• Departure •

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"Welcome to Hogwarts"

The night before was a little bit of a blur. Y/N looked over at the black bird. "Good morning Ombré." She smiled up at the bird as she sat, looking around she noticed the red fabric of the red dress laying folded on a ottoman. Ah yes, she had forgotten about Draco Malfoy, that annoying little twit. She got up and dressed ready to leave. Putting her hair up in a ribbon, wearing some light eye makeup and lipgloss with a outfit that shows off her family name. With a checkered, flowing skirt with a black long sleeve to tuck in. "Come now Ombré, into your cage. It's about time we go downstairs to go to Hogwarts." She lifted the black owl onto her arm and helped him through the door of the cage.

She picked up multiple papers from the side of her desk and placed them into her trunk. "I can't forget this." She lifted up the wand, not forgetting who made it so important as she nodded in amazement, still fascinated. She placed it into the hidden pocket of her skirt, beside her leg. Picking up the cage, and pushing the trunk out of the room. She spotted a photo on her bedside table, rushing back to pick it up. "Pixies." She looked up at the chandelier, the little glittering pixies looked down. "Care to help me carry these down the staircase?" They giggled and lifted the bird cage and trunk out of her grasp, helping her land them into the hallway by the front door. They brushed against her a little with giggles. "Oh thank you." She giggled, before seeing her parents at the door.

"Are you ready?" This morning, Matthew Lloyd was stood beside his wife. Camilla Lloyd. He wore a fancy, black suit and Camilla wore a flowing dress. "Yes, I'm ready." Y/N lifted her wand with a smile, twirling it lightly before putting it back. "Great! Come, get a seat in the carriage." Camilla smiled, reaching and holding Y/N's hand to walk out. "We will be riding to the platform with Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy and their only son. Draco Malfoy." That name, Draco. Y/N's excitement crumbled up slightly but she didn't know it. "Okay Father." She has only met Lucius and Draco at last nights dance, what was his mother like?

"Lloyd." Draco smirked from inside the carriage as she stepped in. "Malfoy." She replied bitterly, looking at him as she sat down beside her mother and opposite of him. She watched as her owl and trunk was lifted into the back of the carriage before her father stepped in at the other side, sitting opposite Lucius. They began speaking of work, Narcissa and Camilla started to talk of motherly things which only left Draco and Y/N in the middle.
Y/N rolled her eyes at Malfoy's attempt and getting eye contact and watched out the window beside her father. "Y/N." He hissed silently. She looked back at him, yet still avoiding his eyes. "Yes Malfoy?" She whispered back. He looked blank, thinking of what to say. "I just wanted to say the red dress you had on is bound to lead you into the wrong Hogwarts House." He smirked. "Every Slytherin knows that Red is the house of half-blood and mud bloods." He chuckled, with the same stupid smirk on his face. "Whatever Malfoy, you should be honoured to have danced with such a goddess." Y/N joked and smiled looking to the side and realising they were reasonably close to the station. "I'm joking, anyways. Why are you travelling with us?" She looked back at him, still avoiding his grey eyes. "My father said it would save us the struggle, seeing as we stayed the night at your mansion."

"You stayed at our mansion?"

"Of course. Don't you remember?" He laughed, that annoying smirk still plastered across his cheeks. "I remember, yes. I didn't know you stayed at the mansion." Y/N looked back at him, his hair was still the same style as yesterday. Was his aim to look like a blonde Dracula? "Anyways, I'm sure nothing important happened. I wasn't really paying attention. I just remember dancing, people talking and then going off to bed after everyone left. I thought your family had gone with them."

"Here we are." Lucius smiles at Matthew, it was the first time Y/N had seen a smile on that mans face. He frightened her just a little, knowing he was just recently released from Azkaban. Only the worst people go there. "Finally, I can't wait to hear all about your travels at Hogwarts." Matthew looked down at his daughter. Both men sat opposite each other had long canes in their hands. "I promised you, and I promise now. I will write to you as much as I can, Father." Y/N looked up at him as he let Lucius out first. Draco leading behind him. Narcissa and Camilla left on the other side of the carriage.

"Thank you, sweet child. Now I'll let you leave first." He smiled, allowing Y/N out of the carriage first before he followed. He handed her the ticket that was included in the letter she passed him. "Here you go. We will see to it that your luggage is safe." He cupped her cheek and gave her a last kiss on the head. "I will write to you often, my darling." Camilla hugged Y/N and smiled. "I promise." She added. "Of course, and I shall write back to you." Y/N smiled before hearing the train whistle. "I must go." She held both her parents hands one last time and nodded her goodbyes before turning and stepping up into the train.

She walked past many full compartments, people together and giggling. She got to the end of the carriage before being grabbed by the wrist and thrown down next to a brown hair girl. "Hello. You must be Y/N. My names Pansy. Pansy Parkinson." She lifted her hand to shake, Y/N nodded. Shaking the hand. "Yeah, my name is Y/N Lloyd." A boy across the table looked up. "THE Lloyd?" He eyed Y/N. "Yes, what's so special about my name?"

"What is so special?" Pansy chuckled. "Did you guys just hear that." She looked around, and to no surprise you realise it was the spoilt brat himself who dragged you in, Draco. Sat across from you "Lloyd's is one of the most powerful families." Pansy smiled. Y/N blinked. "Oh I know that, why is that so special?" The response shocked the girl and Malfoy, they looked at her, confused.

"I don't get it, Malfoy. Isn't your family as powerful as mine." She laughed, before realising. "Oh wait, that's right, mine has more power than yours." She joked. Malfoy could hear the sarcasm and smirked a little before shaking his head. "I suggest you get your robes on, rich girl. We should be arriving soon."

"I could say the same for you." Y/N replied, and with that she left the compartment to get ready.

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