part 3

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I'll update twice or thrice a week for now because my exams are postponed and I have all the time in the world. ^_^


"Don't die yet sweetie" two familiar voices spoke. 

With a flash everything disappeared, I opened my eyes closing them straight away, sunlight was brightly upon my face entering through the window. I lifted my hand to block the sun rays. It was morning already, I remember I passed out in the evening yesterday. I rubbed my eyes looking sideways, I saw Miko who fell asleep resting her head on my bed. 

She was probably waiting for me to wake up. 

I couldn't help smiling. I slowly moved my body So I don't give a jerk and wake her up. Until she woke up, which was after 30 minutes, I looked outside the window. There was nothing so interesting about the view outside. There were just some trees and a road through which few vehicles passed at intervals. From the second floor of the hospital, I was constantly looking out. It was a pretty interesting view if you ask a person who just opened their eyes after one goddamn year. 

I felt a hand moving a little around my stomach. Seems like my dear friend was awake now. I smiled brightly turning my head towards her. "Morning sunshine" I giggled. 

She snapped looking at me. "I was supposed to look after you but looks like I kinda passed out." she scratched the back of her neck. 

"Oh you don't need to. See, I am as fresh as Daisy" I said proudly. 

"Did you brush your teeth?" 

The sense of triumph in me dissapeared "Err....... I mean not yet since my leg serve no purpose for now"

"That is exactly why I am here" now it was her turn to be proud. 

She then placed dear me on a wheelchair and helped me brush, eat and dress. She even took pictures of me. We giggled together as she told me our funny memories. After being with me for a few hours, she again got a call from the pro hero she was working under, again screaming at her which marked the end of my time with her. It was pretty boring without her. 

Although she told me to scroll or watch something on the phone if I feel bored or just call her but honestly I didn't feel like gazing at the screen just after I woke up. I wanted to feel my surroundings and know about myself, My eyes noticed the notepad leaning out of the drawer, and yes also know about certain other things. I took it out, my dream clicked to me. It sure had something to do with my previous self. 

I wrote down the fourth thing in it, the 'turquoise eyes'. Although I saw it in a dream but to me the dream made sense. Like earlier, I put a hyphen after it

Someone with turquoise eyes saved me from falling.

It was a pretty weird dream like how can someone catch me like that when I am falling from such a great height. I then tried to make more sense out of it, for instance those two voices which told me not to die sounded really polite and caring. One was a man's voice and the second was a woman's voice. It must've been my parents.

I can't remember the faces and voices of my mom and dad. What a hell of a daughter I am. 

I again stared at the notepad for a few seconds trying to connect the dots. My beloved 'T' and then turquoise eyes. They can be connected if 'T' is a person. I couldn't remember how Miko mentioned the 'T' earlier when we were talking. goddammit. There was it, the dead end. I tossed the notepad aside in disappointment.


The Nurse came into my room during midday to inform me that my physiotherapy would start today. Actually I was looking forward to it for the last two hours.

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