• The Common Rooms •

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"Maybe your right." Y/N looked down at the emerald ring and bit her tongue. She fiddled with the ring a little before looking at her friends again. "Take it off and put it on the table, I want to see how he reacts." Milo leaned back a little and Y/N lifted an eyebrow. Yet, she asked no questions and did as she had said, almost instantly she heard movement from behind her. "Yeah, he got you that ring. He just wont admit it." Iga smirked. "What do you mean?" Lloyd tilted her head a little. "I mean he looks defeated. I've never seen a guy so hurt over a gift their 'mother' got someone. There's no way he didn't get the ring for you." She smiled, watching as Y/N placed it back onto her finger. "I'm going to keep telling myself that Narcissa got me it." Y/N shrugged as Milo and Iga giggled. "Unless he admits he got me it, then I'll play along with him saying that his mother did." 

"That's quite smart." Milo nodded her head lightly. "Do you think he ever will admit he got you the ring though?" She added, leaning her head into her hand with a curious face. "I.. I don't really know. I guess only time will tell." Y/N felt the cold metal of it pressing against her cheek. Milo rolled her eyes with a soft smile and her gaze wandered over to the blonde pesk who was gazing in their direction. She gave him a look and shook her head a little to gesture "what?" Malfoy's body jolted up and he scowled at her. Clearly the blonde ferret had gone into a state of daydreaming. Yet, what about?


"Turn to page 394" Snape's slow voice filled Lupin's classroom. Draco sighed and leaned his head onto his hand, flipping the book in front of him to the directed page. Y/N shook her head at the title. "Werewolves." She muttered, rolling her eyes. Snape wrote it out on the blackboard before turning around to face the class. "Which of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a Werewolf?" His eyes searched the classroom as Hermione's arm flew in the air desperate to answer. "Know it all.." Y/N muttered and Snape turned to face her. "Miss.. Lloyd." He paused. "Do you know the answer?" His head lifted a little, making light eye contact with her. She smirked, shaking her head before looking over at Hermione. "Of course Professor." She paused. "An Animagus is a wizard who chooses to turn into an animal." Granger scowled as she continued looking in her direction. "Go on." Snapes bitter voice echoed. "The werewolf has no choice in turning, and will only respond to the call of its own kind." She finished, giving a sarcastic bow in the direction of Hermione. From beside her, Malfoy smiled. Letting out a small howl. She pushed his shoulder a little and shook her head with a giggle.

"Quiet Malfoy." Snape glared in their direction. "Well done Lloyd, your father has in fact taught you well it seems." He turned and began writing on the board. "Five points to Slytherin!" He finished the first few sentences on the board. "And as an antidote to your ignorance, I prescribe two rolls of parchment on the werewolf by Monday morning." He turned slightly. "With particular emphasis on being able to recognise it." 


"Did you hear?" Iga burst into the Slytherin Common Room with Milo. Y/N was sat in the corner on a table by one of the main windows looking out. "What?" She turned her body as they rushed over. "Potter got attacked while playing." Iga exclaimed with laughter. " The dementors got him good. He fell fifty feet." Milo added, leaning on the table with her hands. Y/N shook her head with a soft smile. She didn't laugh or give the reaction they expected. "Well I sure hope he recovers, at the end of the day. He is still one of Hogwarts students just like us." Y/N looked back out the window and left the two girls speechless. "Yeah but that doesn't mean he's good." Draco turned the corner and with Crabbe and Goyle behind him, made his way over to the trio of girls. "Why do you need to involve yourself in any conversation I have, Malfoy?" Y/N snapped, turning her head slightly. She looked down at the table and then looked over in his direction, with a slight side eye. 

He shook his head and lifted his right arm, dismissing the two sheep behind him. They made eye contact with Milo and Iga, who walked in the opposite direction and headed into the Girls Dorm without saying a word. Now it was just Y/N and Malfoy alone again. "Why are you such a bitch." Malfoy approached, Y/N tilted her body more and looked in his direction. Her legs dangled over the edge of the table as she lifted her head. "What do you mean." Her voice answered coldly. "That's what I mean." His voice grew more and more frustrated. "I don't know what you mean." She softened her eyes onto his and he stopped. He paused. His eyes were cold but grew warmer as she met them. "Just why must you always avoid me when we are here." He blinked. "At Hogwarts you turn a blind eye on me, yet when we are home with our families.. you write to me and you speak to me." 

"Maybe because you are a complete brat when you're here. You hate everyone." She cut in before he could speak any more. "You can't even tolerate any other houses and have such a dislike for me even speaking to them peacefully." He didn't answer. "You need to understand that it's totally okay for me to speak to them. I don't like them just as much as you do, but I actually respect them." She inhaled. "They are students here too."


"Well well well, look who's here." Draco chimed, looking down at Rom and Hermione. Y/N shook her head at him. "You two shopping for your dream home?" He smirked, rubbing his gloved hands together. He gestured to the Shrieking Shack behind them. "Seems a bit grand for you, Weasel-bee." Then his attention turned to Ron. "Don't your family all sleep in one room?" The boys began to chuckle at his comment. "Shut your mouth, Malfoy." Ron snarled at him, glaring. "Now that's not very friendly." He clicked his tongue. "Boys. I think we're going to have to teach Weasel-bee how to respect his superiors." 

"I hope you don't mean yourself." Hermione scoffed. "How dare you speak to me." Malfoy's attention shifted to her and she stepped one foot back with a scowl. "You filthy little mud-blood." He lifted his top lip a little in disgust before being hit by a snowball. "Who did that!" He looked around in confusion before being hit by two more. Ron and Hermione looked as confused as Y/N did. She moved from the opening to hiding behind a tree and settling beside it, out of view. "Well don't just stand there!" Malfoy shouted at the three boys standing behind him. They share a look before running forwards, towards Ron and Hermione. Both falling headfirst into the snow. Draco looked at them before slowly backing away. "Wait a minute!" He shouted, halting suddenly. "There's something out here." For a moment, he was standing, the next he was being kicked up the hill, sending him scrambling with Crabbe, Goyle and Pike behind him. Y/N watched with curiosity and a light giggle. 

The boys disappeared up the hill and she continued to watch and Hermione uncovered Harry in a Invisibility Cloak. "Bloody hell Harry! That was not funny!" Ron held his heart before the three burst into laughter, Hermione ruffled his hair a little as he tucked the cloak into a neat fold over his arm. She watched them wander away before getting up and rushing off into the direction she had seen Malfoy and the boys go. "Where have you been!" He scowled as she wandered down the side of the hill they had practically rolled down. "I was observing, something you'd never do." She brushed past his shoulder, shaking her head. 

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