• Its killed meh- Its killed meh •

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Authors Note:
I apologise soo much for the long wait, I understand that it's been 4 months since the last chapter of this fic, I got really distracted and since college started up again I started having less and less time to focus on other things but I'm back now and ready to throw a few chapters out to you all!! Thank you so much for the patience!! <3

Also 23K reads?? Thank you so much<33

Y/N wriggled her wrist free from Draco's grip as soon as they got closer to the group. Pansy was nowhere to be seen just yet but she automatically felt uncomfortable just being near Crabbe and Goyle. They eyed Y/N up and down together and smirked. She felt a urge to throw up or run, maybe both. Hagrid appeared from a corner and waved for each group to follow "Come this way!" His voice was shallow and raspy but the usual, happy and healthy voice of Hagrid. Draco shared a look with Y/N as Pansy scurried over with a wide smile. "Dracy! You're finally here. We were so worried." She raised her arm to touch Draco's arm but he caught her wrist and squeezed lightly, she tried to pull her arm away and was thrown back, bumping into another crowd of students. "Don't call me Dracy." Draco scowled at Pansy and raised his eyebrow. His teeth clenched and he pouted in disgust. "Less talking if you don't mind." Hagrid cut through the crowds of students and Y/N's attention switched over to him. Her head lifted and as he pointed to our books. "And open your books to page 49." She looked down at the book in her hand and sighed as Malfoy responded. "Exactly how do we do that?" He examined the book, in attempt to figure out a way of opening it safely. "Just stroke the spine, of course." He turned his back slowly. "Goodness me."

Malfoy took a step back, raised his arm and stroked the spine of the book slowly before his eyes watched Y/N do the same very softly. Her head raised and after searching the eyes she felt watching her, she finally met with Draco's and shook her head as Neville Longbottom fell to the floor. The small group, including Pansy followed behind Y/N with Malfoy. "Don't be such a wimp, Longbottom." He stopped and looked down at Neville before meeting together with the group.  "I think they're funny." Hermione declared as she stood with her friends. Malfoy stood in the centre of the group at the roots of a great tree. "Oh yeah, terribly funny. Really witty." He snapped, staring into the direction of the mud blood girl. "God, this place has gone to the dogs." He crossed his arms as Harry looked at Y/N for some support. She looked at him for a little with a straight, emotionless face before shaking her head and giving a big sigh.

"Wait until my father hears that Dumbledoor has this great oath teaching classes." He smiled, turning away as Harry cut through the thin air. "Shut up Malfoy." He marched up to Draco and stopped half way. A chorus of "Ooo" surrounded the groups as Malfoy dropped his bag into Crabbe's hand and moved into the gathering, standing face to face to Harry. The two shared a moment of silence. Malfoy stood over Harry, wispy hair and smug face set down on the shorter, fluffy haired brunette. His eyes lit up as he began backing off, a face struck with fear as he stuttered, pointing up at the trees. "D- Dementor! Dementor!" Malfoy waved his finger up to the sky, stepping backwards. Harry and the other students all turned to check, all colour drained from Harry's cheeks and a roar of laughter erupted from the group of Slytherin. Y/N shook her head, leaning against the tree trunk as Malfoy approached, fist bumping someone with pride. "Cheer up Lloyd, what's got your nest tangled." He snickered.

"You tell me." Y/N snapped back, straightening herself up as Hagrid walked into the clearing. She tried moving forward but an arm crossed over her, Malfoy moved in and pinned her by the bark, a hand cupped her chin and held her face up to face his. "Listen, if your siding with Gryffindor.." He turned his head slightly as Hermione helped dust off Neville. "We might have a issue." He added, turning his head back and rubbing Y/N's cheek before she slapped his arm away. "Who I am involved with, does not concern you." She hissed. "As far as I'm aware, the only scum here is Slytherin. The way you guys act is disgusting." Y/N pushed his arm as an attempt to join the rest of the class but he pulled her in again. "Lloyd I don't know what's gotten into you but if either of our parents find out that you are associated with Gryffindor, they will raise all hell." His eyes filled with anger as his grip tightened.

"Malfoy.." She squirmed a little. "Your hurting me." She tried to shake him off and he pulled away quickly. "I didn't mean to but you must understand that they aren't good enough for your time." He turned, without another word to join the group. She was left at the back, rubbing her shoulder slightly before taking a hold of her book again. She joined the Slytherin group near the front, Malfoy of course stood in the centre of the lot. A green apple held in his hand as he took a bite. She shook her head a little, leaning over the rock with her arms and watching Hagrid talk about the Hippogriff with pride. Soon, she began to drift off into another world. "Now who would like to come and say hello?"

The class stepped back, leaving her and Harry near the front. "Well done Y/N and Harry! Well done." She snapped out of it at the call of her name and looked up. "Huh.." She looked behind her and Malfoy nodded, ushering her to go towards Hagrid. Shaking her head slightly, she wandered around the rock and stood beside Harry. He was also tall, especially against her. She wasn't the biggest, even Hermione was taller than her, her height.. it made everyone look tall. Hagrid set rules and walked the two through greeting Buckbeak, he clapped and cheered afterwards.

"I think he might just let you ride him now." Hagrid smiled.

"What." Harry and Y/N shared a look, and with no time the two were being helped up onto the Hippogriff's back. Two fluttering wings by her side. She held onto Harry's sides very lightly as he held onto the feathers around his neck. With a little tap, Buckbeak began galloping and set of soaring into the sky. Out of the trees and away from the class, away from the noise and especially away from Malfoy. Buckbeak glided, carrying the two effortlessly along the clouds before diving a little towards the water and glazing over, cutting the surface very softly. Y/N reached down and stroked her finger along the water. It was cold, fresh and left a long, repeating ripple dancing across the surface. Harry gave a cheer and spread out his arms and she smiled, giving a light giggle as Buckbeak flapped his wings again, lifting up from the approaching bank and circled back towards the opening where the class stood, waiting. The second the hooves connected with the floor again, the class cheered and Hagrid's face was covered with a wide, adoring smile. "Well done! Y/N and Harry! Well done Buckbeak!" He threw the Hippogriff some food to reward and pulled Harry to the side, Malfoy approaching from behind. "Looking good Lloyd, how was your flight?" He mocked, with a side smile. "It was okay, thanks Malfoy." She looked him up and down, there was something else he wanted but she couldn't tell what it was. "All cozied up beside Potter, how adorable." He smirked, leaving Y/N speechless for a moment. "I'll have you know I barely touched him while he was-" He raised his hand to hush her and moved to the side as Buckbeak approached again. "Your not dangerous at all are you, you great ugly brute!" He raised his arm with pride, reaching forward as Buckbeak reared and knocked down the pretty boy.

"It's killed me! It's killed me!" He curled on the floor, rolling over while holding a small.. scratch on his arm. "Malfoy that's a scratch.." Y/N knelt down and offered her arm out as Hagrid scooped him up. "Oh your going to regret this!" Whimpered Malfoy. "You and your bloody chicken!"

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