part 11

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It was dark, utterly dark.

"Don't rub your eyes" a voice commanded gently. 

It was addressed to me. Apparently I was rubbing my eyes, the burning sensation from earlier wouldn't go. 

"But my eyes are burning in hell," I said, rubbing incessantly.

"Don't do that" my hands were pulled off by someone.

Light entered the field of my vision and I squinted. Before me was sitting Toya. Alive and well. 


"I think I told you not to rub your eyes," he said with a dissatisfied tone. "If you keep on doing it, your eyes will turn red."

I did nothing but solely blink at him. 

"You're okay. Where were you all this time?" I said twisting my wrists to get out of his firm hold. 

"Here, let me help you." he said, coming closer to me. 

Was he even listening to what I just said? 

He came closer and closer to me. Killing what little distance we had between us. His hold around my wrists loosened, slowly letting them go. 

He lifted his hands to my face, placing his fingers around my eyes. Blowing cool air tenderly into my eyes. 

I felt heat rise up to my cheeks. It had to be a mirage, he was not there. He was not there. I knew he was not there.

"There! blink again and tell me is it still burning?" His hands dropped from my eyes to my neck. 

I did as he said, the burning sensation was gone. "It's gone."

"I told you" he smiled and kissed my forehead. 

"How are you here?" 

"I'm not"  he shrugged. 

"You're literally standing here right before me!" I said pressing my index finger on his chest. 

He shook his head distancing himself from me. "I am not."

I followed him, it was too early for him to move away from me, I wanted to hold him. I blinked and he disappeared. I was in my house. We were in my house. He was there a second ago and a second is all it took for him to disappear. 

"Touya?" I once again opened my eyes, this time to see that I was lying on a bed which was not so familiar. 

"So you finally decided to wake up after 2 days" an exceptionally rich voice echoed. 

My vision was not stable, everything was spinning and my head was throbbing. The lack of light wasn't providing much of a help. It took a moment for me to register that foreign voice. 

I had been sleeping for two goddamn days!? I sat up straight, my muscles ached from the effort. Sound of chains clanking reverberated through the room as I moved, they were tying up my hands to the headboard. 

 "Don't bother using your quirk. It'd only disappoint you" the same voice again. 

He was right, my quirk won't activate. Something was preventing it. "Who are you? What did you do to me? Why did you kidnap me?" 

"That's a lot of questions.... Who I am is none of your business but you can call me 'Dabi'. I just placed a little something on you to keep your quirk in check and I kidnapped you because you serve a purpose to me" he said in a very steady voice. 

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