part 25

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Fifteen minutes of silence. It seemed like everyone had left.

I peeped out, "There's nobody outside I'm sure of it. I think we can get out of here now"

"Are you sure?"

I nodded.

"Absolutely no one?"


His tone sounded unhappy to me, "Okay then let's get out of here...... It's too cramped anyway" he quietly opened the door letting me out.

What did he mean by 'too cramped' he made it seem like I was a burden to him when it was otherwise. I am positive he had a really good time with his perverted thoughts.

"What do you mean by cramped?" I pouted, "What exactly are you implying?"

I was standing straight on my feet with my head bent a little to watch hik come out of the closet, "What did you say?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"You said it was too cramped, is that how you really feel?" I spoke a little loudly, folding my hands.

"Well, it was...wasn't it?" he asked in genuine confusion, "And no need to shout I'm standing right in front of the way y/n. Are you not feeling well because your cheeks are really red"

I lifted my hands to cover my cheeks, "Is that so!..... But to tell you the truth I'm perfectly fine" I threw him a grin.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me in a corner giving a strong jerk to every organ of my body, "Y/n the shot you took earlier. There was lemon mixed with it right?"

"What lemon?" I made a puzzled face, "What do you want with lemons?" I laughed like a 5 year old kid who has been told a bad joke but it's still funny to him.

"Y/n lower your voice.......don't shout" he pressed his hand on my mouth looking right and left attentively. "If there's someone present here they'd take you away from me. Would you like that?"

"Why are you giving me warnings like you give to a five year old. You're not my babysitter." I cried in exasperation, pouting and frowning at the same time.

"I'm not but you sure behave like one when you're drunk," he said, quickly tightening his hold on my wrist and pulling me as he walked.

I struggled to maintain my balance, not four steps had we walked and he already observed it turning behind, "Y/n this is my slowest speed, can you do me a favour and not stumble on my back with every step you take"

I saw two of them talking to me, I rubbed my temple as I tried to figure out which one of them was the real one. Underworld sure was scary, "Okay, the two of you. On whose back do I keep falling?" I asked, it's better to clear things up.

They both looked at each other in an irksome way running their fingers on their foreheads. It was impressive to see how much they were in sync.

"Who else is here? You keep falling on my back" Both of them pointed at themselves with both of their hands like it was obvious.

I got lost and kept moving my index finger from left to right in uncertainty. "Whose exactly!?"

"Forget it we don't have time for it" one of them marched towards me and before I could figure out which one the whole world turned upside down and I could no more see what was happening. The next thing I knew was, I was carried by him in bridal style.

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