• Quidditch •

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I awoke again, early in the morning. Again letting Ombré our to deliver the letter I had written the night before. I made my way to the great hall. Again, Draco was sat in the Common room, this time Pansy was included in the group and he was pushing her off of him every two seconds. I laughed, leaving the common room before anyone could say anything to me. "What a joke." I shut the door with a click and bumped into another member of the Quidditch team who stopped me in the corridor. "Seeker?" It was a male voice. I turned to see a not so pleasant looking guy "Nice to meet you. I'm a Beater." His smiled crookedly. I nodded with a smile. "Nice to meet you. I'll see you soon to play I suppose." I shook his hand and smiled again before leaving. He chuckled before turning to his friends and I heard my name being called.

"Y/N! Y/N wait up." I turn to see Milo and Iga trotting through the corridor. "Hey guys!" They slow down to walk beside me and smile. "Where are you off to Seeker?" Milo joked. "I was going to sit in the Great Hall, watching Pugsy and Draco makes me want to vomit a thousand times." My comment makes Iga snicker a little. "I know what you mean. Goyle and Crabbe just sit there and stare blankly at it too, which makes it worse." Y/N nods in agreement with Iga. Milo adding in with the agreement.

"Well, Seeker. How are you feeling about your first game?"

"Pretty nervous. What if we lose? I'm flying against Harry freaking Potter." Y/N replies. Milo giggles. "If we don't win, don't worry. We won't hate you." She then pauses. "Neither will Draco." She wiggles her eyebrows slightly and laughs. "Excuse me. I don't like Draco. He can choke for all I care." I snap back with a giggle. "He acts like a Weasley but even worse."

Iga chuckles softly and Milo exchanges a look with her. They both then start to giggle, just enough for all three in the group to start laughing.
I grabbed the broom I had used in Madam Hooch's flying class and smiled. Spinning it in my fingers as I approached the Quidditch stand, I stood beside the captain who looked down at me and smiled. "Nervous?"

"Not in the slightest." I respond, not even looking up. "That's the spirit." The cover started to lift and as we mounted our brooms they cut in "Don't be afraid to play dirty." I look to the side a little as we all enter the clearing. I fly around a little, passing the Slytherin stand and giving a wave to Milo and Iga who cheered out and clapped. A little smile crept across my cheeks. I found my position in the middle next to Potter.

"Good luck Y/N." He shouts out before the announcer begins. "You too, Harry." Then moments after, the game begun. I raced off, leaving Harry behind me. He sat there and watched the game while I weaves between posts and other players, in the bottom of the stands and far to catch the golden Snitch. It was quite peaceful, just flying alone without anyone from the other team trying to get to you, that was until Harry snapped into the game and started to follow as the Snitch swerved past him, we were practically shoulder to shoulder. Yet we made no contact other than the accidental brush against each other to which I would always apologise for.

We were as daring as each other, diving in and out of places and turning corners that were written by the Snitch. At one point it went high up, I stayed under Harry, he was using the new Nimbus 2000. It was faster than the normal broom but I was somehow managing to keep up to pace, then the snitch hovered for a second and shot straight down. I shared a look with Harry, desperation was plastered in both of our eyes as the Snitch continued going further and further down. As we got closer to the ground I skidded to a halt and went forward, getting ahead of the Snitch some how and flipping upside down. Harry, of course, was standing on his broom. Reaching out. As my arm stretched out he fell forward and pulled me down. The Snitch disappeared and we tumbled to the floor, I rolled further than Harry and hit harder. I looked up from the floor in a grasp of pain, I hadn't broken anything luckily but saw Harry almost gagging. He spat out the Snitch and I sighed. Gryffindor had won the game. I look up at the Slytherin stand to see Iga and Milo smiling down at me on the floor, they gave me small well done signs and rushed out of the stand.

I saw the Gryffindor Captain get helped to his feet. When our captain said "Play dirty." I didn't think they meant break the other teams backs in half. How come the game didn't stop before? Everyone was watching, everyone saw everything that happened.
I made my way through the corridor, Milo and Iga by my sides. "Lloyd." I recognised that childish voice anywhere. Before I even turned, I sighed. "Malfoy." He stood before me with that stupid smile across his face. "You played pretty well today, Lloyd." I was a bit shocked, that had to be the first and only nice thing Malfoy had said to me this entire year. "Thanks Malfoy."

"Now meet me outside Hagrids tonight. Potter is up to something." Without Y/N could protest, Malfoy turned and walked off. "Are you going to do it?" Milo looked confused too. "I'm going to have to, there's no choice. He will get himself in trouble alone if I don't."

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