part 19

346 15 14

He handed me my phone I didn't know the password to. 

"I'm not sure if I could use it," I said. 


"Because to use it, one should first know it's lock first"

He didn't say anything after it. It was his speechless moment. Why did he expect me to know the password in the first place? 

"I know it" he managed to say after a long pause of wondering on his side. 

"Oh! What is it? but wait did you say you know it!?!!!??"  I widened my eyes in surprise. "Are you sure because even my friend didn't know about it?"

"Yes just hand me your phone"

I took the phone out of my pocket in hurry and curiosity. I was about to hand him but then I gave my hand a backward jerk. 

"You might know some trick or you might pull something if I hand you. You tell me, I type the password." I found it hard to believe him and I thought odds were 90% he didn't know it. He might've found a way to hack it. In the end, Yes I was curious.

He threw me a look "We don't really have the time for your stupid experiments just hand me the damn phone"

Ouch, was there a need to do that, "No" I said stubbornly "You tell me the password or forget about the whole thing" 

Did I strike a nerve? There was silence. A silence before a storm?

"Fine" he sighed, "it's 0412" 

I stood there staring right at him, so I didn't strike a nerve, "Go on" he pointed at the phone. 

I put the numbers he said


I honestly didn't think it was gonna work. 


Was he mocking me by picking random numbers? 


It's alright next digit and then the moment of truth. 


No way!! 

The phone was in my hands, unlocked!!

I gulped, "No way!!! It's open. How come you know it and nobody else does. Tell me what did you do? Were you hacking it? I bet you have my pictures too. You pervert" I shouted. 

There was just silence from his side. 

"I'm not coming with you okay?! I am gonna stay here" I said moving towards my bag. 

I lifted it, only 1 inch I guess and then I placed it down again. God it was heavy!! What was I thinking about? putting so many things in it at 3 am. My body was too thin to lift it. 

He was not looking at me, he was looking the other way. 

I guess I still had time until he looked towards me. I tried lifting three times. No luck. 

I was looking like a stick trying to lift a hippo if it makes sense. 

I stood there, hands folded. "You go I'm not coming" I blurted.

When he'd go away I'd drag the bag inside. 

"Go on, lift it," He scoffed.

Reminiscence [Dabi X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now