part 21

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I woke up to a strange feeling of metal stabbing my head and also there was a slight weight on top of my head. It felt like I was sleeping in some warehouse.

As sleep started to disappear from my consciousness. I felt warmth around my waist.

I observed the metal against my head was because I was sleeping on Dabi's shoulder and he had his head positioned upon mine, peacefully sleeping. He held me so tightly against him and miraculously I was on the window seat!!

I moved my head causing his resting head to fall and thus, woke him up. His hand was holding me too close to him to the point of squeezing the life out of me.

He shook off his sleep, his fingers moving against my waist sending tingles to my stomach.

I tried to act all cool and unaffected, mimicking him looking out of the window earlier. It was good unless the blush on my cheeks was really showing.

"Oh you're awake y/n" he took some strands of my hair in his hands.

It caused me to turn to look at him frantically, "W-what are you doing!?"

"You look red, do you have a fever?" he raised his eyebrows, putting his forehead on mine to check.

Ugh! It was so messed up. Who the hell does that? I was a mess and I didn't even know how to act normal.

"Go away! I don't have a fever or anything. At least check with your hand" I said, backing away and pulling that one hand of his which is always around my waist.

"Ou-ouch don't pull my hands, those staples are real" he said only to tighten his hold more.

"It wouldn't happen if you let me go in the first place."

"What happened y/n are you still mad at me. Look I even gave you the window seat"

I frowned, wondering what's gotten into him all of a sudden or was he always this considerate towards me and I was just ignorant.

He brought his face near my ear and whispered, "Don't make that face, I told the guy beside me we're together. He is looking at us. Just do as I say"

"Well, that wasn't even necessary. Why do you do such things" I whispered yelled.

"I suspect he's bounty hunter or something"

A flash of my miserable future among Endeavour, Miko and Hawks appeared before my eyes, "Oh!! you really think so" I raised my eyebrows in surprise peeking from his shoulder to have a look at the blonde,"He doesn't look like it though"

"Ah! You don't understand" he ruffled my hair.

My heart hammered in my chest.

"Hey don't look at him that much he'd suspect us" he said blocking my view. In reality I was avoiding making eye contact with Dabi.

He did everything so randomly, like he was used to it and there I was with my heart hammering at his minor gestures.

It was like I wanted to put distance and closeness between us at the same time...

My eyes casually got back to looking out of the window and I saw tall buildings with small lights illuminated all over them. It was beautiful. My hand reached out to Dabi almost like I was used to it, "Hey look outside, it's so beautiful" I said smiling.

But wait!!

Why did I do that ? I wanted to jump off a cliff. Why would I randomly call him to look at a beautiful scene. It was so strange and embarrassing. I thought he'd find it strange too.

But instead,

I felt a hand grab my shoulder and his face came beside mine from behind, "Yes, it's nice" He said nodding.

I stared at him blankly for a moment, I was startled. I wanted to ask him directly if he found it strange but his eyes gleamed with hope or that's what it looked like to me. I thought it'd kill the moment so I just went with it.

But I really wanted to ask him...

Not only that but too many questions.

Too many of them...

But all I did around him was do unusual things which felt usual. Forget about everything I am living for and just go with the moment.

I often thought about asking him things but words wouldn't come out of my mouth. I was scared that his answer would not match the one I had in mind.

He made me scared, flustered and made me wonder about so many things I haven't.

I only wished he was that way only with me.

We both kept looking out of the window pretending to be a lovey dovey couple. He kept me in his arms. Maybe that's what he did to other women.

No wonder he was wanted by them.

Women are strange creatures. Smallest of gestures are enough for us to make us feel loved.

The announcement on train made it clear that the next station would be Musutafu. I didn't want to face any of my acquaintances.

But I looked at my palm and had a fleeting thought of what Rei must be doing nowadays.

Not only her but also, shoto, natsu and fuyumi. I didn't get to spend more time with them. The short span I spent with them showed that we were close.

I wished I could've spent more time with them. Maybe even my memories would've returned.

We got off on Musutafu station and thus the train journey I didn't want to end had ended.

God knows when would I see Dabi's unusual side again because when we got off....

He seemed determined and back to his cold self again but on the top of all that, he seemed distant.

All the amusement in me vanished as I smelled the familiar scent of air there. The tension and darkness because of which I had potentially lost the memories of the major years of my life. It all hit hard.

I didn't want to be there.

I looked around and realized I was following Dabi's lead and among the crowd I lost him. I panicked looking around in fear. I didn't know when someone would recognize me and push me back to that forced life.

A hand grabbed mine all of a sudden

But I was relaxed to see it was having metal piercings.

"Y/n this is not the time to space out, follow me and don't let go of my hand" he said appearing among the chatter-patter of crowd.

His every word went into my ears defined and distinguished.

I nodded with a sense of relief.

If I ever get lost in the crowd he'd come back looking for me.

But isn't it because I serve a purpose to him??

I guess I'll find out when I'll see in detail, what exactly is he like with other girls.

Afterall He told me I would have to wear dresses wasn't he?!


Sorry for the short chapter...

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