part 31

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“The efficiency of interns has surely risen,” Endeavour said, nodding , staring at the reports. “no doubt you were top general studies student”

I don’t know, these past few weeks have been hectic, almost felt like a dream. I was completely numb and the only driving force that served me was coffee two times a day. Hawks had been calling me, trying to reach me by whatever means possible. I am trying my hardest to keep my sane and based on that. what Endeavour said made me proud of myself.

“Thank you” I said.

He placed the report on his desk returning his eyes to me with a look that was different than the ones he gave me before. “Y/n did I give you too much work. You seem not okay”

It took me sometime to register his words. I was not used to this Endeavour. I zoned out for few seconds and he kept staring blankly at me for some answers maybe. “oh……….not at all, it's just…”

I didn’t know what to say. It's just hard? Your son is alive? Your son will not come back to you or to me even if he’s alive? I didn’t know.

“It's just..?” he questioned.

“It's just a bit overwhelming returning back to normal” I forced a smile out of me.

“Oh! If there is any way I could help, let me know” he said, relaxing in his seat.

I nodded and left. No sooner did my feet hit the ground of the street, a text popped up.

Keigo: C’mon y/n don’t be like that.

Me: like what?

Keigo: You've been ignoring me since you’ve returned. Did I do something?

Me: No it’s not that. Can you just leave me alone for a few days?

Keigo: I will but I’ve been telling you there’s something important I want to talk to you about.

Me: tell me now

Hawks: not over text. Can we meet? I promise I will leave you alone after this.

I sighed out loud. Why were the smallest things exhausting. I wanted to just get it over with.

Me: Fine. I just left Endeavour’s office.

Hawks: Perfect, I'll be there in a few minutes.

I kept walking. He’d find out where I am from up above, plus I couldn’t imagine what this important thing was that we so importantly needed to talk about. Giving him another chance? Or is he coming with a marriage proposal.

“Hey stranger,” I heard a voice from behind.

I turned around and found him standing right there with wings peeking out, as cool as ever “be less dramatic” I scoffed.

Reminiscence [Dabi X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now