part 1

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I woke up to see white walls around me, dull air mingled with the odour of medicines. I felt daggers stabbed into my head. It was hard to even lift my hand. Why was I feeling so weak? My blurry vision stabilized slowly making me see clearly. I analyzed the room I had been sleeping in. I am in a hospital? .I slowly gathered energy to change my posture from sleeping to sitting. Only Straightening my spine took every ounce of energy I had at that moment. It felt like doing 100 push-ups. 

The room was empty. Sound of rain drops crashing against the glass window was the only thing I could hear which was disturbing me for unknown reasons. It was cold and a little dark. I was starting to feel creepy. Uneasiness was getting to me so I thought of turning the lights on. For that purpose I tried to move my body but it was no good. I couldn't move my legs even a bit. Why isn't somebody here and wait a second why am I even here. Who am I.

I couldn't recall anything. The fact that I was alone in that room was annoying me. Was there no one who cared about me. The more time I spent there in that monotonous space after waking up the more it creeped me out. The atmosphere was menacing, the sound of continuous rain, the loneliness, the lack of warmth. I don't know why I felt like I needed someone to save me but there was no one around. I placed my hands on my ears to avoid hearing the annoying noise of rain. 

I closed my eyes, breathing heavily. I woke up in such a lame way. Suddenly I felt the ground under me a little shaky, soon I discovered why as I saw a crack crawling up the wall in front of me. "make this stop" I screamed at the top of my lungs when finally the door to my room opened and a nurse came in followed by the doctor. They both had a happy yet panicked expression imprinted on their faces. I calmed down at the sight of them,the cracking of the wall slowed down too. So, maybe it was my quirk. Trying to catch a breath, I spoke in a terrified voice "Who am I?". 

I was scared of a heavy downpour, I couldn't get lamer. I woke up I don't know who am I. I have no one to check up on me and when I scream doctor and nurse come running intead of my one true love who was supposed to look sad as I say I don't know him. Damn no spice at all. What a dry life had I been living.

"Miss y/n you finally woke up" the doctor said with a smile. 

The nurse turned the lights on while the doctor checked my heart rate. Presence of someone in the room finally put me at ease. I straightened my spine coughing a bit. "For how long have I been unconscious?" 

"You were in a coma for one whole year. Your body parts might feel stiff since they haven't been moving for a while. Nothing to worry about, you'd be moving just fine in one month with some physiotherapy" he paused and handed me some medicines brought by the nurse. "Take these, are you experiencing a headache?"

"yes" I said, feeling a burning sensation in my eye due to sudden exposure to light. I passed one year sleeping in my tracks. What a great year indeed. Why did I even wake up for God's sake.

"Do you remember who you are or anything about yourself or anyone close to you"

"I do not" I shook my head.

"Do not worry. You should be happy that you made it through. Take things slowly. This is the stage of post traumatic amnesia as you had a major brain injury. Your memories might return through a trigger but like I said take things slowly. For now just relax"

"Did anyone come to see me?" I said playing with my fingers, quite unsure of what to do with my alive self.

"Yes one friend of yours came every evening. We called her she'll be here soon"

I sighed, somewhat happily that I wasn't alone. I can deduct from that little information that I had no parents since by any chance if I did, they would've come to see me at least once. I looked blankly at the empty space in the corner. A hand reached out to me with something in it, I could sense it. "Take a look at yourself" The doctor said, handing me a hand mirror.

I grabbed it weakly, lifting it up slightly. I peered at my reflection. For a moment I paused. Had I been this beautiful since the beginning?. I examined my visage more carefully and I saw a big scar on my forehead, it was almost covered by hair and wasn't visible. I flicked my hairs to get a better look at it. "That's where you hit your head" the doctor spoke. I looked at him blankly and then again at my reflection. 

{ps - this is my fanfic and you're beautiful ;-)}

The doctor slowly stood up from the stool he was sitting on, "I shall attend to other patients now. I leave you with nurse. You can ask her about the rest of the things you want to know about" he advanced towards the door leaving me with the nurse. 

She slowly came up to me with a bright smile. She held a phone in her hands, she gave it to me and then sitting on the stool beside me she spoke "This used to be yours. Though it's locked and not even your friend knows the password"

I held the device in my hands gaping at the lock screen wallpaper, trying to make some sense out of it but again it was no good. Why did I just put a black aesthetic wallpaper? A photo with friends or someone I knew must've helped. I clearly didn't think of the possibilities the future might hold. I made a mental note of putting a photo with someone close to me as a wallpaper once I am able to access my phone, but wait what if I forgot it. I demanded a pen and a notepad from the nurse. I wrote in my wobbly handwriting the first thing I'll do once I get some memories back.

Then I turned my head to her as to calm my nerves which were screaming inside me, wondering why was I even here. "What exactly happened to me one year ago?"

"Your car crashed into a truck while younwere taking a turn. your car was destroyed. You had major injuries when you were brought here. Your right shoulder was dislocated and the left hand was broken. There were bruises all over your body. Your legs were saved by airbags luckily but your face was all covered in blood. The injury on your head was serious for which surgery had to be done, the main reason behind your current state. It's truly a miracle that you survived" she gave me a smile as if trying to convey that she witnessed my duel with death and wanted me to win.

"Was I rash driving?" I mumbled 

"Yes, you were going very fast and it was raining, you tried to take a sharp turn at such great speed. Your car slipped on wet roads". Well that explains why I was afraid of rain few minutes ago. Maybe I am not so lame after all.

But also I am here due to my own dumb fucking self. How much I've disappointed myself in just 1 hour is scary. Why did I even return to this miserable land of living. I would've just chilled in hell.

The lady sitting by me probably read the expression on my face. She continued speaking "Don't over think things now. You're alive and well and I must admit it you're strong. Most patients go insane after waking up"

Maybe most patients have the same thoughts as me I understand them, I really do.

I trailed my thoughts off at her words uttering softly "Thank you miss" I smiled. The silence fell again . "Y/n" out of nowhere a high pitched sound filled my ears. My body took a screenshot. I looked in the direction of the door and saw a lady with blonde hair, wearing a green body fit costume standing over there.

I didn't know her but she must be my friend. At least I had a really gorgeous friend.

She looked really happy, her eyes were filled upto the brim. Which even I could tell from such a distance. She blinked and two tears rolled down her cheeks. Her genuine look of pure care towards me warmed my heart. That was what I needed when I woke up. I got it late but at least I got it. I smiled at her uttering "I lived".


It will get better :-)

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