part 29

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When he looked at me again his eyes were gleaming perfect turquoise. 

I held my breath. Maybe I knew. Maybe there had been my intuition knocking on the door and I kept shutting it out to avoid the very truth.

Now that everything I had forgotten was back in its place. I knew better, that there was so much wrong with the current situation. He had been avoiding me before the last few months of the tragedy that happened, after spending so much of his time with me, after making promises he said he wouldn't break. He was an absolute ghost. 

To the point I began to question what we were. 

I remember the night I drove to him when I heard the fire engulf the ground. I wasn't driving recklessly for no reason.

To be honest everything I felt at that moment was a blur and a mix of so many things. I didn't understand it myself. 

We had been quiet for a few minutes. His eyes looked hopeful, like he expected me to say something and I stood silent as a rock. I saw him for him, the first time. His smile, that he gave me when I was receiving student of the year of general studies at U.A . His scars. His eyes.

Everything about him was very important to me but I hadn't felt the same energy from him and even if he could've been able to give me that again. I felt like.. 

It was too late. 

While I was looking at someone I wanted to look at, I was also looking at someone I shouldn't have. He wasn't the boyish boy that I loved. I was looking at a renowned villain who challenged Endeavor.

He wasn't Touya. He might be, but more than Touya, he was Dabi. 

The truth I had to remind myself of. I hit the biggest realization of how ignorant I had been. I was practically in the league of villains. Something I shouldn't have done. 

I didn't particularly like heroes but there was no reason for me to be a part of a villain organization. I suddenly felt embarrassed recalling all the things I did in the span of two months. 

"Y/n?" he asked in a tone of genuine questioning, "Are you okay?" 

"Yes," I blurted. 

He brought his hands forward in the way to hold my elbows. I flinched and he probably observed it because I saw his eyes widen a bit. 

"Are you sure, you're breathing heavily," he seemed concerned. 

Everything that was happening, I hated it. 

"I gained my memories and… I think I need some time to process them" 

His eyes widened even more, he was silent for a few seconds and then maybe he found the words, "I know you have a lot of questions and really, I can explain. I came back-"

"Can we talk about that later? I just need some air" I couldn't keep my face straight and I didn't even sugar coat my words. 

I turned away from him walking towards the main gate, I felt his stare on my back but I didn't sense any movement, he knew I needed space and I really appreciated that he understood it. I walked where a fountain was placed. Tiny droplets of water mingled into the air and sprayed in the direction I was approaching. I wanted to be silent for a while. I needed to process what I'd been doing without having knowledge of the past and taking everything for granted. 

It was a starry night, I could see the constellations. I was also cringing at my actions and I bit my lips due to the overwhelming feeling. The void in my chest pushed me to the edge, I could break at any given time. 

I suddenly felt a figure closing the distance towards me and I'd assumed it was no other than Touya. I shook my head in disappointment blurting, "I….I need some alone time-" 

He grabbed my hand and I snapped, "I told you I need-" and after I turned I wish I hadn't. I wish I had run so fast to point my lungs burnt because the one holding my hand wasn't good news.

In moonlight and dim warm lights radiating from the main gate shone the red silky wings of keigo. I remembered him now, all too well. Now that my memories were back. 

At that point I wasn't thinking about him though, who I was thinking about was.. 


I left him standing alone in the crowd and he was probably waiting for me to come back but I knew from the way hawks looked down at me. I wasn't going back to him. I wasn't walking through that gate into the celebration again. 

I stood silently with a blank stare of nothingness. He looked a bit amused though, "I was expecting to see you here" he murmured. 

"I wasn't" 

"I don't care," he said bluntly. "I didn't know kidnapped were allowed to attend parties"

"They do" I stated.

"This could be between us if you come with me right now" 

I flinched looking in the direction I left Touya alone in. I really wasn't going to walk that way again. A sharp pain rose in my chest, "come where?" I asked even though I knew.

"My agency" he mentioned. 

I knew that was going to happen too. I had to separate my ways from Dabi's one day and it happened to have come but I wanted to talk to him before we parted ways. I had no idea what I had talked about but I just wanted to see him. I just wanted it to be a better goodbye than the last one. God really didn't like me. 

"I never said no" I looked him in the eye and he smirked. 

The pain in my chest was deepening more with the realization that I was not going to show up and he was waiting for me. 

Hawks stepped closer to be his one arm rose curling around my waist tightly. "Bid your friends goodbye" 

I shot him a look, "There are no friends here" 

He raised an eyebrow in disbelief, "I doubt that"

"I am not clearing your doubts just take me home"

He nodded his head slightly smirking and finally made use of the wings attached on his back. Up high in the sky I saw the lights becoming smaller and smaller until they faded. I missed him already but I think this was the end. 

I couldn't keep on like that. I had no business with him or endeavor or any of them. I'd just move on with my life as usual, none of them really treated me any better. 


I know this is short and a big plot twist but consider this an interlude... Kind of. I promise this will stay Dabi x reader. Hawks is just not.... Main character Sorry boo.😔

Also I'm aliveeee:)

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