• Petrified •

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She was laid in a hospital bed, beside Hermione. A curtain separated the two. The first person who visited was Harry Potter, he sighed down and scratched his neck. "If only we knew what was causing this." He turned to Ron who was changing a vase of flowers beside Hermione's bed. "I don't know Harry, but come over here." He tutted as Milo and Iga entered the room. "Is she okay?" They looked over and Harry shrugged. "She's petrified. She can't speak or give us any sign of life. It's almost like she's a clay statue." He looked down before standing beside Granger and the two girls stood on opposite sides. Milo grabbed Y/N's hand and gave it a tight squeeze. "You'll be back soon, I know it."

"Milo, she can't hear you." Iga reached over and Milo began to cry. Y/N was desperate to break her silence and say something or give them a sign that she could hear them. "It's okay. She will be cured soon." They nodded at each other before placing down enchanted flowers that would bloom continuously. "I just wanted to bring these." Iga looked down at Y/N and frowned. "We need you back Y/N."

Soon after the two girls left, the day past slowly and only few people visited. As night fell the door clicked open and Malfoy pulled open the curtain slowly. "Y/N." His voice was soft and calm, yet concerned. He took a seat beside her and took her hand in his. "What happened to you." He looked over and frowned. His thumb did circles on the back of her hand before he pulled away from her again. "You missed so much today. Pansy wouldn't shut up. She was over the moon about you being gone for once."
He paused and looked down at Y/N with a sharp sigh. "You should've seen everyone, they've never wanted to hex her so much. Including me." His voice fainted to a slight whisper and she was tempted to jump up and show any sign of life. His words were hurting her in a soft way.

"Pansy had about six to eight wands held up to her. I was quite surprised to see some of the Gryffindor's doing it too." He scoffed. "Milo and Iga were the first to put her against the wall. Then I don't know what came over me but I raised mine and Crabbe and Goyle followed my lead." He explained as well as he could, tapping the side of the bed very softly. "Then the Gryffindor's came out of the great hall and she kept spitting insults about you, Potter and Granger raised their wants before that.. Quidditch Captain joined. Oliver Wood." Her heart jumped at the thought of Wood forgetting his house pride for a Slytherin. "Weasley dragged Potter and Granger away before they could speak but Wood had a few words of support to share.. he kind of threatened Pansy." He mumbled, before looking down at the ground. "Why am I telling you this?" He shook his head and dropped it into his hands. "You can't hear me. You're petrified." His thumbs rubbed his eyes softly as he stood up. Draco turned and left the room without saying another word.

Most nights Y/N was alone and her body would naturally shut off to go to sleep. She was tube-fed twice a day. Once in the morning and the other at night before curfew. It didn't really matter to Y/N if she was fed or not, after all it's not like she could feel her body. Everything felt numb, she couldn't feel her heart or mouth. She felt neither warm or cold. She just felt numb.

It felt as though months had gone past, even if it was a few weeks. Many students were sent home, especially the first years. A majority of second and third years chose to go home while the older students stayed to help protect the school. A few times she'd get visits from Harry when he visited Granger and often Malfoy during the night. The one who spent the most time by her side, telling her stories and making her more comfortable was Oliver Wood.

Wood came during early mornings, breaks and late nights. He's always make sure to enter Hermione's curtain and slip through the gap separating Y/N and Granger. Usually Wood was calm and kept his head up high as he sat on the seat beside her bed. "Afternoon Lloyd." He whispered, his hand took place in hers and he felt for her pulse. "Still alive I see." His head shook side to side sarcastically. "Quidditch was cancelled, did you know?" He looked around the ward. "It was Gryffindor against Hufflepuff. They tried to re-do the game after they cancelled first time. That's when they found you and Granger." He raised his wand and bloomed a butterfly from a blue enchanted flower that Milo and Iga had left for her. "Your friends are powerful witches to know a spell to keep flowers alive. Especially with everything going on around." He lifted his head slightly and watched the butterfly flutter. "They taught me that butterfly trick. I asked how you were and somehow I learnt how to make flower butterflies." His finger reached out and the butterfly landed, it's wings were made from the petals of the bluebells and it almost twinkled in the shallow light coming from the windows behind her bed. "I think their cute." It's little wings lifted again before sitting on a red rose.

"It reminds me of you, you only blossom in things you like and you have a aura. Apart from being in Slytherin, a good aura. You carry happiness on your shoulders Lloyd." Oliver chewed his bottom lip a little before lifting an eyebrow. "Just don't let anyone take that from you."

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