part 14

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That's it he had crossed it. I summoned all my energy to show him I was not fragile. 

I got up on my feet swinging like a pendulum but that doesn't matter, what mattered was, I was on my feet without falling. 

The next thing I needed to do was walk. 

I took one step without stumbling

Second step, stumbling a little. 

Third step, stumbling a bit more. 

Fourth step, I barely managed not to fall. 

Gosh! I took a break. I walked four ass steps by myself. Wasn't it enough to prove my point? 

He was still leaning on the door frame, looking amused by my actions. He was really enjoying it. 

Screw him. I'll show him I don't need his help. 

I walked two more steps again managing just not to fall, with that, I was standing right in between him and the bed. 

It was at that moment I put my thoughts into it. Why was he even telling me to get up? He uttered the right words to pump me up and I fell right into a trap. I could either defy him and go back to bed or go to him to find out what was up. 

I made my decision. 

I will defy him and walk back to bed. I wasn't going to do whatever he said. My eyes caught a glimpse of his standing figure, His hands were dug into his pockets and he was looking at me. His black hair shining along with his staples due to the light entering through the window. 

He was exceptionally hot. 

He was not afraid to look right into my eyes. He didn't even flinch. He didn't even blink. Like it was very normal, not awkward at all, it was only natural to look into a stranger's eyes whom you just kidnapped. As for me, I felt the same. My eyes weren't blinking either. 

My legs betrayed me, starting to move in his direction. 

I should've been exorcised. Something was possessing me. My body was moving on its own. I had no control over my actions. 

I wondered what did he do with a mere gaze, was he manipulating me? Was it the power of his dark eyes that controlled me? I didn't wanna find out because trying to find sense would ruin things. 

I took my first step towards him successfully.

While taking the second step, I got even more lost in his intimidating eyes that my focus was scattered. My ankle twisted and I landed on my butt. 

It hurted. 

"Ouch" I groaned in pain rubbing my butt, I snapped back, was I really going towards him!?

I tried standing up, again landing on my butt second time. My ankle got sprained, it wasn't helping me to keep up my non-fragile appearance. 

This time it hurted even more. 

My eyes were fixed on the marble floor below because they weren't ready to see the look-I-was-right expression imprinted on his face. He was probably still standing there without bothering about my condition. 

Such ungentlemanly dick behavior. 

My gaze wandered here and there around the room, slowly reaching up to glance at his face. 

As expected he was looking down on me with Oh so proud eyes. I wanted to prove him wrong so bad. I moved my gaze down to the ground again, trying to get up for the third time. 

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