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Y/N waved her wand as she locked her bedroom door. Her luggage sat by her feet and her owl sat on her arm. "Hurry now! Don't worry about your trunk darling." Camilla stood at the bottom of the stairs. "Come quickly Princess!" Matthew smiled up at her as she began to make her way down the stairs. As she got to the bottom her mother smiled at her. "You look wonderful." She motioned at her clothing. A long sleeve white bodysuit with a green / blue plaid skirt fitted to her waist. She followed her parents out through the door where Ombré took flight in the direction of Hogwarts. Her trunk was tucked into the Carriage already as she stepped up and through the door. A seeping warm tickled her skin as a lantern sat dangling from the top. The carriage was cushioned and bright. "Is this a new Carriage?" Y/N traced her finger along the golden lining against the window. "It is. We only want you to have the best." There was a whisper of sarcasm in her Father's voice as he spoke. She gripped her wand and stoked her finger against the wood. "Of course." She gave a slow and dry response before looking out the window as the Carriage left the Mansions gate.

A soft silence sifted across the weight of their shoulders as the wheels grazed across the roads. Her mind travelled from Hogwarts, her friends to the letters she had read. She then remembered the ring that Draco had sent to her. She fumbled around with the fabric on her skirt as she remembered the silver ring. She hadn't picked it out of the box. All she saw was the green diamonds say at the top. Placing a nail onto her mouth she zoned out from the surrounding. Why would Malfoy give her a ring? Out of everything, a ring? With the other, simpler gifts it made no sense. Unless he didn't get the ring for her, maybe he got the ring to trick her? Malfoy was like that sometimes. She rubbed her forehead as a hand was placed onto her shoulder. "Is everything okay Dear?" Camilla smiled softly and looked willingly onto Y/N's eyes. "Yes. I'm fine. Just curious as to what could happen this year." She replied digging deeper into her mothers eyes like a dog digging into mud. "Well, we are at The Station now. You will find out soon enough." She smiled at her daughter as the door clicked open and her parents left before her. She could hear a slight ring of chatter outside of the carriage.

She shuffled over the seats and stepped down onto the station. In front of her stood the Hogwarts Express. A chuff of smoke powdering out of the chimney. "Quickly dear. We will get your luggage into the train." Matthew smiled and Y/N smiled.
She turned to her trunk and slipped her hand onto a pocket. Taking the ring from inside and slipping onto the train. "Have fun!" Camilla waved and Y/N waved back with a forced smile before walking through the cabins. Most were already taken and full of different houses chatting together. She took a deep breath and continued walking down the hall as the train began to move. She held onto the handles trying to find a place to sit.

Getting close to the end of the first carriage she was stopped. Her eyes met sight of a now taller and slimmer Slytherin. His hair was looser and covered his head with a fringe. Her thumb rubbed the black box in her hand and she nodded. "Malfoy." She looked over at him and smiled a little. "Lloyd." He shut the door of a compartment he had just left. "I was about to come looking for you." His voice was cold but soft. He was dressed in a black suit. She studied him carefully and noticed a ring sat on his index finger. His eyes caught sight of the box in her hand. "You got my letters then?" He pointed to the box and she lifted it up. "About that.. you gave me a ring?" She stepped closer and clicked open the box. He nodded. "A gift from my mother." He looked away and sucked in his bottom lip for a second.

"She asked me to send it for her. Since I was already sending you letters and gifts." He took the box from her hand softly and pulled the ring from the box. It glittered in the shy light that glittered through the cabins. "Well, thank her for me." She smiled as the ring was slipped onto her finger. "Your mother picks out the best gifts." Y/N smiled as her finger studied the detailing on the ring. "Yes. She does." He paused before gulping. "I must talk to you." He pulled the door and placed the box onto the table before dragging it shut again. "Come then." She walked back into an empty seating area in the middle of the carriage. "Okay. What's so important?" She sat down and looked around as Malfoy lowered himself beside her very carefully. "Well.. I wanted to apologise for my outburst last year." He sounded confident and stared into Y/N's eyes. She studied the tie sitting on his shirt and nodded. "It's okay." She paused for a little.

"I understand you told me a few.. personal details. Yet I do not understand why you sparked that much. I know your Father, as you had told me, was a Death Eater. So was mine. We are quite alike Malfoy." She continued studying his tie before fixing it very slightly. "I'm sure it would do you no harm to trust somebody you've known for.. years." She tilted her head slightly and stood up. His hand gripped her wrist and pulled her back from walking. "I understand where you get the idea." He replied and let go of her wrist. "Yet I can not being myself to trust you yet." His voice was suddenly cold again.

The train grazed to a halt and the windows suddenly froze. Y/N, being stood was throw against a wall and slid onto the floor. "Ah!" She hissed rubbing her head before she was helped up by Malfoy. A train door was slid open and she stood frozen while death stared her right in the face. It crept closer before Malfoy pulled her again. It did not let go. She blinked a few times before slipping into a blackness and waking up in a cabin beside Iga. "What happened?" She murmured. "A Dementor happened.." Malfoy looked to the side from across the table. His leg brushed against hers and she gulped a little, becoming less dizzy and realising the disgusting face of Pansy looking at her. "Turn your eyes away from me Pug. You're going to make me pass out again." She spat at Parkinson and recognised the area outside of the train. "We are almost at Hogwarts." Milo rubbed Y/N's shoulder and she settled. Malfoy's leg rubbed her leg again and she looked up at him. He kept his head to the side.

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