part 7

433 17 18

This chapter is more like Touya x reader

I hope you enjoy it :-)


"I really don't care, I wanna see it" I folded my hands in front of my chest.

"Okay then! You asked for it. Follow me" she led me to that little door, holding a shiny silver key in her hands. She put the key into lock and it clicked open.

The door slowly opened inwards revealing the absolute darkness on the other side. It was actually a basement. There was a short wooden staircase which disappeared into the darkness as it went downstairs.

"There you have it" Miko said looking at me, I didn't return the look. I was too occupied peering into the darkness, where the remnants of my life were, if I don't ever get my memory back, I'll have to keep looking at them until they make more sense to me.

On top of that, I have no fucking idea what might be down there because I for my part knew very well that I had a far more interesting life than the one I was told I had. Everyone is hiding some or the other thing from me and it's the worst feeling ever. I've just woken up and I find out I can't trust anyone here. They all hide things from me, the things which were once a part of my life, things I have experienced first hand, things I should know, I have all rights to know them.

"This will take time, you can go if you want to. I know you got to go for your hero work" I said blankly looking at her.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you?"

"I am. I'll call you if I want to talk to you" I nodded.

"And what if something in there works as emotional trigger and you get your memories back and you get a severe headache, you-"

"Worst case scenario. I'll lie in there unconscious for few hours and as soon as I wake up I'll call you"

"That's really assuring, I feel so less worried about you now" she said sarcastically. "Whatever happens, just don't die," she sighed.

"I will try," I said.

I reassured her that I'd call her if anything happens. She agreed and left. I accompanied her to the door and locked it. I wouldn't want any villain to enter my house while I lie unconscious down there now, would I?

I took a deep breath and directed my steps towards the basement. "I am gonna do it, I am brave, I can do this, C'mon they're just a couple of pictures and things. It's all in the past. I won't be affected" I mumbled as I stepped inside the room.

I leisurely reached for the switch and turned the lights on. The light was pretty dim and yellowish. It shone upon all the cardboard boxes, shelves with photo albums and Cd cases. Each box had something written on it with bold letters. The room was thronging with all that stuff. There was so much to go through. Everything shone with a dull glint under the dim yellow bulb. I bent a little to read what the letters written over each box said. It looked like I wrote all that, it was my handwriting.

Mom and dad

My childhood


My achievements



Things I received from him

I couldn't decide which box to open first. I straightened my spine and went over to the shelves where photo albums and CDs were placed. I took some CDs and examined them. Some of them had nothing written over them. Some of them had something written over them in my handwriting. Gradually going through each one of them, I found out a different handwriting.

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