin in years, I was." Pansy didn't say a word, she just looked to the side and nodded. "Anyways, does Malfoy know you are calling him by his first name? Parkinson." She added and Pansy flushed a little. "Of course he does. Me and Draco are on a first name basis. Wish I could say the same for you, Lloyd." Y/N scoffed and shook her head. "You don't get it do you, I don't care." She shrugged and looked down at Pansy. "Malfoy is the last thing in my mind."

Silence followed the group as she sat down beside Milliana and Iga. "Look everyone, Weasley's got himself a Howler!" A Irish boy on the Gryffindor table shouted out with a smile as a little red piece of paper was opened up.

"RONALD WEASLEY!" It began, spluttering and shouting at the youngest Weasley son before turning to the youngest of all of the children and ripped itself up. "How anti climactic that was." Milo turned again and rolled her eyes. "Tell me about it." Iga smiled and the two leaned over to make eye contact with Y/N who was still looking over at the Gryffindor table, her eyes stuck to Potter's. "What does he want." Y/N muttered, leading Milo and Iga to follow her gaze and they both realised.

"Oh we heard he has a thing for you, Y/N." Iga looked back, joining Y/Ns gaze as the three looked at each other. "There are quite a few rumours going around about you actually." Milo added before explaining. "Some people think you and Pansy are secretly a thing, others say Harry has a crush on you. Some people think Malfoy has something for you too." Every word that came out of her mouth shocked Y/N. "Okay, Milliana Romani Lagoon I am going to need you to slow down right there." She paused. "They think Malfoy, the biggest brat of the CENTURY. Has a thing for me. Somebody who deserves the world?"

"At least you know what you deserve." Iga added with a giggle. "If you don't know what you deserve, what are you even fighting for?" Y/N replied with a wide smile spread across her face. "You know, you are right. What are you fighting for?"

"Seems like a fight worth losing if your not fighting for somebody worth your time and love. Right?" The three nodded and realised Malfoy entering the great hall. "Here comes the devils advocate himself." Y/N whispered to her friends.

Y/N sat down in her DADA lesson, searching the room for Iga who was nowhere to be seen. Milo turned around from the front row and searched too. They both gave each other a shrug before she rushed through the door. "Sorry! I got caught up talking to Professor McGonnagall about transfiguration and how she turns into a cat." She rushed beside Milo and explained. "It's fine Iga, just tell us where you are going somewhere next time. For multiple reasons we could've thought you were... with somebody." Milo laughed.

"Lloyd. Psst!" Y/N rolled her eyes and looked over to her side to Malfoy leaning over the empty seats. "What do you want Malfoy?" She tapped her finger on her book cover and raised an eyebrow as he moved closer with his bag in his hand and dropped it on the floor as he got beside her. "Is it true?" He snickered. "Is what true?"

"You and the Gryffindors?" He looked over his shoulder and chuckled. "I have no idea what you are talking about, honestly Malfoy. I wouldn't waste my time with Mudbloods or Weasley's. Never mind Gryffindors." She turned back, leaving Malfoy in silence. "How come you've turned cold, Lloyd. You seem so different now."

"I don't know what you mean, I've always been this sassy. Malfoy." Y/N smiled up at him before realising the Professor had begun speaking and was showing the class a cage full of blue pixies. She watched closely until he opened the cage and the pixies flooded the class room, creating hell. She packed her bag, ducked under a table and ushered Milo and Iga to run with her. "Three- Two.. Go!" She whispered before shooting through the room to the door, Malfoy and his friends had a similar idea and they all got out of the room together before shutting the pixies inside the room. "There's no way we can go back in there." Milo tutted.

"He seems inexperienced, he just seems to charm everyone with how-" Iga pauses before posing like the Professor and replicating how he acts "good looking he is, walking around and promoting his books and his fame." She stroked Milo's chin with her wand softly and Milo pretended to melt to the floor. "You two are, amazing." She turned and spotted Malfoy and his friends had disappeared without a sound. Touché.

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