• Happy Birthday •

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Y/N watched out of the window as the unicorn clicked up the drive of the Lloyd Mansion. She watched the bright garden pass by her eyes. The E/C orbs catching every colour in front of them as they went past in full bloom. The garden pixies glittered around, small but magical. As the carriage was pulled to a stop, she looked at the wand sat in her lap. "You never told me about my wand." She looked her father up and down, he frowned and hugged Y/N. "It slipped my mind, come. I'll tell you all about it as your mother sets up your dressing room." His arm  reached out to help her from the carriage, the other hand holding the black owl in the cage. "Oh, Camilla. As you go up. Place our darlings now owl in her room." He kissed her cheek as she took the cage, the bags around her flying past her full of whatever she had bought for Y/N.

"Now, that wand." He pointed with a smile as the Goblin left to park the carriage. "That wand is special to the Lloyd name. We were always wondering who would hold it." He opened the door, allowing Y/N to enter first. As he pulled the door shut he continued. "It was created by your great, great, great grandfather." He took a pause as Camilla descended from the stairs with a smile. "Hankerton Humble." She smiled, getting to the bottom of the staircase. "He is from my side of the family. They say the witch or wizard who holds the wand is chosen to carry the family to greatness alone."

"Hankerton Humble?" Y/N looked down at her wand, embracing the medium weight of it. "So it chose me. Out of all of the descendants it could have picked.. why me?"

"Because you, my little witch." Matthew smiled. "You are amazing. Your my daughter and we always knew you were special, from the day you were born." He wrapped his arm around Camilla and smiled wider, their family couldn't have been closer at this point, her mother opened her arms and welcomes Y/N into the hug that lasted a little before she was kissed on the forehead. "Quickly, head upstairs and see the new dress I got you. The party guests will begin to arrive very soon.

You nodded, rushing upstairs carefully, the chandelier you had left before was still glittering. As Y/N approached her room, she heard the little chirps and flutters of the owl she had got earlier. Latching onto the door handle, it was clicked open and before her stood the magnificent dress she had been watching through the window of a dress shop for months.

Beside it, lay some red heels and a silver necklace beside silver earrings

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Beside it, lay some red heels and a silver necklace beside silver earrings. The owl you had picked out fluttered to your shoulder and nuzzled into your cheek. "I never named you." Y/N smiled, stroking the owls feathers softly. "How does Ombré sound?" Her attention turned from the bright, red flowing dress to the dark bird with bright green eyes beside her. It chirped and nuzzled again. "I suppose you like that name, don't you." The owl chirped again before fluttering away towards the perch beside the window that her mother must have bought for him.

"Well, Ombré I suppose you are my new friend. Until I meet new people at Hogwarts." Y/N smiled as she changed into her dress, fixing her hair up into a loose up-do. Two strands left at the front that were in a lose, wavy curl. All that was left to do was her makeup. She sat carefully, a soft glam makeup look with a light, peachy red lip. She added mascara and a small wing of eyeliner.

"How do I look, Ombré." She turned, slipping on her heels and looked at the owl. It's eyes glistened, squawking with approval before making a almost purring sound. She smiled, before realising she heard music and people chattering downstairs. "Y/N!" Camilla summoned from the bottom of the stairs. "I'm coming." The door was opened again and Y/N lifted both sides of her dress up to help her walk, she began descending the stairs, a group of close friends and family friends stood around watching. Feeling a little flustered, she smiled. Her heels clicked against the stairs. "There she is, the Birthday girl." Her fathers voice boomed, ushering everyone but two into the ball room. "Y/N dear. This is Mr.Malfoy."

He looked beside him at the man she had seen earlier before she got into the carriage. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Lloyd." His skin was pale, he took her hand and gave it a light peck before stepping back a little. "This, is my son. Draco, introduce yourself." A boy, similar height with slicked back blonde hair stepped forward. His face with a wide smirk. "The name is Draco Malfoy." He held out his hand." Y/N watched him curiously. "Y/N Lloyd, it's very nice to meet you Malfoy." She took his hand, expecting to shake it. Yet he pulled her forward and kissed the knuckles. "Shall we go." Matthew was stood at the door, pointing into the giant room where people had started to dance with their partners. Malfoy offered his arm to Y/N and smirked. She took it and shook her head, following her parents and Mr.Malfoy with his son by her side into the great hall.

"I'd like to raise a toast, before the dancing continues." Camilla stood beside Matthew, who held up a crystal glass full of white wine. "Today, we celebrate the great and bright witch before us." He pointed towards Y/N with a smile. "She not only holds the wand made by a powerful wizard, but she holds our hearts and our respects." He added. "And although she wears a gorgeous red dress on this night, we hope she carry on the legacy of the Lloyd name and be placed in Slytherin." The families around clapped and cheered. "Happy Birthday to my dearest, Y/N M/N Lloyd." With that, the hall erupted with clapping and the kitchen doors closed as drinks and fancy treats were passed around on a tray. Music began playing and Y/N was dragged into the middle of the floor by none other than the annoying brat before her. "Care to dance?" He said, taking her hand and placing his other by her waist. She clearly didn't have a choice. "Of course, Master Malfoy."

He twirled her around a little and his mission seemed to only annoy her. "My father says he saw you today, picking up your wand and owl." The danced in a circle around the centre of the room, surrounded by other adults who watched them and chattered to themselves. "It is true. Yet I know only his second name." Y/N blinked with a blank expression. Her annoyance towards Malfoy was growing by the second. "My fathers name is Lucius. You must have heard of him." He smirked, obviously boasting of his fathers position at the ministry. "I haven't, sorry to say. If I'm honest to you Malfoy, the job my father has with your father does not interest me." She huffed. Leaning over a little to whisper. "Anyways, didn't he just get back from Azkaban?" This struck anger into Malfoy as he hissed back at her "Don't speak of my fathers past, girl." He glared into Y/N's eyes yet having no eye contact back. She stared right through him. It was obvious she knew who was more important.

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