• Potions •

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Everyone had already taken their seats. Of course, Malfoy sat himself between Crabbe and Goyle, before I stepped into the class with Pansy. She rushed off to the side when she spotted a group of girls. Y/N shook her head. Malfoy looked at her before turning to Crabbe and Goyle. "Hey." A girl sat at a desk just behind the wretched blonde beckoned me over. She gave her hand out to shake and showed me her robe. I did recognise her from in the common room last night. "The names Milliana, but call me Milo." I set my things down and smiled. "Y/N Lloyd." She smiled as we shook hands. Before we could say another word, Professor Snape burst through the door, gliding past all tables to the front. The door was left open, the sunlight draping through.

"There will be no silly wand waving" He started, then mumbled his way to the front. He continued talking and stopped, making eye contact with Malfoy for a few seconds before lifting his gaze up and staring into my eyes. I felt a little embarrassed and gave him a soft smile. He nodded and continued looking around the room. He grabbed his cloak and folded his arms, staring at Harry Potter who was hardly paying any attention. He slowed down as he lifted his head from his paper, looking at us both. "Mr Potter and Y/N Lloyd. Our new celebrities." He said sarcastically, I wanted to vomit. If the school saw me as a celebrity how was I to escape and relax alone?

"Tell me what would I get if I added Powdered root of Asphrodel to an infusion of worn wood?" He paused, Harry shook his head. I rolled my eyes. "You don't know? Well let's try again. Where, Mr.Potter would you look if I asked you to find me a Bezoar?" Again, the classroom fell silent and Harry shook his head. "I don't know Sir."

"What's the difference between Monkshood and Wolfsbane?"

"I don't know Sir."

"Pity. Clearly fame isn't everything, is it, Mr Potter?" Draco snickered and Snape's cold eyes traced up to my face. "Might you be able to tell me. Ms. Lloyd."

I shook my head and laughed. "You'd get a sleeping potion. So powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death." Pausing for a moment, Malfoy slowly began to turn around.

"You'd find a Bezoar in the stomach of a Goat, Sir." I felt the frustration burning off of Hermione. Obviously she wanted the points for answering the questions."

"Monkshood is the same plant as Wolfsbane, sir." Y/N looked up at the glaring Professor, his eyes lit up slightly. "10 points to Slytherin." Draco looked over with a smirk, for the first time I looked back at him kindly and smiled before he turned back around.


Soon after lessons, we all sat in the great hall. Pansy was chatting into Malfoy's ear and holding onto his arm. He shook her off multiple times but she found herself wrapped around him again. "Take it somewhere private, Pansy. Nobody wants to see this." Y/N spat, Pansy cowered and didn't give any snarky reply. She knew her place at least. A big flash happened on the Gryffindor table before Owls chirped and flew down through the open windows in the roof. "Mail is here." Pansy smiled.

Parcels, letters and more dropped down from the owls. I waited for Ombré and there he was, his glowing green eyes came and dropped two letters into my hands. One was written neatly, obviously Mother. The other had loopy and posh writing. Father. "I'll read them later when I have time to reply to both of them." I mutter, placing them into a pocket of my robe. "I'm going to head off. I'll see you next lesson." I grab my things and begin to leave when a hand grabs my wrist from across the table. "Where are you going?" Malfoy glares. Desperate to get away from Pansy.

"If I have the chance to escape from you and.." I lift my finger to circle around Pansy. "Pug face over here, I'm taking it. Have fun with your 'girlfriend' Malfoy." Y/N joked, leaving the table.

She made her way through the corridor and sat in her room again. Opening the letters separately.

Dear Y/N,

Oh how lovely to hear from you!
I knew you'd get into Slytherin.
Your Mother told me all about your letter.
A shame I didn't get to read it myself, I may have to look over it at some time.
I've been very busy, as usual I am at work most of the time, I can not wait to see you at Christmas.
The Malfoy's are holding a Christmas Party and we have been invited. I can not wait to show you the dress we have chosen for you.
Again we expect you to get along with Master Malfoy, he is after all in many of your classes.

Lots of love,
Matthew Lloyd (Father) x

She didn't really know what to say but opened her mother's letter to read. It couldn't be any worse than what her father had said.

Dear my darling, Y/N.

I was so happy to see Ombré come back with your letter. I told your Father all about what you had said. I'm so happy you are getting along with Draco. Your father will probably say the same, we have been invited to their Christmas party and as always, I have picked you a beautiful gown. I can't wait to show you.

Home is fine, I have Narcissa (Draco's mother) over quite a lot now. She's ever so lovely.

Camilla Lloyd xx

Her mouth dropped. Both her parents, in favour of Draco Malfoy? This was disastrous. She wasn't even remotely friends with the annoying brat. But what else could she do. Y/N stood back up and shook her head, Ombré was again perched beside her bed and chirped as she gave him a small pet. "I shall send you tomorrow morning with a new letter." She got up to leave, knowing she had a lesson about flying on a broom.

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